2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
< ? php
* Base controller class .
* Controllers are the cornerstone of all site functionality in Sapphire . The { @ link Director }
* selects a controller to pass control to , and then calls { @ link run ()} . This method will execute
* the appropriate action - either by calling the action method , or displaying the action ' s template .
* See { @ link getTemplate ()} for information on how the template is chosen .
class Controller extends ViewableData {
protected $urlParams ;
protected $requestParams ;
protected $action ;
protected static $currentController ;
protected $basicAuthEnabled = true ;
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* The HTTPResponse object that the controller returns
protected $response ;
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function setURLParams ( $urlParams ) {
$this -> urlParams = $urlParams ;
function getURLParams () {
return $this -> urlParams ;
* Execute the appropriate action handler . If none is given , use defaultAction to display
* a template . The default action will be appropriate in most cases where displaying data
* is the core goal ; the Viewer can call methods on the controller to get the data it needs .
* @ param array $urlParams named parameters extracted from the URL , including Action .
* @ param array $requestParams GET and POST variables .
protected $baseInitCalled = false ;
function run ( $requestParams ) {
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: mark ( " Controller " , " run " );
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Controller :: $currentController = $this ;
$this -> response = new HTTPResponse ();
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$this -> requestParams = $requestParams ;
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$this -> action = isset ( $this -> urlParams [ 'Action' ]) ? str_replace ( " - " , " _ " , $this -> urlParams [ 'Action' ]) : " index " ;
// Init
$this -> baseInitCalled = false ;
$this -> init ();
if ( ! $this -> baseInitCalled ) user_error ( " init() method on class ' $this->class ' doesn't call Controller::init(). Make sure that you have parent::init() included. " , E_USER_WARNING );
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// If we had a redirection or something, halt processing.
if ( $this -> response -> isFinished ()) return $this -> response ;
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// Look at the action variables for forms
foreach ( $this -> requestParams as $paramName => $paramVal ) {
if ( substr ( $paramName , 0 , 7 ) == 'action_' ) {
// Cleanup action_, _x and _y from image fields
$funcName = preg_replace ( array ( '/^action_/' , '/_x$|_y$/' ), '' , $paramName );
break ;
// Form handler
if ( isset ( $this -> requestParams [ 'executeForm' ]) && is_string ( $this -> requestParams [ 'executeForm' ])) {
if ( isset ( $funcName )) {
Form :: set_current_action ( $funcName );
// Get the appropraite ocntroller: sometimes we want to get a form from another controller
if ( isset ( $this -> requestParams [ 'formController' ])) {
$formController = Director :: getControllerForURL ( $this -> requestParams [ 'formController' ]);
while ( is_a ( $formController , 'NestedController' )) {
$formController = $formController -> getNestedController ();
} else {
$formController = $this ;
// Create the form object
$form = $formController ;
$formObjParts = explode ( '.' , $this -> requestParams [ 'executeForm' ]);
foreach ( $formObjParts as $formMethod ){
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: mark ( " Calling $formMethod " , " on $form->class " );
$form = $form -> $formMethod ();
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: unmark ( " Calling $formMethod " , " on $form->class " );
if ( ! $form ) break ; //user_error("Form method '" . $this->requestParams['executeForm'] . "' returns null in controller class '$this->class' ($_SERVER[REQUEST_URI])", E_USER_ERROR);
// Populate the form
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: mark ( " Controller " , " populate form " );
if ( $form ){
$form -> loadDataFrom ( $this -> requestParams , true );
// disregard validation if a single field is called
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'action_callfieldmethod' ])) {
$valid = $form -> beforeProcessing ();
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if ( ! $valid ) return $this -> response ;
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// If the action wasnt' set, choose the default on the form.
