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* SilverStripe-variant of the "gettext" tool:
* Parses the string content of all PHP-files and SilverStripe templates
* for ocurrences of the _t() translation method. Also uses the {@link i18nEntityProvider}
* interface to get dynamically defined entities by executing the
* {@link provideI18nEntities()} method on all implementors of this interface.
* Collects all found entities (and their natural language text for the default locale)
* into language-files for each module in an array notation. Creates or overwrites these files,
* e.g. framework/lang/en_US.php.
* The collector needs to be run whenever you make new translatable
* entities available. Please don't alter the arrays in language tables manually.
* Usage through URL: http://localhost/dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask
* Usage through URL (module-specific): http://localhost/dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask/?module=mymodule
* Usage on CLI: sake dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask
* Usage on CLI (module-specific): sake dev/tasks/i18nTextCollectorTask module=mymodule
* Requires PHP 5.1+ due to class_implements() limitations
* @author Bernat Foj Capell <>
* @author Ingo Schommer <>
* @package framework
* @subpackage i18n
* @uses i18nEntityProvider
* @uses i18n
class i18nTextCollector extends Object {
protected $defaultLocale;
* @var string $basePath The directory base on which the collector should act.
* Usually the webroot set through {@link Director::baseFolder()}.
* @todo Fully support changing of basePath through {@link SSViewer} and {@link ManifestBuilder}
public $basePath;
* @var string $baseSavePath The directory base on which the collector should create new lang folders and files.
* Usually the webroot set through {@link Director::baseFolder()}.
* Can be overwritten for testing or export purposes.
* @todo Fully support changing of baseSavePath through {@link SSViewer} and {@link ManifestBuilder}
public $baseSavePath;
* @param $locale
function __construct($locale = null) {
$this->defaultLocale = ($locale) ? $locale : i18n::default_locale();
$this->basePath = Director::baseFolder();
$this->baseSavePath = Director::baseFolder();
* This is the main method to build the master string tables with the original strings.
* It will search for existent modules that use the i18n feature, parse the _t() calls
* and write the resultant files in the lang folder of each module.
* @uses DataObject->collectI18nStatics()
* @param array $restrictToModules
public function run($restrictToModules = null) {
//Debug::message("Collecting text...", false);
$modules = array();
$themeFolders = array();
// A master string tables array (one mst per module)
$entitiesByModule = array();
//Search for and process existent modules, or use the passed one instead
if($restrictToModules && count($restrictToModules)) {
foreach($restrictToModules as $restrictToModule) {
$modules[] = basename($restrictToModule);
} else {
$modules = scandir($this->basePath);
foreach($modules as $index => $module){
if($module != 'themes') continue;
else {
$themes = scandir($this->basePath."/themes");
foreach($themes as $theme) {
if(is_dir($this->basePath."/themes/".$theme) && substr($theme,0,1) != '.' && is_dir($this->basePath."/themes/".$theme."/templates")){
$themeFolders[] = 'themes/'.$theme;
$themesInd = $index;
if(isset($themesInd)) {
$modules = array_merge($modules, $themeFolders);
foreach($modules as $module) {
// Only search for calls in folder with a _config.php file (which means they are modules, including themes folder)
$isValidModuleFolder = (
&& is_file("$this->basePath/$module/_config.php")
&& substr($module,0,1) != '.'
) || (
substr($module,0,7) == 'themes/'
&& is_dir("$this->basePath/$module")
if(!$isValidModuleFolder) continue;
// we store the master string tables
$processedEntities = $this->processModule($module);
if(isset($entitiesByModule[$module])) {
$entitiesByModule[$module] = array_merge_recursive($entitiesByModule[$module], $processedEntities);
} else {
$entitiesByModule[$module] = $processedEntities;
// extract all entities for "foreign" modules (fourth argument)
foreach($entitiesByModule[$module] as $fullName => $spec) {
if(isset($spec[3]) && $spec[3] && $spec[3] != $module) {
$othermodule = $spec[3];
if(!isset($entitiesByModule[$othermodule])) $entitiesByModule[$othermodule] = array();
$entitiesByModule[$othermodule][$fullName] = $spec;
// Write the generated master string tables
//Debug::message("Done!", false);
* Build the module's master string table
* @param string $module Module's name or 'themes'
protected function processModule($module) {
$entitiesArr = array();
//Debug::message("Processing Module '{$module}'", false);
// Search for calls in code files if these exists
if(is_dir("$this->basePath/$module/code")) {
$fileList = $this->getFilesRecursive("$this->basePath/$module/code");
} else if($module == FRAMEWORK_DIR || substr($module, 0, 7) == 'themes/') {
// framework doesn't have the usual module structure, so we'll scan all subfolders
$fileList = $this->getFilesRecursive("$this->basePath/$module");
foreach($fileList as $filePath) {
// exclude ss-templates, they're scanned separately
if(substr($filePath,-3) == 'php') {
$content = file_get_contents($filePath);
$entitiesArr = array_merge($entitiesArr,(array)$this->collectFromCode($content, $module));
$entitiesArr = array_merge($entitiesArr, (array)$this->collectFromEntityProviders($filePath, $module));
// Search for calls in template files if these exists
if(is_dir("$this->basePath/$module/templates")) {
$fileList = $this->getFilesRecursive("$this->basePath/$module/templates");
foreach($fileList as $index => $filePath) {
$content = file_get_contents($filePath);
// templates use their filename as a namespace
$namespace = basename($filePath);
$entitiesArr = array_merge($entitiesArr, (array)$this->collectFromTemplate($content, $module, $namespace));
// sort for easier lookup and comparison with translated files
return $entitiesArr;
public function collectFromCode($content, $module) {
$entitiesArr = array();
2012-02-27 22:14:02 +01:00
$regexRule = '#_t[[:space:]]*\(' .
