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// JSpec - Core - Copyright TJ Holowaychuk <> (MIT Licensed)
JSpec = {
version : '2.11.7',
cache : {},
suites : [],
modules : [],
allSuites : [],
matchers : {},
stubbed : [],
request : 'XMLHttpRequest' in this ? XMLHttpRequest : null,
stats : { specs: 0, assertions: 0, failures: 0, passes: 0, specsFinished: 0, suitesFinished: 0 },
options : { profile: false },
* Default context in which bodies are evaluated.
* Replace context simply by setting JSpec.context
* to your own like below:
* JSpec.context = { foo : 'bar' }
* Contexts can be changed within any body, this can be useful
* in order to provide specific helper methods to specific suites.
* To reset (usually in after hook) simply set to null like below:
* JSpec.context = null
defaultContext : {
* Return an object used for proxy assertions.
* This object is used to indicate that an object
* should be an instance of _object_, not the constructor
* itself.
* @param {function} constructor
* @return {hash}
* @api public
an_instance_of : function(constructor) {
return { an_instance_of : constructor }
* Load fixture at _path_. This utility function
* supplies the means to resolve, and cache fixture contents
* via the DOM or Rhino.
* Fixtures are resolved as:
* - <path>
* - fixtures/<path>
* - fixtures/<path>.html
* @param {string} path
* @return {string}
* @api public
fixture : function(path) {
if (JSpec.cache[path]) return JSpec.cache[path]
return JSpec.cache[path] =
JSpec.tryLoading(path) ||
JSpec.tryLoading('fixtures/' + path) ||
JSpec.tryLoading('fixtures/' + path + '.html') ||
JSpec.tryLoading('spec/' + path) ||
JSpec.tryLoading('spec/fixtures/' + path) ||
JSpec.tryLoading('spec/fixtures/' + path + '.html')
// --- Objects
formatters : {
* Report to server.
* Options:
* - uri specific uri to report to.
* - verbose weither or not to output messages
* - failuresOnly output failure messages only
* @api public
Server : function(results, options) {
var uri = options.uri || 'http://' + + '/results', {
stats: JSpec.stats,
options: options,
results: map(results.allSuites, function(suite) {
if (suite.hasSpecs())
return {
description: suite.description,
specs: map(suite.specs, function(spec) {
return {
description: spec.description,
message: !spec.passed() ? spec.failure().message : null,
status: spec.requiresImplementation() ? 'pending' :
spec.passed() ? 'pass' :
assertions: map(spec.assertions, function(assertion){
return {
passed: assertion.passed
if ('close' in main) main.close()
* Default formatter, outputting to the DOM.
* Options:
* - reportToId id of element to output reports to, defaults to 'jspec'
* - failuresOnly displays only suites with failing specs
* @api public
DOM : function(results, options) {
var id = option('reportToId') || 'jspec'
var report = document.getElementById(id)
var failuresOnly = option('failuresOnly')
var classes = results.stats.failures ? 'has-failures' : ''
if (!report) throw 'JSpec requires the element #' + id + ' to output its reports'
function bodyContents(body) {
return JSpec.
replace(/^ */gm, function(a){ return (new Array(Math.round(a.length / 3))).join(' ') }).
replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/gm, '<br/>')
report.innerHTML = '<div id="jspec-report" class="' + classes + '"><div class="heading"> \
<span class="passes">Passes: <em>' + results.stats.passes + '</em></span> \
<span class="failures">Failures: <em>' + results.stats.failures + '</em></span> \
</div><table class="suites">' + map(results.allSuites, function(suite) {
var displaySuite = failuresOnly ? suite.ran && !suite.passed() : suite.ran
if (displaySuite && suite.hasSpecs())
return '<tr class="description"><td colspan="2">' + escape(suite.description) + '</td></tr>' +
map(suite.specs, function(i, spec) {
return '<tr class="' + (i % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even') + '">' +
(spec.requiresImplementation() ?
'<td class="requires-implementation" colspan="2">' + escape(spec.description) + '</td>' :
(spec.passed() && !failuresOnly) ?
'<td class="pass">' + escape(spec.description)+ '</td><td>' + spec.assertionsGraph() + '</td>' :
!spec.passed() ?
'<td class="fail">' + escape(spec.description) + ' <em>' + escape(spec.failure().message) + '</em>' + '</td><td>' + spec.assertionsGraph() + '</td>' :
'') +
'<tr class="body"><td colspan="2"><pre>' + bodyContents(spec.body) + '</pre></td></tr>'
}).join('') + '</tr>'
}).join('') + '</table></div>'
* Terminal formatter.
