2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
< ? php
2012-04-12 18:02:46 +12:00
* @ package framework
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
* @ subpackage tests
class UploadFieldTest extends FunctionalTest {
static $fixture_file = 'UploadFieldTest.yml' ;
protected $extraDataObjects = array ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' );
protected $requiredExtensions = array (
'File' => array ( 'UploadFieldTest_FileExtension' )
function testUploadNoRelation () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$tmpFileName = 'testUploadBasic.txt' ;
$_FILES = array ( 'NoRelationField' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ));
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/NoRelationField/upload' ,
array ( 'NoRelationField' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ))
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$this -> assertFileExists ( ASSETS_PATH . " /UploadFieldTest/ $tmpFileName " );
$uploadedFile = DataObject :: get_one ( 'File' , sprintf ( '"Name" = \'%s\'' , $tmpFileName ));
2012-04-18 14:46:54 +12:00
$this -> assertTrue ( is_object ( $uploadedFile ), 'The file object is created' );
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
function testUploadHasOneRelation () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
// Unset existing has_one relation before re-uploading
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$record -> HasOneFileID = null ;
$record -> write ();
$tmpFileName = 'testUploadHasOneRelation.txt' ;
$_FILES = array ( 'HasOneFile' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ));
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasOneFile/upload' ,
array ( 'HasOneFile' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ))
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$this -> assertFileExists ( ASSETS_PATH . " /UploadFieldTest/ $tmpFileName " );
$uploadedFile = DataObject :: get_one ( 'File' , sprintf ( '"Name" = \'%s\'' , $tmpFileName ));
2012-04-18 14:46:54 +12:00
$this -> assertTrue ( is_object ( $uploadedFile ), 'The file object is created' );
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertTrue ( $record -> HasOneFile () -> exists ());
$this -> assertEquals ( $record -> HasOneFile () -> Name , $tmpFileName );
function testUploadHasManyRelation () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$tmpFileName = 'testUploadHasManyRelation.txt' ;
$_FILES = array ( 'HasManyFiles' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ));
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasManyFiles/upload' ,
array ( 'HasManyFiles' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ))
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$this -> assertFileExists ( ASSETS_PATH . " /UploadFieldTest/ $tmpFileName " );
$uploadedFile = DataObject :: get_one ( 'File' , sprintf ( '"Name" = \'%s\'' , $tmpFileName ));
2012-04-18 14:46:54 +12:00
$this -> assertTrue ( is_object ( $uploadedFile ), 'The file object is created' );
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertEquals ( 3 , $record -> HasManyFiles () -> Count ());
$this -> assertEquals ( $record -> HasManyFiles () -> Last () -> Name , $tmpFileName );
function testUploadManyManyRelation () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$relationCount = $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> Count ();
$tmpFileName = 'testUploadManyManyRelation.txt' ;
$_FILES = array ( 'ManyManyFiles' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ));
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/ManyManyFiles/upload' ,
array ( 'ManyManyFiles' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ))
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$this -> assertFileExists ( ASSETS_PATH . " /UploadFieldTest/ $tmpFileName " );
$uploadedFile = DataObject :: get_one ( 'File' , sprintf ( '"Name" = \'%s\'' , $tmpFileName ));
2012-04-18 14:46:54 +12:00
$this -> assertTrue ( is_object ( $uploadedFile ), 'The file object is created' );
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertEquals ( $relationCount + 1 , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> Count ());
$this -> assertEquals ( $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> Last () -> Name , $tmpFileName );
2012-04-17 17:12:56 +12:00
function testAllowedMaxFileNumberWithHasOne () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
// Test each of the three cases - has one with no max filel limit, has one with a limit of
// one, has one with a limit of more than one (makes no sense, but should test it anyway).
// Each of them should function in the same way - attaching the first file should work, the
// second should cause an error.
foreach ( array ( 'HasOneFile' , 'HasOneFileMaxOne' , 'HasOneFileMaxTwo' ) as $recordName ) {
// Unset existing has_one relation before re-uploading
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$record -> { $recordName . 'ID' } = null ;
$record -> write ();
$tmpFileName = 'testUploadHasOneRelation.txt' ;
$_FILES = array ( $recordName => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ));
$response = $this -> post (
" UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/ $recordName /upload " ,
array ( $recordName => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ))
$body = json_decode ( $response -> getBody ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 0 , $body [ 0 ] -> error );
// Write to it again, should result in an error.
