*`Object::has_extension()` and `Object::add_extension()` deprecated in favour of using late static binding, please use `{class}::has_extension()` and `{class}::add_extension()` instead, where {class} is the class name of your DataObject class.
* Removed `SiteTree.MetaTitle` and `SiteTree.MetaKeywords` since they are irrelevant in terms of SEO ([1](http://www.seomoz.org/learn-seo/title-tag), [2](http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/keywords-meta-tag-in-web-search/)) and general page informancy
* Removed CMS permission checks from `File->canEdit()` and `File->canDelete()`. If you have unsecured controllers relying on these permissions, please override them through a `DataExtension`.