* @api public
Terminal : function(results, options) {
failuresOnly = option('failuresOnly')
print(color("\n Passes: ", 'bold') + color(results.stats.passes, 'green') +
color(" Failures: ", 'bold') + color(results.stats.failures, 'red') + "\n")
function indent(string) {
return string.replace(/^(.)/gm, ' $1')
each(results.allSuites, function(suite) {
var displaySuite = failuresOnly ? suite.ran && !suite.passed() : suite.ran
if (displaySuite && suite.hasSpecs()) {
print(color(' ' + suite.description, 'bold'))
each(suite.specs, function(spec){
var assertionsGraph = inject(spec.assertions, '', function(graph, assertion){
return graph + color('.', assertion.passed ? 'green' : 'red')
if (spec.requiresImplementation())
print(color(' ' + spec.description, 'blue') + assertionsGraph)
else if (spec.passed() && !failuresOnly)
print(color(' ' + spec.description, 'green') + assertionsGraph)
else if (!spec.passed())
print(color(' ' + spec.description, 'red') + assertionsGraph +
"\n" + indent(spec.failure().message) + "\n")
* Console formatter.
* @api public
Console : function(results, options) {
console.log('Passes: ' + results.stats.passes + ' Failures: ' + results.stats.failures)
each(results.allSuites, function(suite) {
if (suite.ran) {
each(suite.specs, function(spec){
var assertionCount = spec.assertions.length + ':'
if (spec.requiresImplementation())
else if (spec.passed())
console.log(assertionCount + ' ' + spec.description)
console.error(assertionCount + ' ' + spec.description + ', ' + spec.failure().message)
Assertion : function(matcher, actual, expected, negate) {
extend(this, {
message: '',
passed: false,
actual: actual,
negate: negate,
matcher: matcher,
expected: expected,
// Report assertion results
report : function() {
this.passed ? JSpec.stats.passes++ : JSpec.stats.failures++
return this
// Run the assertion
run : function() {
// TODO: remove unshifting
this.result = matcher.match.apply(this, expected)
this.passed = negate ? !this.result : this.result
if (!this.passed) this.message =, actual, expected, negate,
return this
ProxyAssertion : function(object, method, times, negate) {
var self = this
var old = object[method]
// Proxy
object[method] = function(){
args = argumentsToArray(arguments)
result = old.apply(object, args)
self.calls.push({ args : args, result : result })
return result
// Times
this.times = {
once : 1,
twice : 2
}[times] || times || 1
extend(this, {
calls: [],
message: '',
defer: true,
passed: false,
negate: negate,
object: object,
method: method,
// Proxy return value
and_return : function(result) {
this.expectedResult = result
return this
// Proxy arguments passed
with_args : function() {
this.expectedArgs = argumentsToArray(arguments)
return this
// Check if any calls have failing results
anyResultsFail : function() {
return any(this.calls, function(call){
return self.expectedResult.an_instance_of ?
call.result.constructor != self.expectedResult.an_instance_of:
hash(self.expectedResult) != hash(call.result)
// Check if any calls have passing results
anyResultsPass : function() {
return any(this.calls, function(call){
return self.expectedResult.an_instance_of ?
call.result.constructor == self.expectedResult.an_instance_of:
hash(self.expectedResult) == hash(call.result)
// Return the passing result
passingResult : function() {
return this.anyResultsPass().result
// Return the failing result
failingResult : function() {
return this.anyResultsFail().result
// Check if any arguments fail
anyArgsFail : function() {
return any(this.calls, function(call){
return any(self.expectedArgs, function(i, arg){
if (arg == null) return call.args[i] == null
return arg.an_instance_of ?
call.args[i].constructor != arg.an_instance_of:
hash(arg) != hash(call.args[i])
// Check if any arguments pass
anyArgsPass : function() {
return any(this.calls, function(call){
return any(self.expectedArgs, function(i, arg){
return arg.an_instance_of ?