'[[:space:]]*("[^"]*"|\\\'[^\']*\\\')[[:space:]]*,' . // namespace.entity
'[[:space:]]*(("([^"]|\\\")*"|\'([^\']|\\\\\')*\')' . // value
'([[:space:]]*\\.[[:space:]]*("([^"]|\\\")*"|\'([^\']|\\\\\')*\'))*)' . // concatenations
'([[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*[^,)]*)?([[:space:]]*,' . // priority (optional)
'[[:space:]]*("([^"]|\\\")*"|\'([^\']|\\\\\')*\'))?[[:space:]]*' . // comment (optional)
2012-02-27 22:14:02 +01:00
while (preg_match($regexRule, $content, $regs)) {
$entitiesArr = array_merge($entitiesArr, (array)$this->entitySpecFromRegexMatches($regs));
// remove parsed content to continue while() loop
$content = str_replace($regs[0],"",$content);
return $entitiesArr;
public function collectFromTemplate($content, $module, $fileName) {
$entitiesArr = array();
// Search for included templates
preg_match_all('/<' . '% include +([A-Za-z0-9_]+) +%' . '>/', $content, $regs, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach($regs as $reg) {
$includeName = $reg[1];
$includeFileName = "{$includeName}.ss";
$filePath = SSViewer::getTemplateFileByType($includeName, 'Includes');
if(!$filePath) $filePath = SSViewer::getTemplateFileByType($includeName, 'main');
if($filePath) {
$includeContent = file_get_contents($filePath);
$entitiesArr = array_merge($entitiesArr,(array)$this->collectFromTemplate($includeContent, $module, $includeFileName));
// @todo Will get massively confused if you include the includer -> infinite loop
// @todo respect template tags (< % _t() % > instead of _t())
2012-02-27 22:14:02 +01:00
$regexRule = '#_t[[:space:]]*\(' .
'[[:space:]]*("[^"]*"|\\\'[^\']*\\\')[[:space:]]*,' . // namespace.entity
'[[:space:]]*(("([^"]|\\\")*"|\'([^\']|\\\\\')*\')' . // value
'([[:space:]]*\\.[[:space:]]*("([^"]|\\\")*"|\'([^\']|\\\\\')*\'))*)' . // concatenations
'([[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*[^,)]*)?([[:space:]]*,' . // priority (optional)
'[[:space:]]*("([^"]|\\\")*"|\'([^\']|\\\\\')*\'))?[[:space:]]*' . // comment (optional)
2012-02-27 22:14:02 +01:00
while (preg_match($regexRule,$content,$regs)) {
$entitiesArr = array_merge($entitiesArr,(array)$this->entitySpecFromRegexMatches($regs, $fileName));
// remove parsed content to continue while() loop
$content = str_replace($regs[0],"",$content);
return $entitiesArr;
* @uses i18nEntityProvider
function collectFromEntityProviders($filePath) {
$entitiesArr = array();
$classes = ClassInfo::classes_for_file($filePath);
if($classes) foreach($classes as $class) {
// Not all classes can be instanciated without mandatory arguments,
// so entity collection doesn't work for all SilverStripe classes currently
// Requires PHP 5.1+
if(class_exists($class) && in_array('i18nEntityProvider', class_implements($class))) {
$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($class);
if($reflectionClass->isAbstract()) continue;
$obj = singleton($class);
$entitiesArr = array_merge($entitiesArr,(array)$obj->provideI18nEntities());
return $entitiesArr;
* @todo Fix regexes so the deletion of quotes, commas and newlines from wrong matches isn't necessary
protected function entitySpecFromRegexMatches($regs, $_namespace = null) {
// remove wrapping quotes
$fullName = substr($regs[1],1,-1);
// split fullname into entity parts
$entityParts = explode('.', $fullName);
if(count($entityParts) > 1) {
// templates don't have a custom namespace
$entity = array_pop($entityParts);
// namespace might contain dots, so we explode
$namespace = implode('.',$entityParts);
} else {
$entity = array_pop($entityParts);
$namespace = $_namespace;
// If a dollar sign is used in the entity name,
// we can't resolve without running the method,
// and skip the processing. This is mostly used for
// dynamically translating static properties, e.g. looping
// through $db, which are detected by {@link collectFromEntityProviders}.
