2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
< ? php
* The most common kind if controller ; effectively a controller linked to a { @ link DataObject } .
* ContentControllers are most useful in the content - focused areas of a site . This is generally
* the bulk of a site ; however , they may be less appropriate in , for example , the user management
* section of an application .
* On its own , content controller does very little . Its constructor is passed a { @ link DataObject }
* which is stored in $this -> dataRecord . Any unrecognised method calls , for example , Title ()
* and Content (), will be passed along to the data record ,
* Subclasses of ContentController are generally instantiated by ModelAsController ; this will create
* a controller based on the URLSegment action variable , by looking in the SiteTree table .
class ContentController extends Controller {
protected $dataRecord ;
* The ContentController will take the URLSegment parameter from the URL and use that to look
* up a SiteTree record .
public function __construct ( $dataRecord ) {
$this -> dataRecord = $dataRecord ;
$this -> failover = $this -> dataRecord ;
parent :: __construct ();
public function Link ( $action = null ) {
return Director :: baseURL () . $this -> RelativeLink ( $action );
public function RelativeLink ( $action = null ) {
if ( $this -> URLSegment ){
if ( $action == " index " ) $action = " " ;
// '&' in a URL is apparently naughty
$action = preg_replace ( '/&/' , '&' , $action );
return $this -> URLSegment . " / $action " ;
} else {
user_error ( " ContentController::RelativeLink() No URLSegment given on a ' $this->class ' object. Perhaps you should overload it? " , E_USER_WARNING );
/** TODO : junk from CVS ?? **/
//if($action == "index") $action = "";
// '&' in a URL is apparently naughty
// $action = preg_replace( '/&/', '&', $action );
//return $this->URLSegment . "/$action";
// These flexible data methods remove the need for custom code to do simple stuff
* Return the children of the given page .
* $parentRef can be a page number or a URLSegment
public function ChildrenOf ( $parentRef ) {
$SQL_parentRef = Convert :: raw2sql ( $parentRef );
$parent = DataObject :: get_one ( 'SiteTree' , " URLSegment = ' $SQL_parentRef ' " );
if ( ! $parent && is_numeric ( $parentRef )) $parent = DataObject :: get_by_id ( 'SiteTree' , $SQL_parentRef );
if ( $parent ) {
return $parent -> Children ();
} else {
user_error ( " Error running <% control ChildrenOf( $parentRef ) %>: page ' $parentRef ' couldn't be found " , E_USER_WARNING );
public function Page ( $url ) {
$SQL_url = Convert :: raw2sql ( $url );
return DataObject :: get_one ( 'SiteTree' , " URLSegment = ' $SQL_url ' " );
public function init () {
parent :: init ();
// If we've accessed the homepage as /home/, then we should redirect to /.
if ( $this -> dataRecord && RootURLController :: should_be_on_root ( $this -> dataRecord ) && ! $this -> urlParams [ 'Action' ] && ! $_POST && ! $_FILES ) {
$getVars = $_GET ;
unset ( $getVars [ 'url' ]);
if ( $getVars ) $url = " ./? " . http_build_query ( $getVars );
else $url = " ./ " ;
Director :: redirect ( $url );
die ();
Versioned :: choose_site_stage ();
Director :: set_site_mode ( 'site' );
// Check permissions
if ( $this -> dataRecord && ! $this -> dataRecord -> can ( 'View' )) Security :: permissionFailure ( $this );
2007-07-20 04:05:51 +00:00
Requirements :: themedCSS ( " layout " );
Requirements :: themedCSS ( " typography " );
2007-07-20 04:32:58 +00:00
Requirements :: themedCSS ( " form " );
2007-07-20 04:05:51 +00:00
* Get the project name
* @ return string
function project () {
global $project ;
return $project ;
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
* Returns the associated database record
public function data () {
return $this -> dataRecord ;
* Returns a fixed navigation menu of the given level .
public function getMenu ( $level ) {
if ( $level == 1 ) {
return DataObject :: get ( " SiteTree " , " ShowInMenus = 1 AND ParentID = 0 " );
} else {
$parent = $this -> data ();
$stack = array ( $parent );
while ( $parent = $parent -> Parent ) array_unshift ( $stack , $parent );
if ( isset ( $stack [ $level - 2 ]))
return $stack [ $level - 2 ] -> Children ();
* Returns the page in the current page stack of the given level .