call.args[i].constructor == arg.an_instance_of:
hash(arg) == hash(call.args[i])
// Return the passing args
passingArgs : function() {
return this.anyArgsPass().args
// Return the failing args
failingArgs : function() {
return this.anyArgsFail().args
// Report assertion results
report : function() {
this.passed ? ++JSpec.stats.passes : ++JSpec.stats.failures
return this
// Run the assertion
run : function() {
var methodString = 'expected ' + object.toString() + '.' + method + '()' + (negate ? ' not' : '' )
function times(n) {
return n > 2 ? n + ' times' : { 1: 'once', 2: 'twice' }[n]
if (this.expectedResult != null && (negate ? this.anyResultsPass() : this.anyResultsFail()))
this.message = methodString + ' to return ' + puts(this.expectedResult) +
' but ' + (negate ? 'it did' : 'got ' + puts(this.failingResult()))
if (this.expectedArgs && (negate ? !this.expectedResult && this.anyArgsPass() : this.anyArgsFail()))
this.message = methodString + ' to be called with ' + puts.apply(this, this.expectedArgs) +
' but was' + (negate ? '' : ' called with ' + puts.apply(this, this.failingArgs()))
if (negate ? !this.expectedResult && !this.expectedArgs && this.calls.length == this.times : this.calls.length != this.times)
this.message = methodString + ' to be called ' + times(this.times) +
', but ' + (this.calls.length == 0 ? ' was not called' : ' was called ' + times(this.calls.length))
if (!this.message.length)
this.passed = true
return this
* Specification Suite block object.
* @param {string} description
* @param {function} body
* @api private
Suite : function(description, body) {
var self = this
extend(this, {
body: body,
description: description,
suites: [],
specs: [],
ran: false,
hooks: { 'before' : [], 'after' : [], 'before_each' : [], 'after_each' : [] },
// Add a spec to the suite
addSpec : function(description, body) {
var spec = new JSpec.Spec(description, body)
JSpec.stats.specs++ // TODO: abstract
spec.suite = this
// Add a hook to the suite
addHook : function(hook, body) {
// Add a nested suite
addSuite : function(description, body) {
var suite = new JSpec.Suite(description, body)
JSpec.allSuites.push(suite) = suite.description
suite.description = this.description + ' ' + suite.description
suite.suite = this
// Invoke a hook in context to this suite
hook : function(hook) {
if (this.suite) this.suite.hook(hook)
each(this.hooks[hook], function(body) {
JSpec.evalBody(body, "Error in hook '" + hook + "', suite '" + self.description + "': ")
// Check if nested suites are present
hasSuites : function() {
return this.suites.length
// Check if this suite has specs
hasSpecs : function() {
return this.specs.length
// Check if the entire suite passed
passed : function() {
return !any(this.specs, function(spec){
return !spec.passed()
* Specification block object.
* @param {string} description
* @param {function} body
* @api private
Spec : function(description, body) {
extend(this, {
body: body,
description: description,
assertions: [],
// Add passing assertion
pass : function(message) {
this.assertions.push({ passed: true, message: message })
// Add failing assertion
fail : function(message) {
this.assertions.push({ passed: false, message: message })
// Run deferred assertions
runDeferredAssertions : function() {
each(this.assertions, function(assertion){
if (assertion.defer), hook('afterAssertion', assertion)
// Find first failing assertion
failure : function() {
return find(this.assertions, function(assertion){
return !assertion.passed
// Find all failing assertions
failures : function() {
return select(this.assertions, function(assertion){
return !assertion.passed
// Weither or not the spec passed
passed : function() {
return !this.failure()
// Weither or not the spec requires implementation (no assertions)
requiresImplementation : function() {
return this.assertions.length == 0
// Sprite based assertions graph
assertionsGraph : function() {
return map(this.assertions, function(assertion){
return '<span class="assertion ' + (assertion.passed ? 'passed' : 'failed') + '"></span>'
Module : function(methods) {
extend(this, methods)
JSON : {
* Generic sequences.
meta : {
'\b' : '\\b',
'\t' : '\\t',
'\n' : '\\n',
'\f' : '\\f',
'\r' : '\\r',
'"' : '\\"',
'\\' : '\\\\'
* Escapable sequences.
escapable : /[\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
* JSON encode _object_.
* @param {mixed} object
* @return {string}
* @api private
encode : function(object) {
var self = this
if (object == undefined || object == null) return 'null'
if (object === true) return 'true'
if (object === false) return 'false'
switch (typeof object) {
case 'number': return object
case 'string': return this.escapable.test(object) ?
'"' + object.replace(this.escapable, function (a) {
return typeof self.meta[a] === 'string' ? self.meta[a] :
'\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
}) + '"' :
'"' + object + '"'
case 'object':
if (object.constructor == Array)
return '[' + map(object, function(val){
return self.encode(val)
}).join(', ') + ']'
else if (object)
return '{' + map(object, function(key, val){
return self.encode(key) + ':' + self.encode(val)
}).join(', ') + '}'
return 'null'
// --- DSLs
DSLs : {
snake : {
expect : function(actual){
return JSpec.expect(actual)
describe : function(description, body) {
return JSpec.currentSuite.addSuite(description, body)
it : function(description, body) {
return JSpec.currentSuite.addSpec(description, body)
before : function(body) {
return JSpec.currentSuite.addHook('before', body)
after : function(body) {
return JSpec.currentSuite.addHook('after', body)
before_each : function(body) {
return JSpec.currentSuite.addHook('before_each', body)
after_each : function(body) {
return JSpec.currentSuite.addHook('after_each', body)
should_behave_like : function(description) {
return JSpec.shareBehaviorsOf(description)
// --- Methods
* Check if _value_ is 'stop'. For use as a
* utility callback function.