$response = $this -> post (
" UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/ $recordName /upload " ,
array ( $recordName => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ))
$body = json_decode ( $response -> getBody ());
$this -> assertNotEquals ( 0 , $body [ 0 ] -> error );
function testAllowedMaxFileNumberWithHasMany () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
// The 'HasManyFilesMaxTwo' field has a maximum of two files able to be attached to it.
// We want to add files to it until we attempt to add the third. We expect that the first
// two should work and the third will fail.
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$record -> HasManyFilesMaxTwo () -> removeAll ();
$tmpFileName = 'testUploadHasManyRelation.txt' ;
$_FILES = array ( 'HasManyFilesMaxTwo' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ));
// Write the first element, should be okay.
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasManyFilesMaxTwo/upload' ,
array ( 'HasManyFilesMaxTwo' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ))
$body = json_decode ( $response -> getBody ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 0 , $body [ 0 ] -> error );
// Write the second element, should be okay.
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasManyFilesMaxTwo/upload' ,
array ( 'HasManyFilesMaxTwo' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ))
$body = json_decode ( $response -> getBody ());
$this -> assertEquals ( 0 , $body [ 0 ] -> error );
// Write the third element, should result in error.
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasManyFilesMaxTwo/upload' ,
array ( 'HasManyFilesMaxTwo' => $this -> getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName ))
$body = json_decode ( $response -> getBody ());
$this -> assertNotEquals ( 0 , $body [ 0 ] -> error );
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
function testRemoveFromHasOne () {
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file1 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file1' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $record -> HasOneFile () -> exists ());
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasOneFile/item/' . $file1 -> ID . '/remove' ,
array ()
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertFalse ( $record -> HasOneFile () -> exists ());
$this -> assertFileExists ( $file1 -> FullPath , 'File is only detached, not deleted from filesystem' );
function testRemoveFromHasMany () {
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file2 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file2' );
$file3 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file3' );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'File2' , 'File3' ), $record -> HasManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasManyFiles/item/' . $file2 -> ID . '/remove' ,
array ()
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'File3' ), $record -> HasManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertFileExists ( $file3 -> FullPath , 'File is only detached, not deleted from filesystem' );
function testRemoveFromManyMany () {
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file4 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file4' );
$file5 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file5' );
$this -> assertContains ( 'File4' , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'File5' , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/ManyManyFiles/item/' . $file4 -> ID . '/remove' ,
array ()
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertNotContains ( 'File4' , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'File5' , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertFileExists ( $file4 -> FullPath , 'File is only detached, not deleted from filesystem' );
function testDeleteFromHasOne () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file1 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file1' );
$this -> assertTrue ( $record -> HasOneFile () -> exists ());
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasOneFile/item/' . $file1 -> ID . '/delete' ,
array ()
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertFalse ( $record -> HasOneFile () -> exists ());
$this -> assertFileNotExists ( $file1 -> FullPath , 'File is also removed from filesystem' );
function testDeleteFromHasMany () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file2 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file2' );
$file3 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file3' );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'File2' , 'File3' ), $record -> HasManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasManyFiles/item/' . $file2 -> ID . '/delete' ,
array ()
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'File3' ), $record -> HasManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertFileNotExists ( $file2 -> FullPath , 'File is also removed from filesystem' );
