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* @package sapphire
* @subpackage integration
* RestfulService class allows you to consume various RESTful APIs.
* Through this you could connect and aggregate data of various web services.
* For more info visit wiki documentation -
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage integration
class RestfulService extends ViewableData {
protected $baseURL;
protected $queryString;
protected $rawXML;
protected $errorTag;
protected $checkErrors;
protected $cache_expire;
protected $authUsername, $authPassword;
protected $customHeaders = array();
* Creates a new restful service.
* @param string $base Base URL of the web service eg:
* @param int $expiry Set the cache expiry interva. Defaults to 1 hour (3600 seconds)
function __construct($base, $expiry=3600){
$this->baseURL = $base;
$this->cache_expire = $expiry;
* Sets the Query string parameters to send a request.
* @param array $params An array passed with necessary parameters.
function setQueryString($params=NULL){
$this->queryString = http_build_query($params,'','&');
* Set basic authentication
function basicAuth($username, $password) {
$this->authUsername = $username;
$this->authPassword = $password;
* Set a custom HTTP header
function httpHeader($header) {
$this->customHeaders[] = $header;
protected function constructURL(){
return "$this->baseURL" . ($this->queryString ? "?$this->queryString" : "");
* Connects to the RESTful service and gets its response.
* @todo implement authentication via cURL for
function connect($subURL){
$url = $this->constructURL() . $subURL; //url for the request
//check for file exists in cache
//set the cache directory
$cachedir=TEMP_FOLDER; //default silverstrip-cache
$cache_file = md5($url); //encoded name of cache file
$cache_path = $cachedir."/$cache_file";
if( !isset($_GET['flush']) && ( @file_exists("$cache_path") && ((@filemtime($cache_path) + $this->cache_expire) > ( time() )))){
$this->rawXML = file_get_contents($cache_path);
} else {//not available in cache fetch from server
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 5;
$useragent = "SilverStripe/2.2";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,1);
if($this->customHeaders) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->customHeaders);
if($this->authUsername) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$this->authUsername:$this->authPassword");
$this->rawXML = curl_exec($ch);
if($this->rawXML === false) {
user_error("Curl Error:" . curl_error($ch), E_USER_WARNING);
$statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
// Success
if($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 300) return $this->rawXML;
// Failure
switch($statusCode) {
case 401:
user_error("Bad username/password given to RestfulService, url $url", E_USER_WARNING);
user_error("Error code $statusCode from url $url", E_USER_WARNING);
//Try using file_get_contents if cURL is not installed in your system.
//$this->rawXML = file_get_contents($url);
//results returned - from cache / live
if($this->rawXML != ""){
//save the response in cache
$fp = @fopen($cache_path,"w+");
if($this->checkErrors == true) {
return $this->errorCatch($this->rawXML);
else {
return $this->rawXML;
} else {
user_error("Invalid Response (maybe your calling to wrong URL or server unavailable)", E_USER_ERROR);
* Gets attributes as an array, of a particular type of element.
* Example : <photo id="2636" owner="123" secret="ab128" server="2">
* returns id, owner,secret and sever attribute values of all such photo elements.
* @param string $xml The source xml to parse, this could be the original response received.
* @param string $collection The name of parent node which wraps the elements, if available
* @param string $element The element we need to extract the attributes.
function getAttributes($xml, $collection=NULL, $element=NULL){
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$output = new DataObjectSet();
$childElements = $xml->{$collection};
$childElements = $xml->{$collection}->{$element};
foreach($childElements as $child){
$data = array();
foreach($child->attributes() as $key => $value){
$data["$key"] = Convert::raw2xml($value);
$output->push(new ArrayData($data));
return $output;
* Gets an attribute of a particular element.
* @param string $xml The source xml to parse, this could be the original response received.
* @param string $collection The name of the parent node which wraps the element, if available
* @param string $element The element we need to extract the attribute
* @param string $attr The name of the attribute
function getAttribute($xml, $collection=NULL, $element=NULL, $attr){
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$attr_value = "";
$childElements = $xml->{$collection};
$childElements = $xml->{$collection}->{$element};
$attr_value = (string) $childElements[$attr];
return Convert::raw2xml($attr_value);
* Gets set of node values as an array.
* When you get to the depth in the hierachchy use node_child_subchild syntax to get the value.
* @param string $xml The the source xml to parse, this could be the original response received.
* @param string $collection The name of parent node which wraps the elements, if available
* @param string $element The element we need to extract the node values.
function getValues($xml, $collection=NULL, $element=NULL){
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$output = new DataObjectSet();
$childElements = $xml;
$childElements = $xml->{$collection};
$childElements = $xml->{$collection}->{$element};
foreach($childElements as $child){
$data = array();
$output->push(new ArrayData($data));
return $output;
protected function getRecurseValues($xml,&$data,$parent=""){
$conv_value = "";
$child_count = 0;
foreach($xml as $key=>$value)
$k = ($parent == "") ? (string)$key : $parent . "_" . (string)$key;
if($this->getRecurseValues($value,$data,$k) == 0){ // no childern, aka "leaf node"
$conv_value = Convert::raw2xml($value);
//Review the fix for similar node names overriding it's predecessor
if(array_key_exists($k, $data) == true) {
$data[$k] = $data[$k] . ",". $conv_value;
else {
$data[$k] = $conv_value;
return $child_count;
* Gets a single node value.
* @param string $xml The source xml to parse, this could be the original response received.
* @param string $collection The name of parent node which wraps the elements, if available
* @param string $element The element we need to extract the node value.
function getValue($xml, $collection=NULL, $element=NULL){
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$childElements = $xml->{$collection};
$childElements = $xml->{$collection}->{$element};
return Convert::raw2xml($childElements);
* Searches for a node in document tree and returns it value.
* @param string $xml source xml to parse, this could be the original response received.
* @param string $node Node to search for
function searchValue($xml, $node=NULL){
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$childElements = $xml->xpath($node);
return Convert::raw2xml($childElements[0]);
* Searches for a node in document tree and returns its attributes.
* @param string $xml the source xml to parse, this could be the original response received.
* @param string $node Node to search for
function searchAttributes($xml, $node=NULL){
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$output = new DataObjectSet();
$childElements = $xml->xpath($node);
foreach($childElements as $child){
$data = array();
foreach($child->attributes() as $key => $value){
$data["$key"] = Convert::raw2xml($value);
$output->push(new ArrayData($data));
return $output;