* @param {mixed} value
* @return {bool}
* @api public
haveStopped : function(value) {
return value === 'stop'
* Include _object_ which may be a hash or Module instance.
* @param {has, Module} object
* @return {JSpec}
* @api public
include : function(object) {
var module = object.constructor == JSpec.Module ? object : new JSpec.Module(object)
if ('init' in module) module.init()
if ('utilities' in module) extend(this.defaultContext, module.utilities)
if ('matchers' in module) this.addMatchers(module.matchers)
if ('formatters' in module) extend(this.formatters, module.formatters)
if ('DSLs' in module)
each(module.DSLs, function(name, methods){
JSpec.DSLs[name] = JSpec.DSLs[name] || {}
extend(JSpec.DSLs[name], methods)
return this
* Add a module hook _name_, which is immediately
* called per module with the _args_ given. An array of
* hook return values is returned.
* @param {name} string
* @param {...} args
* @return {array}
* @api private
hook : function(name, args) {
args = argumentsToArray(arguments, 1)
return inject(JSpec.modules, [], function(results, module){
if (typeof module[name] == 'function')
results.push(JSpec.evalHook(module, name, args))
* Eval _module_ hook _name_ with _args_. Evaluates in context
* to the module itself, JSpec, and JSpec.context.
* @param {Module} module
* @param {string} name
* @param {array} args
* @return {mixed}
* @api private
evalHook : function(module, name, args) {
hook('evaluatingHookBody', module, name)
try { return module[name].apply(module, args) }
catch(e) { error('Error in hook ' + + '.' + name + ': ', e) }
* Same as hook() however accepts only one _arg_ which is
* considered immutable. This function passes the arg
* to the first module, then passes the return value of the last
* module called, to the following module.
* @param {string} name
* @param {mixed} arg
* @return {mixed}
* @api private
hookImmutable : function(name, arg) {
return inject(JSpec.modules, arg, function(result, module){
if (typeof module[name] == 'function')
return JSpec.evalHook(module, name, [result])
* Find a suite by its description or name.
* @param {string} description
* @return {Suite}
* @api private
findSuite : function(description) {
return find(this.allSuites, function(suite){
return == description || suite.description == description
* Share behaviors (specs) of the given suite with
* the current suite.
* @param {string} description
* @api public
shareBehaviorsOf : function(description) {
if (suite = this.findSuite(description)) this.copySpecs(suite, this.currentSuite)
else throw 'failed to share behaviors. ' + puts(description) + ' is not a valid Suite name'
* Copy specs from one suite to another.
* @param {Suite} fromSuite
* @param {Suite} toSuite
* @api public
copySpecs : function(fromSuite, toSuite) {
each(fromSuite.specs, function(spec){
spec.assertions = []
* Convert arguments to an array.
* @param {object} arguments
* @param {int} offset
* @return {array}
* @api public
argumentsToArray : function(arguments, offset) {
return, offset || 0)
* Return ANSI-escaped colored string.
* @param {string} string
* @param {string} color
* @return {string}
* @api public
color : function(string, color) {
return "\u001B[" + {
bold : 1,
black : 30,
red : 31,
green : 32,
yellow : 33,
blue : 34,
magenta : 35,
cyan : 36,
white : 37
}[color] + 'm' + string + "\u001B[0m"
* Default matcher message callback.
* @api private
defaultMatcherMessage : function(actual, expected, negate, name) {
return 'expected ' + puts(actual) + ' to ' +
(negate ? 'not ' : '') +
name.replace(/_/g, ' ') +
' ' + puts.apply(this, expected.slice(1))
* Normalize a matcher message.
* When no messge callback is present the defaultMatcherMessage
* will be assigned, will suffice for most matchers.
* @param {hash} matcher
* @return {hash}
* @api public
normalizeMatcherMessage : function(matcher) {
if (typeof matcher.message != 'function')
matcher.message = this.defaultMatcherMessage
return matcher
* Normalize a matcher body
* This process allows the following conversions until
* the matcher is in its final normalized hash state.