if ( ! isset ( $funcName ) && $defaultAction = $form -> defaultAction ()){
$funcName = $defaultAction -> actionName ();
if ( isset ( $funcName )) {
$form -> setButtonClicked ( $funcName );
} else {
user_error ( " No form ( " . Session :: get ( 'CMSMain.currentPage' ) . " ) returned by $formController->class -> $_REQUEST[executeForm] " , E_USER_WARNING );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: unmark ( " Controller " , " populate form " );
if ( ! isset ( $funcName )) {
user_error ( " No action button has been clicked in this form executon, and no default has been allowed " , E_USER_ERROR );
// First, try a handler method on the controller
if ( $this -> hasMethod ( $funcName ) || ! $form ) {
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_controller' ])){
Debug :: show ( " Found function $funcName on the controller " );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: mark ( " $this->class :: $funcName (controller action) " );
$result = $this -> $funcName ( $this -> requestParams , $form );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: unmark ( " $this->class :: $funcName (controller action) " );
// Otherwise, try a handler method on the form object
} else {
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_controller' ])) {
Debug :: show ( " Found function $funcName on the form object " );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: mark ( " $form->class :: $funcName (form action) " );
$result = $form -> $funcName ( $this -> requestParams , $form );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: unmark ( " $form->class :: $funcName (form action) " );
// Normal action
} else {
if ( ! isset ( $funcName )) $funcName = $this -> action ;
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if ( $this -> hasMethod ( $funcName )) {
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_controller' ])) Debug :: show ( " Found function $funcName on the $this->class controller " );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: mark ( " $this->class :: $funcName (controller action) " );
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$result = $this -> $funcName ( $this -> urlParams );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: unmark ( " $this->class :: $funcName (controller action) " );
} else {
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_controller' ])) Debug :: show ( " Running default action for $funcName on the $this->class controller " );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: mark ( " Controller::defaultAction( $funcName ) " );
$result = $this -> defaultAction ( $funcName , $this -> urlParams );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: unmark ( " Controller::defaultAction( $funcName ) " );
// If your controller function returns an array, then add that data to the
// default template
if ( is_array ( $result )) {
$extended = $this -> customise ( $result );
$viewer = $this -> getViewer ( $funcName );
$result = $viewer -> process ( $extended );
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$this -> response -> setBody ( $result );
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if ( $result ) ContentNegotiator :: process ( $this -> response );
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// Set up HTTP cache headers
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HTTP :: add_cache_headers ( $this -> response );
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if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug_profile' ])) Profiler :: unmark ( " Controller " , " run " );
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return $this -> response ;
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function defaultAction ( $action ) {
return $this -> getViewer ( $action ) -> process ( $this );
function getAction () {
return $this -> action ;
* Return an SSViewer object to process the data
function getViewer ( $action ) {
// Hard-coded templates
if ( $this -> templates [ $action ]) {
$templates = $this -> templates [ $action ];
} else if ( $this -> templates [ 'index' ]) {
$templates = $this -> templates [ 'index' ];
} else if ( $this -> template ) {
$templates = $this -> template ;
} else {
$parentClass = $this -> class ;
while ( $parentClass != " Controller " ) {
$templateName = $parentClass ;
if (( $pos = strpos ( $templateName , '_' )) !== false ) $templateName = substr ( $templateName , 0 , $pos );
if ( $action && $action != " index " ) $templates [] = $templateName . '_' . $action ;
$templates [] = $templateName ;
$parentClass = get_parent_class ( $parentClass );
$templates = array_unique ( $templates );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'showtemplate' ])) Debug :: show ( $templates );
return new SSViewer ( $templates );
* Call this to disable basic authentication on test sites
* must be called in the init () method
function disableBasicAuth () {
$this -> basicAuthEnabled = false ;
* Initialisation function that is run before any action on the controller is called .
function init () {
// Test and development sites should be secured, via basic-auth
if ( ClassInfo :: ready () && ClassInfo :: hasTable ( " Member " ) && Director :: isTest () && $this -> basicAuthEnabled ) {
BasicAuth :: requireLogin ( " SilverStripe test website. Use your CMS login " , " ADMIN " );
Cookie :: set ( " PastVisitor " , true );
// ClassInfo::ready() called to ensure that we're not in a very-first-setup stage
if ( ClassInfo :: ready () && ClassInfo :: hasTable ( " Member " ) && ( $member = Member :: currentUser ())) {
Cookie :: set ( " PastMember " , true );
DB :: query ( " UPDATE Member SET LastVisited = NOW() WHERE ID = $member->ID " , null );
// This is used to test that subordinate controllers are actually calling parent::init() - a common bug
$this -> baseInitCalled = true ;
public static function currentController () {
return Controller :: $currentController ;
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* Returns the current controller
public static function curr () {
return Controller :: $currentController ;
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* Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action .
* @ param perm The permission to be checked , such as 'View' .
* @ param member The member whose permissions need checking . Defaults to the currently logged
* in user .
function can ( $perm , $member = null ) {
if ( ! $member ) $member = Member :: currentUser ();
if ( $this -> hasMethod ( $methodName = 'can' . $perm )) {
return $this -> $methodName ( $member );
} else {
return true ;
* returns a date object for use within a template
* Usage : $Now . Year - Returns 2006
function Now () {
$d = new Date ( null );
$d -> setVal ( date ( " Y-m-d h:i:s " ));
return $d ;
* Returns a link to any other page
function LinkTo ( $a , $b ) {
return Director :: baseURL () . $a . '/' . $b ;
function AbsoluteLink () {
return Director :: absoluteURL ( $this -> Link ());
* Returns the currently logged in user
function CurrentMember () {
return Member :: currentUser ();
* Returns true if the visitor has been here before
function PastVisitor () {
return Cookie :: get ( " PastVisitor " ) ? true : false ;
* Return true if the visitor has signed up for a login account before
function PastMember () {
return Cookie :: get ( " PastMember " ) ? true : false ;
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* Handle redirection
function redirect ( $url ) {
// Attach site-root to relative links, if they have a slash in them
if ( substr ( $url , 0 , 4 ) != " http " && $url [ 0 ] != " / " && strpos ( $url , '/' ) !== false ){
$url = Director :: baseURL () . $url ;
$this -> response -> redirect ( $url );
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