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* Represents a HTTP-request, including a URL that is tokenised for parsing, and a request method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE).
* This is used by {@link RequestHandlingData} objects to decide what to do.
* The intention is that a single HTTPRequest object can be passed from one object to another, each object calling
* match() to get the information that they need out of the URL. This is generally handled by
* {@link RequestHandlingData::handleRequest()}.
* @todo Accept X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE http header and $_REQUEST['_method'] to override request types (useful for webclients
* not supporting PUT and DELETE)
class HTTPRequest extends Object implements ArrayAccess {
* The non-extension parts of the URL, separated by "/"
protected $dirParts;
* The URL extension
protected $extension;
protected $httpMethod;
protected $getVars = array();
protected $postVars = array();
* HTTP Headers like "Content-Type: text/xml"
* @see
* @var array
protected $headers = array();
* Raw HTTP body, used by PUT and POST requests.
* @var string
protected $body;
protected $allParams = array();
protected $latestParams = array();
protected $unshiftedButParsedParts = 0;
function isGET() {
return $this->httpMethod == 'GET';
function isPOST() {
return $this->httpMethod == 'POST';
function isPUT() {
return $this->httpMethod == 'PUT';
function isDELETE() {
return $this->httpMethod == 'DELETE';
function setBody($body) {
$this->body = $body;
function getBody() {
return $this->body;
function getVars() {
return $this->getVars;
function postVars() {
return $this->postVars;
function requestVars() {
return array_merge($this->getVars, $this->postVars);
function getVar($name) {
if(isset($this->getVars[$name])) return $this->getVars[$name];
function postVar($name) {
if(isset($this->postVars[$name])) return $this->postVars[$name];
function requestVar($name) {
if(isset($this->postVars[$name])) return $this->postVars[$name];
if(isset($this->getVars[$name])) return $this->getVars[$name];
function getExtension() {
return $this->extension;
* Add a HTTP header to the response, replacing any header of the same name.
* @param string $header Example: "Content-Type"
* @param string $value Example: "text/xml"
function addHeader($header, $value) {
$this->headers[$header] = $value;
* @return array
function getHeaders() {
return $this->headers;
* Remove an existing HTTP header
* @param string $header
function getHeader($header) {
return (isset($this->headers[$header])) ? $this->headers[$header] : null;
* Remove an existing HTTP header by its name,
* e.g. "Content-Type".
* @param string $header
function removeHeader($header) {
if(isset($this->headers[$header])) unset($this->headers[$header]);
* Enables the existence of a key-value pair in the request to be checked using
* array syntax, so isset($request['title']) will check for $_POST['title'] and $_GET['title]
* @param unknown_type $offset
* @return boolean
function offsetExists($offset) {
if(isset($this->postVars[$offset])) return true;
if(isset($this->getVars[$offset])) return true;
return false;
* Access a request variable using array syntax. eg: $request['title'] instead of $request->postVar('title')
* @param unknown_type $offset
* @return unknown
function offsetGet($offset) {
return $this->requestVar($offset);
* @ignore
function offsetSet($offset, $value) {}
* @ignore
function offsetUnset($offset) {}
* Construct a HTTPRequest from a URL relative to the site root.
function __construct($httpMethod, $url, $getVars = array(), $postVars = array(), $body = null) {
$this->httpMethod = $httpMethod;
$url = preg_replace(array('/\/+/','/^\//', '/\/$/'),array('/','',''), $url);
if(preg_match('/^(.*)\.([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)$/', $url, $matches)) {
$url = $matches[1];
$this->extension = $matches[2];
if($url) $this->dirParts = split('/+', $url);
else $this->dirParts = array();
$this->getVars = (array)$getVars;
$this->postVars = (array)$postVars;
$this->body = $body;
* Matches a URL pattern
* The pattern can contain a number of segments, separted by / (and an extension indicated by a .)
* The parts can be either literals, or, if they start with a $ they are interpreted as variables.
* - Literals must be provided in order to match
* - $Variables are optional
* - However, if you put ! at the end of a variable, then it becomes mandatory.
* For example:
* - admin/crm/list will match admin/crm/$Action/$ID/$OtherID, but it won't match admin/crm/$Action!/$ClassName!
* The pattern can optionally start with an HTTP method and a space. For example, "POST $Controller/$Action".
* This is used to define a rule that only matches on a specific HTTP method.
function match($pattern, $shiftOnSuccess = false) {
// Check if a specific method is required
if(preg_match('/^([A-Za-z]+) +(.*)$/', $pattern, $matches)) {
$requiredMethod = $matches[1];
if($requiredMethod != $this->httpMethod) return false;
// If we get this far, we can match the URL pattern as usual.
$pattern = $matches[2];
// Special case for the root URL controller
if(!$pattern) {
return ($this->dirParts == array()) ? array('Matched' => true) : false;
// Check for the '//' marker that represents the "shifting point"
$doubleSlashPoint = strpos($pattern, '//');
if($doubleSlashPoint !== false) {
$shiftCount = substr_count($pattern, '/', 0, $doubleSlashPoint) + 1;
$pattern = str_replace('//', '/', $pattern);
$patternParts = explode('/', $pattern);
} else {
$patternParts = explode('/', $pattern);
$shiftCount = sizeof($patternParts);
$matched = true;
$arguments = array();
foreach($patternParts as $i => $part) {
$part = trim($part);
// Match a variable
if(isset($part[0]) && $part[0] == '$') {
// A variable ending in ! is required
if(substr($part,-1) == '!') {
$varRequired = true;
$varName = substr($part,1,-1);
} else {
$varRequired = false;
$varName = substr($part,1);
// Fail if a required variable isn't populated
if($varRequired && !isset($this->dirParts[$i])) return false;
$arguments[$varName] = isset($this->dirParts[$i]) ? $this->dirParts[$i] : null;
if($part == '$Controller' && !class_exists($arguments['Controller'])) {
return false;
// Literal parts must always be there
} else if(!isset($this->dirParts[$i]) || $this->dirParts[$i] != $part) {
return false;
if($shiftOnSuccess) {
// We keep track of pattern parts that we looked at but didn't shift off.
// This lets us say that we have *parsed* the whole URL even when we haven't *shifted* it all
$this->unshiftedButParsedParts = sizeof($patternParts) - $shiftCount;
$this->latestParams = $arguments;
// Load the arguments that actually have a value into $this->allParams
// This ensures that previous values aren't overridden with blanks
foreach($arguments as $k => $v) {
if($v || !isset($this->allParams[$k])) $this->allParams[$k] = $v;
if($arguments === array()) $arguments['_matched'] = true;
return $arguments;
function allParams() {
return $this->allParams;
function latestParams() {
return $this->latestParams;
function latestParam($name) {
return $this->latestParams[$name];
return null;
function param($name) {
return $this->allParams[$name];
return null;
function remaining() {
return implode("/", $this->dirParts);
* Returns true if this is a URL that will match without shifting off any of the URL.
* This is used by the request handler to prevent infinite parsing loops.
function isEmptyPattern($pattern) {
if(preg_match('/^([A-Za-z]+) +(.*)$/', $pattern, $matches)) {
$pattern = $matches[2];
if(trim($pattern) == "") return true;
* Shift one or more parts off the beginning of the URL.
* If you specify shifting more than 1 item off, then the items will be returned as an array
function shift($count = 1) {
if($count == 1) return array_shift($this->dirParts);
else for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) $return[] = array_shift($this->dirParts);
* Returns true if the URL has been completely parsed.
* This will respect parsed but unshifted directory parts.
function allParsed() {
return sizeof($this->dirParts) <= $this->unshiftedButParsedParts;