$fileNotOnRelationship = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file1' );
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasManyFiles/item/' . $fileNotOnRelationship -> ID . '/delete' ,
array ()
$this -> assertEquals ( 403 , $response -> getStatusCode (), " Denies deleting files if they're not on the current relationship " );
function testDeleteFromManyMany () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file4 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file4' );
$file5 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file5' );
$fileNoDelete = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file-nodelete' );
$this -> assertContains ( 'File4' , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'File5' , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/ManyManyFiles/item/' . $file4 -> ID . '/delete' ,
array ()
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertNotContains ( 'File4' , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'File5' , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertFileNotExists ( $file4 -> FullPath , 'File is also removed from filesystem' );
// Test record-based permissions
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/ManyManyFiles/item/' . $fileNoDelete -> ID . '/delete' ,
array ()
$this -> assertEquals ( 403 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
function testView () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file4 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file4' );
$file5 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file5' );
$fileNoView = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file-noview' );
$fileNoEdit = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file-noedit' );
$fileNoDelete = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file-nodelete' );
$response = $this -> get ( 'UploadFieldTest_Controller' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$parser = new CSSContentParser ( $response -> getBody ());
$items = $parser -> getBySelector ( '#ManyManyFiles .ss-uploadfield-files .ss-uploadfield-item' );
$ids = array ();
foreach ( $items as $item ) $ids [] = ( int ) $item [ 'data-fileid' ];
$this -> assertContains ( $file4 -> ID , $ids , 'Views related file' );
$this -> assertContains ( $file5 -> ID , $ids , 'Views related file' );
$this -> assertNotContains ( $fileNoView -> ID , $ids , " Doesn't view files without view permissions " );
$this -> assertContains ( $fileNoEdit -> ID , $ids , " Views files without edit permissions " );
$this -> assertContains ( $fileNoDelete -> ID , $ids , " Views files without delete permissions " );
function testEdit () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file4 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file4' );
$file5 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file5' );
$fileNoEdit = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file-noedit' );
$baseUrl = 'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/ManyManyFiles/item/' . $file4 -> ID ;
$response = $this -> get ( $baseUrl . '/edit' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$response = $this -> post ( $baseUrl . '/EditForm' , array ( 'Title' => 'File 4 modified' ));
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$file4 = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $file4 -> class , $file4 -> ID , false );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'File 4 modified' , $file4 -> Title );
// Test record-based permissions
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/ManyManyFiles/item/' . $fileNoEdit -> ID . '/edit' ,
array ()
$this -> assertEquals ( 403 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
function testGetRecord () {
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$form = $this -> getMockForm ();
$field = new UploadField ( 'MyField' );
$field -> setForm ( $form );
$this -> assertNull ( $field -> getRecord (), 'Returns no record by default' );
$field = new UploadField ( 'MyField' );
$field -> setForm ( $form );
$form -> loadDataFrom ( $record );
$this -> assertEquals ( $record , $field -> getRecord (), 'Returns record from form if available' );
$field = new UploadField ( 'MyField' );
$field -> setForm ( $form );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$this -> assertEquals ( $record , $field -> getRecord (), 'Returns record when set explicitly' );
function testSetItems () {
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$form = $this -> getMockForm ();
$items = new ArrayList ( array (
$this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file1' ),
$this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file2' )
// Anonymous field
$field = new UploadField ( 'MyField' );
$field -> setForm ( $form );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$field -> setItems ( $items );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'File1' , 'File2' ), $field -> getItems () -> column ( 'Title' ));