* - '==' becomes 'actual == expected'
* - 'actual == expected' becomes 'return actual == expected'
* - function(actual, expected) { return actual == expected } becomes
* { match : function(actual, expected) { return actual == expected }}
* @param {mixed} body
* @return {hash}
* @api public
normalizeMatcherBody : function(body) {
switch (body.constructor) {
case String:
if (captures = body.match(/^alias (\w+)/)) return JSpec.matchers[last(captures)]
if (body.length < 4) body = 'actual ' + body + ' expected'
return { match: function(actual, expected) { return eval(body) }}
case Function:
return { match: body }
return body
* Get option value. This method first checks if
* the option key has been set via the query string,
* otherwise returning the options hash value.
* @param {string} key
* @return {mixed}
* @api public
option : function(key) {
return (value = query(key)) !== null ? value :
JSpec.options[key] || null
* Generates a hash of the object passed.
* @param {object} object
* @return {string}
* @api private
hash : function(object) {
if (object == null) return 'null'
if (object == undefined) return 'undefined'
function serialize(prefix) {
return inject(object, prefix + ':', function(buffer, key, value){
return buffer += hash(value)
switch (object.constructor) {
case Array : return serialize('a')
case RegExp: return 'r:' + object.toString()
case Number: return 'n:' + object.toString()
case String: return 's:' + object.toString()
case Object: return 'o:' + inject(object, [], function(array, key, value){
array.push([key, hash(value)])
default: return object.toString()
* Return last element of an array.
* @param {array} array
* @return {object}
* @api public
last : function(array) {
return array[array.length - 1]
* Convert object(s) to a print-friend string.
* @param {...} object
* @return {string}
* @api public
puts : function(object) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
return map(argumentsToArray(arguments), function(arg){
return puts(arg)
}).join(', ')
if (object === undefined) return ''
if (object === null) return 'null'
if (object === true) return 'true'
if (object === false) return 'false'
if (object.an_instance_of) return 'an instance of ' +
if (object.jquery && object.selector.length > 0) return 'selector ' + puts(object.selector) + ''
if (object.jquery) return object.html()
if (object.nodeName) return object.outerHTML
switch (object.constructor) {
case String: return "'" + object + "'"
case Number: return object
case Function: return || object
case Array:
return inject(object, '[', function(b, v){
return b + ', ' + puts(v)
}).replace('[,', '[') + ' ]'
case Object:
return inject(object, '{', function(b, k, v) {
return b + ', ' + puts(k) + ' : ' + puts(v)
}).replace('{,', '{') + ' }'
return object.toString()
* Escape HTML.
* @param {string} html
* @return {string}
* @api public
escape : function(html) {
return html.toString()
.replace(/&/gmi, '&amp;')
.replace(/"/gmi, '&quot;')
.replace(/>/gmi, '&gt;')
.replace(/</gmi, '&lt;')
* Perform an assertion without reporting.
* This method is primarily used for internal
* matchers in order retain DRYness. May be invoked
* like below:
* does('foo', 'eql', 'foo')
* does([1,2], 'include', 1, 2)
* External hooks are not run for internal assertions
* performed by does().
* @param {mixed} actual
* @param {string} matcher
* @param {...} expected
* @return {mixed}
* @api private
does : function(actual, matcher, expected) {
var assertion = new JSpec.Assertion(JSpec.matchers[matcher], actual, argumentsToArray(arguments, 2))
* Perform an assertion.
* expect(true).to('be', true)
* expect('foo').not_to('include', 'bar')
* expect([1, [2]]).to('include', 1, [2])
* @param {mixed} actual
* @return {hash}
* @api public
expect : function(actual) {
assert = function(matcher, args, negate) {
var expected = argumentsToArray(args, 1)
matcher.negate = negate
assertion = new JSpec.Assertion(matcher, actual, expected, negate)
hook('beforeAssertion', assertion)
if (matcher.defer)
else JSpec.currentSpec.assertions.push(, hook('afterAssertion', assertion)
return assertion.result
to = function(matcher) {
return assert(matcher, arguments, false)
not_to = function(matcher) {
return assert(matcher, arguments, true)
return {
to : to,
should : to,
not_to: not_to,
should_not : not_to
* Strim whitespace or chars.
* @param {string} string
* @param {string} chars
* @return {string}
* @api public
strip : function(string, chars) {
return string.
replace(new RegExp('[' + (chars || '\\s') + ']*$'), '').
replace(new RegExp('^[' + (chars || '\\s') + ']*'), '')
* Call an iterator callback with arguments a, or b
* depending on the arity of the callback.
* @param {function} callback
* @param {mixed} a
* @param {mixed} b
* @return {mixed}
* @api private
callIterator : function(callback, a, b) {
return callback.length == 1 ? callback(b) : callback(a, b)
* Extend an object with another.