if(strpos('$', $entity) !== FALSE) return false;
// remove wrapping quotes
$value = !empty($regs[2]) ? substr($regs[2],1,-1) : null;
$value = preg_replace("#([^\\\\])['\"][[:space:]]*\.[[:space:]]*['\"]#", '\\1', $value);
// only escape quotes when wrapped in double quotes, to make them safe for insertion
// into single-quoted PHP code. If they're wrapped in single quotes, the string should
// be properly escaped already
if(substr($regs[2],0,1) == '"') {
// Double quotes don't need escaping
$value = str_replace('\\"','"', $value);
// But single quotes do
$value = str_replace("'","\\'", $value);
// remove starting comma and any newlines
$eol = PHP_EOL;
$prio = !empty($regs[10]) ? trim(preg_replace("/$eol/", '', substr($regs[10],1))) : null;
// remove wrapping quotes
$comment = !empty($regs[12]) ? substr($regs[12],1,-1) : null;
return array(
"{$namespace}.{$entity}" => array(
* Input for langArrayCodeForEntitySpec() should be suitable for insertion
* into single-quoted strings, so needs to be escaped already.
* @param string $entity The entity name, e.g. CMSMain.BUTTONSAVE
public function langArrayCodeForEntitySpec($entityFullName, $entitySpec) {
$php = '';
$eol = PHP_EOL;
$entityParts = explode('.', $entityFullName);
if(count($entityParts) > 1) {
// templates don't have a custom namespace
$entity = array_pop($entityParts);
// namespace might contain dots, so we implode back
$namespace = implode('.',$entityParts);
} else {
user_error("i18nTextCollector::langArrayCodeForEntitySpec(): Wrong entity format for $entityFullName with values" . var_export($entitySpec, true), E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$value = $entitySpec[0];
$prio = (isset($entitySpec[1])) ? addcslashes($entitySpec[1],'\'') : null;
$comment = (isset($entitySpec[2])) ? addcslashes($entitySpec[2],'\'') : null;
$php .= '$lang[\'' . $this->defaultLocale . '\'][\'' . $namespace . '\'][\'' . $entity . '\'] = ';
if ($prio) {
$php .= "array($eol\t'" . $value . "',$eol\t" . $prio;
if ($comment) {
$php .= ",$eol\t'" . $comment . '\'';
$php .= "$eol);";
} else {
$php .= '\'' . $value . '\';';
$php .= "$eol";
return $php;
* Write the master string table of every processed module
protected function writeMasterStringFile($entitiesByModule) {
// Write each module language file
if($entitiesByModule) foreach($entitiesByModule as $module => $entities) {
$php = '';
$eol = PHP_EOL;
// Create folder for lang files
$langFolder = $this->baseSavePath . '/' . $module . '/lang';
if(!file_exists($langFolder)) {
Filesystem::makeFolder($langFolder, Filesystem::$folder_create_mask);
touch($langFolder . '/_manifest_exclude');
// Open the English file and write the Master String Table
$langFile = $langFolder . '/' . $this->defaultLocale . '.php';
if($fh = fopen($langFile, "w")) {
if($entities) foreach($entities as $fullName => $spec) {
$php .= $this->langArrayCodeForEntitySpec($fullName, $spec);
// test for valid PHP syntax by eval'ing it
} catch(Exception $e) {
user_error('i18nTextCollector->writeMasterStringFile(): Invalid PHP language file. Error: ' . $e->toString(), E_USER_ERROR);
fwrite($fh, "<"."?php{$eol}{$eol}global \$lang;{$eol}{$eol}" . $php . "{$eol}");
//Debug::message("Created file: $langFolder/" . $this->defaultLocale . ".php", false);
} else {
user_error("Cannot write language file! Please check permissions of $langFolder/" . $this->defaultLocale . ".php", E_USER_ERROR);
* Helper function that searches for potential files to be parsed
* @param string $folder base directory to scan (will scan recursively)
* @param array $fileList Array where potential files will be added to
protected function getFilesRecursive($folder, &$fileList = null) {
if(!$fileList) $fileList = array();
$items = scandir($folder);
$isValidFolder = (
!in_array('_manifest_exclude', $items)
&& !preg_match('/\/tests$/', $folder)
if($items && $isValidFolder) foreach($items as $item) {
if(substr($item,0,1) == '.') continue;
if(substr($item,-4) == '.php') $fileList[substr($item,0,-4)] = "$folder/$item";
else if(substr($item,-3) == '.ss') $fileList[$item] = "$folder/$item";
else if(is_dir("$folder/$item")) $this->getFilesRecursive("$folder/$item", $fileList);
return $fileList;
public function getDefaultLocale() {
return $this->defaultLocale;
public function setDefaultLocale($locale) {
$this->defaultLocale = $locale;