// Field with has_one auto-detected
$field = new UploadField ( 'HasOneFile' );
$field -> setForm ( $form );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$field -> setItems ( $items );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'File1' , 'File2' ), $field -> getItems () -> column ( 'Title' ),
'Allows overwriting of items even when relationship is detected'
function testGetItems () {
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$form = $this -> getMockForm ();
// Anonymous field
$field = new UploadField ( 'MyField' );
$field -> setForm ( $form );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$this -> assertEquals ( array (), $field -> getItems () -> column ( 'Title' ));
// Field with has_one auto-detected
$field = new UploadField ( 'HasOneFile' );
$field -> setForm ( $form );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'File1' ), $field -> getItems () -> column ( 'Title' ));
// Field with has_many auto-detected
$field = new UploadField ( 'HasManyFiles' );
$field -> setForm ( $form );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'File2' , 'File3' ), $field -> getItems () -> column ( 'Title' ));
// Field with many_many auto-detected
$field = new UploadField ( 'ManyManyFiles' );
$field -> setForm ( $form );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$this -> assertNotContains ( 'File1' , $field -> getItems () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertNotContains ( 'File2' , $field -> getItems () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertNotContains ( 'File3' , $field -> getItems () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'File4' , $field -> getItems () -> column ( 'Title' ));
$this -> assertContains ( 'File5' , $field -> getItems () -> column ( 'Title' ));
function testReadonly () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$response = $this -> get ( 'UploadFieldTest_Controller' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$parser = new CSSContentParser ( $response -> getBody ());
$this -> assertFalse (( bool ) $parser -> getBySelector ( '#ReadonlyField .ss-uploadfield-files .ss-uploadfield-item .ss-ui-button' ), 'Removes all buttons on items' );
$this -> assertFalse (( bool ) $parser -> getBySelector ( '#ReadonlyField .ss-uploadfield-dropzone' ), 'Removes dropzone' );
$this -> assertFalse (( bool ) $parser -> getBySelector ( '#ReadonlyField .ss-uploadfield-addfile .ss-ui-button' ), 'Removes all buttons from "add" area' );
function testDisabled () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$response = $this -> get ( 'UploadFieldTest_Controller' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$parser = new CSSContentParser ( $response -> getBody ());
$this -> assertFalse (( bool ) $parser -> getBySelector ( '#DisabledField .ss-uploadfield-files .ss-uploadfield-item .ss-ui-button' ), 'Removes all buttons on items' );
$this -> assertFalse (( bool ) $parser -> getBySelector ( '#DisabledField .ss-uploadfield-dropzone' ), 'Removes dropzone' );
$this -> assertFalse (( bool ) $parser -> getBySelector ( '#DisabledField .ss-uploadfield-addfile .ss-ui-button' ), 'Removes all buttons from "add" area' );
2012-02-08 00:58:58 +01:00
function testSelect () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file4 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file4' );
$file5 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file5' );
$fileSubfolder = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file-subfolder' );
$fileNoEdit = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file-noedit' );
$response = $this -> get ( 'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/ManyManyFiles/select/' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
// A bit too much coupling with GridField, but a full template overload would make things too complex
$parser = new CSSContentParser ( $response -> getBody ());
$items = $parser -> getBySelector ( '.ss-gridfield-item' );
$itemIDs = array_map ( create_function ( '$el' , 'return (int)$el["data-id"];' ), $items );
$this -> assertContains ( $file4 -> ID , $itemIDs , 'Contains file in assigned folder' );
$this -> assertNotContains ( $fileSubfolder -> ID , $itemIDs , 'Does not contain file in subfolder' );
function testAttachHasOne () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file1 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file1' );
$file2 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file2' );
$file3AlreadyAttached = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file3' );
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasOneFile/attach' ,
array ( 'ids' => array ( $file1 -> ID /* first file should be ignored */ , $file2 -> ID ))
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertEquals ( $file2 -> ID , $record -> HasOneFileID , 'Attaches new relations' );
function testAttachHasMany () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file1 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file1' );