* @param {object} object
* @param {object} other
* @api public
extend : function(object, other) {
each(other, function(property, value){
object[property] = value
* Iterate an object, invoking the given callback.
* @param {hash, array, string} object
* @param {function} callback
* @return {JSpec}
* @api public
each : function(object, callback) {
if (typeof object == 'string') object = object.split(' ')
for (key in object)
if (object.hasOwnProperty(key))
callIterator(callback, key, object[key])
* Iterate with memo.
* @param {hash, array} object
* @param {object} memo
* @param {function} callback
* @return {object}
* @api public
inject : function(object, memo, callback) {
each(object, function(key, value){
memo = (callback.length == 2 ?
callback(memo, value):
callback(memo, key, value)) ||
return memo
* Destub _object_'s _method_. When no _method_ is passed
* all stubbed methods are destubbed. When no arguments
* are passed every object found in JSpec.stubbed will be
* destubbed.
* @param {mixed} object
* @param {string} method
* @api public
destub : function(object, method) {
if (method) {
if (object['__prototype__' + method])
delete object[method]
object[method] = object['__original__' + method]
delete object['__prototype__' + method]
delete object['__original____' + method]
else if (object) {
for (var key in object)
if (captures = key.match(/^(?:__prototype__|__original__)(.*)/))
destub(object, captures[1])
while (JSpec.stubbed.length)
* Stub _object_'s _method_.
* stub(foo, 'toString').and_return('bar')
* @param {mixed} object
* @param {string} method
* @return {hash}
* @api public
stub : function(object, method) {
hook('stubbing', object, method)
var type = object.hasOwnProperty(method) ? '__original__' : '__prototype__'
object[type + method] = object[method]
object[method] = function(){}
return {
and_return : function(value) {
if (typeof value == 'function') object[method] = value
else object[method] = function(){ return value }
* Map callback return values.
* @param {hash, array} object
* @param {function} callback
* @return {array}
* @api public
map : function(object, callback) {
return inject(object, [], function(memo, key, value){
memo.push(callIterator(callback, key, value))
* Returns the first matching expression or null.
* @param {hash, array} object
* @param {function} callback
* @return {mixed}
* @api public
any : function(object, callback) {
return inject(object, null, function(state, key, value){
if (state == undefined)
return callIterator(callback, key, value) ? value : state
* Returns an array of values collected when the callback
* given evaluates to true.
* @param {hash, array} object
* @return {function} callback
* @return {array}
* @api public
select : function(object, callback) {
return inject(object, [], function(selected, key, value){
if (callIterator(callback, key, value))
* Define matchers.
* @param {hash} matchers
* @api public
addMatchers : function(matchers) {
each(matchers, function(name, body){
JSpec.addMatcher(name, body)
* Define a matcher.
* @param {string} name
* @param {hash, function, string} body
* @api public
addMatcher : function(name, body) {
hook('addingMatcher', name, body)
if (name.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
var matchers = name.split(/\s+/)
var prefix = matchers.shift()
each(matchers, function(name) {
JSpec.addMatcher(prefix + '_' + name, body(name))
this.matchers[name] = this.normalizeMatcherMessage(this.normalizeMatcherBody(body))
this.matchers[name].name = name
* Add a root suite to JSpec.
* @param {string} description
* @param {body} function
* @api public
describe : function(description, body) {
var suite = new JSpec.Suite(description, body)
hook('addingSuite', suite)
* Return the contents of a function body.
* @param {function} body
* @return {string}
* @api public
contentsOf : function(body) {
return body.toString().match(/^[^\{]*{((.*\n*)*)}/m)[1]
* Evaluate a JSpec capture body.
* @param {function} body
* @param {string} errorMessage (optional)
* @return {Type}
* @api private
evalBody : function(body, errorMessage) {
var dsl = this.DSL || this.DSLs.snake
var matchers = this.matchers
var context = this.context || this.defaultContext
var contents = this.contentsOf(body)
hook('evaluatingBody', dsl, matchers, context, contents)
try { eval('with (dsl){ with (context) { with (matchers) { ' + contents + ' }}}') }
catch(e) { error(errorMessage, e) }
* Pre-process a string of JSpec.