$file2 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file2' );
$file3AlreadyAttached = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file3' );
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/HasManyFiles/attach' ,
array ( 'ids' => array ( $file1 -> ID , $file2 -> ID ))
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertContains ( $file1 -> ID , $record -> HasManyFiles () -> column ( 'ID' ), 'Attaches new relations' );
$this -> assertContains ( $file2 -> ID , $record -> HasManyFiles () -> column ( 'ID' ), 'Attaches new relations' );
$this -> assertContains ( $file3AlreadyAttached -> ID , $record -> HasManyFiles () -> column ( 'ID' ), 'Does not detach existing relations' );
function testAttachManyMany () {
$this -> loginWithPermission ( 'ADMIN' );
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$file1 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file1' );
$file2 = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file2' );
$file5AlreadyAttached = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'File' , 'file5' );
$response = $this -> post (
'UploadFieldTest_Controller/Form/field/ManyManyFiles/attach' ,
array ( 'ids' => array ( $file1 -> ID , $file2 -> ID ))
$this -> assertFalse ( $response -> isError ());
$record = DataObject :: get_by_id ( $record -> class , $record -> ID , false );
$this -> assertContains ( $file1 -> ID , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'ID' ), 'Attaches new relations' );
$this -> assertContains ( $file2 -> ID , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'ID' ), 'Attaches new relations' );
$this -> assertContains ( $file5AlreadyAttached -> ID , $record -> ManyManyFiles () -> column ( 'ID' ), 'Does not detach existing relations' );
2012-02-08 11:27:10 +01:00
function testManagesRelation () {
$record = $this -> objFromFixture ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , 'record1' );
$field = new UploadField ( 'ManyManyFiles' );
$this -> assertFalse ( $field -> managesRelation (), 'False if no record is set' );
$field = new UploadField ( 'NoRelationField' );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$this -> assertFalse ( $field -> managesRelation (), 'False if no relation found by name' );
$field = new UploadField ( 'HasOneFile' );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$this -> assertTrue ( $field -> managesRelation (), 'True for has_one' );
$field = new UploadField ( 'HasManyFiles' );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$this -> assertTrue ( $field -> managesRelation (), 'True for has_many' );
$field = new UploadField ( 'ManyManyFiles' );
$field -> setRecord ( $record );
$this -> assertTrue ( $field -> managesRelation (), 'True for many_many' );
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
protected function getMockForm () {
return new Form ( new Controller (), 'Form' , new FieldList (), new FieldList ());
* @ return Array Emulating an entry in the $_FILES superglobal
protected function getUploadFile ( $tmpFileName = 'UploadFieldTest-testUpload.txt' ) {
$tmpFilePath = TEMP_FOLDER . '/' . $tmpFileName ;
$tmpFileContent = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 10000 ; $i ++ ) $tmpFileContent .= '0' ;
file_put_contents ( $tmpFilePath , $tmpFileContent );
// emulates the $_FILES array
return array (
'name' => $tmpFileName ,
'type' => 'text/plaintext' ,
'size' => filesize ( $tmpFilePath ),
'tmp_name' => $tmpFilePath ,
'extension' => 'txt' ,
'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK ,
function setUp () {
parent :: setUp ();
if ( ! file_exists ( ASSETS_PATH )) mkdir ( ASSETS_PATH );
/* Create a test folders for each of the fixture references */
$folderIDs = $this -> allFixtureIDs ( 'Folder' );
foreach ( $folderIDs as $folderID ) {
$folder = DataObject :: get_by_id ( 'Folder' , $folderID );
if ( ! file_exists ( BASE_PATH . " / $folder->Filename " )) mkdir ( BASE_PATH . " / $folder->Filename " );
/* Create a test files for each of the fixture references */
$fileIDs = $this -> allFixtureIDs ( 'File' );
foreach ( $fileIDs as $fileID ) {
$file = DataObject :: get_by_id ( 'File' , $fileID );
$fh = fopen ( BASE_PATH . " / $file->Filename " , " w " );
fwrite ( $fh , str_repeat ( 'x' , 1000000 ));
fclose ( $fh );
function tearDown () {
parent :: tearDown ();
/* Remove the test files that we've created */
$fileIDs = $this -> allFixtureIDs ( 'File' );
foreach ( $fileIDs as $fileID ) {
$file = DataObject :: get_by_id ( 'File' , $fileID );
if ( $file && file_exists ( BASE_PATH . " / $file->Filename " )) unlink ( BASE_PATH . " / $file->Filename " );
/* Remove the test folders that we've crated */
$folderIDs = $this -> allFixtureIDs ( 'Folder' );
foreach ( $folderIDs as $folderID ) {
$folder = DataObject :: get_by_id ( 'Folder' , $folderID );
if ( $folder && file_exists ( BASE_PATH . " / $folder->Filename " )) Filesystem :: removeFolder ( BASE_PATH . " / $folder->Filename " );
// Remove left over folders and any files that may exist
2012-04-18 14:46:54 +12:00