* @param {string} input
* @return {string}
* @api private
preprocess : function(input) {
if (typeof input != 'string') return
input = hookImmutable('preprocessing', input)
return input.
replace(/\r\n/gm, '\n').
replace(/([\w\.]+)\.(stub|destub)\((.*?)\)$/gm, '$2($1, $3)').
replace(/describe\s+(.*?)$/gm, 'describe($1, function(){').
replace(/^\s+it\s+(.*?)$/gm, ' it($1, function(){').
replace(/^\s*(before_each|after_each|before|after)(?=\s|$)/gm, 'JSpec.currentSuite.addHook("$1", function(){').
replace(/^\s*end(?=\s|$)/gm, '});').
replace(/-\{/g, 'function(){').
replace(/(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/g, function(_, a, b){ return range(a, b) }).
replace(/\.should([_\.]not)?[_\.](\w+)(?: |;|$)(.*)$/gm, '.should$1_$2($3)').
replace(/([\/\s]*)(.+?)\.(should(?:[_\.]not)?)[_\.](\w+)\((.*)\)\s*;?$/gm, '$1 expect($2).$3($4, $5)').
replace(/, \)/gm, ')').
replace(/should\.not/gm, 'should_not').
replace(/__END__.*/m, '')
* Create a range string which can be evaluated to a native array.
* @param {int} start
* @param {int} end
* @return {string}
* @api public
range : function(start, end) {
var current = parseInt(start), end = parseInt(end), values = [current]
if (end > current) while (++current <= end) values.push(current)
else while (--current >= end) values.push(current)
return '[' + values + ']'
* Report on the results.
* @api public
report : function() {
hook('reporting', JSpec.options)
new (JSpec.options.formatter || JSpec.formatters.DOM)(JSpec, JSpec.options)
* Run the spec suites. Options are merged
* with JSpec options when present.
* @param {hash} options
* @return {JSpec}
* @api public
run : function(options) {
if (any(hook('running'), haveStopped)) return this
if (options) extend(this.options, options)
if (option('profile'))'Profile')
each(this.suites, function(suite) { JSpec.runSuite(suite) })
if (option('profile')) console.groupEnd()
return this
* Run a suite.
* @param {Suite} suite
* @api public
runSuite : function(suite) {
this.currentSuite = suite
suite.ran = true
hook('beforeSuite', suite), suite.hook('before')
each(suite.specs, function(spec) {
hook('beforeSpec', spec)
hook('afterSpec', spec)
if (suite.hasSuites()) {
each(suite.suites, function(suite) {
hook('afterSuite', suite), suite.hook('after')
* Report a failure for the current spec.
* @param {string} message
* @api public
fail : function(message) {
* Report a passing assertion for the current spec.
* @param {string} message
* @api public
pass : function(message) {
* Run a spec.
* @param {Spec} spec
* @api public
runSpec : function(spec) {
this.currentSpec = spec
if (option('profile')) console.time(spec.description)
try { this.evalBody(spec.body) }
catch (e) { fail(e) }
if (option('profile')) console.timeEnd(spec.description)
this.stats.assertions += spec.assertions.length
* Require a dependency, with optional message.
* @param {string} dependency
* @param {string} message (optional)
* @return {JSpec}
* @api public
requires : function(dependency, message) {
hook('requiring', dependency, message)
try { eval(dependency) }
catch (e) { throw 'JSpec depends on ' + dependency + ' ' + message }
return this
* Query against the current query strings keys
* or the queryString specified.
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} queryString
* @return {string, null}
* @api private
query : function(key, queryString) {
var queryString = (queryString || (main.location ? : null) || '').substring(1)
return inject(queryString.split('&'), null, function(value, pair){
parts = pair.split('=')
return parts[0] == key ? parts[1].replace(/%20|\+/gmi, ' ') : value
* Throw a JSpec related error.
* @param {string} message
* @param {Exception} e
* @api public
error : function(message, e) {
throw (message ? message : '') + e.toString() +
(e.line ? ' near line ' + e.line : '')
* Ad-hoc POST request for JSpec server usage.
* @param {string} uri
* @param {string} data
* @api private
post : function(uri, data) {
if (any(hook('posting', uri, data), haveStopped)) return
var request = this.xhr()'POST', uri, false)
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
* Instantiate an XMLHttpRequest.
* Here we utilize IE's lame ActiveXObjects first which
* allow IE access serve files via the file: protocol, otherwise
* we then default to XMLHttpRequest.
* @return {XMLHttpRequest, ActiveXObject}
* @api private
xhr : function() {
return this.ieXhr() || new JSpec.request
* Return Microsoft piece of crap ActiveXObject.
* @return {ActiveXObject}
* @api public
ieXhr : function() {
function object(str) {
try { return new ActiveXObject(str) } catch(e) {}
return object('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0') ||
object('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0') ||
object('Msxml2.XMLHTTP') ||
* Check for HTTP request support.
* @return {bool}
* @api private
hasXhr : function() {
return JSpec.request || 'ActiveXObject' in main
* Try loading _file_ returning the contents
* string or null. Chain to locate / read a file.