if ( file_exists ( '../assets/UploadFieldTest' )) Filesystem :: removeFolder ( '../assets/UploadFieldTest' );
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
class UploadFieldTest_Record extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
2012-04-19 08:30:12 +12:00
static $db = array (
'Title' => 'Text' ,
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
2012-04-19 08:30:12 +12:00
static $has_one = array (
'HasOneFile' => 'File' ,
'HasOneFileMaxOne' => 'File' ,
'HasOneFileMaxTwo' => 'File' ,
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
2012-04-19 08:30:12 +12:00
static $has_many = array (
'HasManyFiles' => 'File' ,
'HasManyFilesMaxTwo' => 'File' ,
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
2012-04-19 08:30:12 +12:00
static $many_many = array (
'ManyManyFiles' => 'File' ,
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
class UploadFieldTest_FileExtension extends DataExtension implements TestOnly {
2012-04-19 08:30:12 +12:00
public static $has_one = array (
'Record' => 'UploadFieldTest_Record'
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
2012-03-27 17:04:11 +13:00
function canDelete ( $member = null ) {
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
if ( $this -> owner -> Name == 'nodelete.txt' ) return false ;
2012-03-27 17:04:11 +13:00
function canEdit ( $member = null ) {
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
if ( $this -> owner -> Name == 'noedit.txt' ) return false ;
2012-03-27 17:04:11 +13:00
function canView ( $member = null ) {
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
if ( $this -> owner -> Name == 'noview.txt' ) return false ;
class UploadFieldTest_Controller extends Controller implements TestOnly {
protected $template = 'BlankPage' ;
function Form () {
$record = DataObject :: get_one ( 'UploadFieldTest_Record' , '"Title" = \'Record 1\'' );
$fieldNoRelation = new UploadField ( 'NoRelationField' );
$fieldNoRelation -> setFolderName ( 'UploadFieldTest' );
$fieldNoRelation -> setRecord ( $record );
$fieldHasOne = new UploadField ( 'HasOneFile' );
$fieldHasOne -> setFolderName ( 'UploadFieldTest' );
$fieldHasOne -> setRecord ( $record );
2012-04-17 17:12:56 +12:00
$fieldHasOneMaxOne = new UploadField ( 'HasOneFileMaxOne' );
$fieldHasOneMaxOne -> setFolderName ( 'UploadFieldTest' );
$fieldHasOneMaxOne -> setConfig ( 'allowedMaxFileNumber' , 1 );
$fieldHasOneMaxOne -> setRecord ( $record );
$fieldHasOneMaxTwo = new UploadField ( 'HasOneFileMaxTwo' );
$fieldHasOneMaxTwo -> setFolderName ( 'UploadFieldTest' );
$fieldHasOneMaxTwo -> setConfig ( 'allowedMaxFileNumber' , 2 );
$fieldHasOneMaxTwo -> setRecord ( $record );
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
$fieldHasMany = new UploadField ( 'HasManyFiles' );
$fieldHasMany -> setFolderName ( 'UploadFieldTest' );
$fieldHasMany -> setRecord ( $record );
2012-04-17 17:12:56 +12:00
$fieldHasManyMaxTwo = new UploadField ( 'HasManyFilesMaxTwo' );
$fieldHasManyMaxTwo -> setFolderName ( 'UploadFieldTest' );
$fieldHasManyMaxTwo -> setConfig ( 'allowedMaxFileNumber' , 2 );
$fieldHasManyMaxTwo -> setRecord ( $record );
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
$fieldManyMany = new UploadField ( 'ManyManyFiles' );
$fieldManyMany -> setFolderName ( 'UploadFieldTest' );
$fieldManyMany -> setRecord ( $record );
$fieldReadonly = new UploadField ( 'ReadonlyField' );
$fieldReadonly -> setFolderName ( 'UploadFieldTest' );
$fieldReadonly -> setRecord ( $record );
$fieldReadonly = $fieldReadonly -> performReadonlyTransformation ();
$fieldDisabled = new UploadField ( 'DisabledField' );
$fieldDisabled -> setFolderName ( 'UploadFieldTest' );
$fieldDisabled -> setRecord ( $record );
$fieldDisabled = $fieldDisabled -> performDisabledTransformation ();
2012-02-08 00:58:58 +01:00
$fieldSubfolder = new UploadField ( 'SubfolderField' );
$fieldSubfolder -> setFolderName ( 'UploadFieldTest/subfolder1' );
$fieldSubfolder -> setRecord ( $record );
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
$form = new Form (
$this ,
'Form' ,
new FieldList (
$fieldNoRelation ,
$fieldHasOne ,
2012-04-17 17:12:56 +12:00
$fieldHasOneMaxOne ,
$fieldHasOneMaxTwo ,
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
$fieldHasMany ,
2012-04-17 17:12:56 +12:00
$fieldHasManyMaxTwo ,
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
$fieldManyMany ,
$fieldReadonly ,
2012-02-08 00:58:58 +01:00
$fieldDisabled ,
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
new FieldList (
new FormAction ( 'submit' )
new RequiredFields (
'NoRelationField' ,
'HasOneFile' ,
2012-04-17 17:12:56 +12:00
'HasOneFileMaxOne' ,
'HasOneFileMaxTwo' ,
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
'HasManyFiles' ,
2012-04-17 17:12:56 +12:00
'HasManyFilesMaxTwo' ,
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
'ManyManyFiles' ,
'ReadonlyField' ,
2012-02-08 00:58:58 +01:00
'DisabledField' ,
2012-02-03 00:59:40 +01:00
return $form ;
function submit ( $data , $form ) {
2012-03-27 17:04:11 +13:00