* @param {string} file
* @return {string}
* @api public
tryLoading : function(file) {
try { return JSpec.load(file) }
catch (e) {}
* Load a _file_'s contents.
* @param {string} file
* @param {function} callback
* @return {string}
* @api public
load : function(file, callback) {
if (any(hook('loading', file), haveStopped)) return
if ('readFile' in main)
return callback ? readFile(file, callback) : readFile(file)
else if (this.hasXhr()) {
var request = this.xhr()'GET', file, false)
if (request.readyState == 4 &&
(request.status == 0 ||
request.status.toString().charAt(0) == 2))
return request.responseText
error("failed to load `" + file + "'")
* Load, pre-process, and evaluate a file.
* @param {string} file
* @param {JSpec}
* @api public
exec : function(file) {
if (any(hook('executing', file), haveStopped)) return this
if ('node' in main)
this.load(file, function(contents){
eval('with (JSpec){ ' + JSpec.preprocess(contents) + ' }')
eval('with (JSpec){' + this.preprocess(this.load(file)) + '}')
return this
// --- Utility functions
var main = this
var find = JSpec.any
var utils = 'haveStopped stub hookImmutable hook destub map any last pass fail range each option inject select \
error escape extend puts hash query strip color does addMatchers callIterator argumentsToArray'.split(/\s+/)
while (utils.length) util = utils.shift(), eval('var ' + util + ' = JSpec.' + util)
if (!main.setTimeout) main.setTimeout = function(callback){ callback() }
// --- Matchers
equal : "===",
be : "alias equal",
be_greater_than : ">",
be_less_than : "<",
be_at_least : ">=",
be_at_most : "<=",
be_a : "actual.constructor == expected",
be_an : "alias be_a",
be_an_instance_of : "actual instanceof expected",
be_null : "actual == null",
be_true : "actual == true",
be_false : "actual == false",
be_undefined : "typeof actual == 'undefined'",
be_type : "typeof actual == expected",
match : "typeof actual == 'string' ? actual.match(expected) : false",
respond_to : "typeof actual[expected] == 'function'",
have_length : "actual.length == expected",
be_within : "actual >= expected[0] && actual <= last(expected)",
have_length_within : "actual.length >= expected[0] && actual.length <= last(expected)",
eql : function(actual, expected) {
return actual.constructor == Array ||
actual instanceof Object ?
hash(actual) == hash(expected):
actual == expected
receive : { defer : true, match : function(actual, method, times) {
proxy = new JSpec.ProxyAssertion(actual, method, times, this.negate)
return proxy
be_empty : function(actual) {
if (actual.constructor == Object && actual.length == undefined)
for (var key in actual)
return false;
return !actual.length
include : function(actual) {
for (state = true, i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
arg = arguments[i]
switch (actual.constructor) {
case String:
case Number:
case RegExp:
case Function:
state = actual.toString().match(arg.toString())
case Object:
state = arg in actual
case Array:
state = any(actual, function(value){ return hash(value) == hash(arg) })
if (!state) return false
return true
throw_error : { match : function(actual, expected, message) {
try { actual() }
catch (e) {
this.e = e
var assert = function(arg) {
switch (arg.constructor) {
case RegExp : return arg.test(e)
case String : return arg == (e.message || e.toString())
case Function : return ( || 'Error') ==
return message ? assert(expected) && assert(message) :
expected ? assert(expected) :
}, message : function(actual, expected, negate) {
// TODO: refactor when actual is not in expected [0]
var message_for = function(i) {
if (expected[i] == undefined) return 'exception'
switch (expected[i].constructor) {
case RegExp : return 'exception matching ' + puts(expected[i])
case String : return 'exception of ' + puts(expected[i])
case Function : return expected[i].name || 'Error'
exception = message_for(1) + (expected[2] ? ' and ' + message_for(2) : '')
return 'expected ' + exception + (negate ? ' not ' : '' ) +
' to be thrown, but ' + (this.e ? 'got ' + puts(this.e) : 'nothing was')
have : function(actual, length, property) {
return actual[property].length == length
have_at_least : function(actual, length, property) {
return actual[property].length >= length
have_at_most :function(actual, length, property) {
return actual[property].length <= length
have_within : function(actual, range, property) {
length = actual[property].length
return length >= range.shift() && length <= range.pop()
have_prop : function(actual, property, value) {
return actual[property] == null ||
actual[property] instanceof Function ? false:
value == null ? true:
does(actual[property], 'eql', value)
have_property : function(actual, property, value) {
return actual[property] == null ||
actual[property] instanceof Function ? false:
value == null ? true:
value === actual[property]
if ('exports' in main) exports.JSpec = JSpec