* Level ( 1 ) will return the main menu item that we ' re currently inside , etc .
public function Level ( $level ) {
$parent = $this -> data ();
$stack = array ( $parent );
while ( $parent = $parent -> Parent ) {
array_unshift ( $stack , $parent );
return isset ( $stack [ $level - 1 ]) ? $stack [ $level - 1 ] : null ;
public function Menu ( $level ) {
return $this -> getMenu ( $level );
public function Section2 () {
return $this -> Level ( 2 ) -> URLSegment ;
* Returns the default log - in form .
public function LoginForm () {
return Object :: create ( 'LoginForm' , $this , " LoginForm " );
public function SilverStripeNavigator () {
$member = Member :: currentUser ();
if ( Director :: isDev () || ( $member && $member -> isCMSUser ())) {
Requirements :: css ( 'sapphire/css/SilverStripeNavigator.css' );
Requirements :: javascript ( 'jsparty/behaviour.js' );
// Requirements::javascript('jsparty/prototype.js');
Requirements :: customScript ( <<< JS
Behaviour . register ({
'#switchView a' : {
onclick : function () {
var w = window . open ( this . href , windowName ( this . target ));
w . focus ();
return false ;
function windowName ( suffix ) {
var base = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'base' )[ 0 ] . href . replace ( 'http://' , '' ) . replace ( / \ //g,'_').replace(/\./g,'_');
return base + suffix ;
window . name = windowName ( 'site' );
if ( $this -> dataRecord ){
$thisPage = $this -> dataRecord -> Link ();
$cmsLink = 'admin/show/' . $this -> dataRecord -> ID ;
$cmsLink = " <a href= \" $cmsLink\ " target = \ " cms \" >CMS</a> " ;
} else {
* HGS : If this variable is missing a notice is raised . Subclasses of ContentController
* are required to implement RelativeLink anyway , so this should work even if the
* dataRecord isn ' t set .
$thisPage = $this -> Link ();
$cmsLink = '' ;
$archiveLink = " " ;
if ( $date = Versioned :: current_archived_date ()) {
$dateObj = Object :: create ( 'Datetime' , $date , null );
// $dateObj->setVal($date);
$archiveLink = " <a class= \" current \" >Archived Site</a> " ;
$liveLink = " <a href= \" $thisPage ?stage=Live \" target= \" site \" style= \" left : -3px; \" >Published Site</a> " ;
$stageLink = " <a href= \" $thisPage ?stage=Stage \" target= \" site \" style= \" left : -1px; \" >Draft Site</a> " ;
$message = " <div id= \" SilverStripeNavigatorMessage \" >Archived site from<br> " . $dateObj -> Nice () . " </div> " ;
} else if ( Versioned :: current_stage () == 'Stage' ) {
$stageLink = " <a class= \" current \" >Draft Site</a> " ;
$liveLink = " <a href= \" $thisPage ?stage=Live \" target= \" site \" style= \" left : -3px; \" >Published Site</a> " ;
$message = " <div id= \" SilverStripeNavigatorMessage \" >DRAFT SITE</div> " ;
} else {
$liveLink = " <a class= \" current \" >Published Site</a> " ;
$stageLink = " <a href= \" $thisPage ?stage=Stage \" target= \" site \" style= \" left : -1px; \" >Draft Site</a> " ;
$message = " <div id= \" SilverStripeNavigatorMessage \" >PUBLISHED SITE</div> " ;
if ( $member ) {
$firstname = Convert :: raw2xml ( $member -> FirstName );
$surname = Convert :: raw2xml ( $member -> Surame );
$logInMessage = " Logged in as { $firstname } { $surname } - <a href= \" Security/logout \" >log out</a> " ;
} else {
$logInMessage = " Not logged in - <a href= \" Security/login \" >log in</a> " ;
* HGS : cmsLink is now only set if there is a dataRecord . You can ' t view the page in the
* CMS if there is no dataRecord
return <<< HTML
< div id = " SilverStripeNavigator " >
< div class = " holder " >
< div id = " logInStatus " >
</ div >
< div id = " switchView " class = " bottomTabs " >
< div class = " blank " > View page in : </ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
// On live sites we should still see the archived message
} else {
if ( $date = Versioned :: current_archived_date ()) {
Requirements :: css ( 'sapphire/css/SilverStripeNavigator.css' );
$dateObj = Object :: create ( 'Datetime' , $date , null );
// $dateObj->setVal($date);
return " <div id= \" SilverStripeNavigatorMessage \" >Archived site from<br> " . $dateObj -> Nice () . " </div> " ;
* Returns a page comment system
function PageComments () {
if ( $this -> data () -> ProvideComments ) {
return new PageCommentInterface ( $this , 'PageComments' , $this -> data ());
} else {
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'executeForm' ]) && $_REQUEST [ 'executeForm' ] == 'PageComments.PostCommentForm' ) {
echo " Comments have been disabled for this page " ;
die ();
* Throw an error to test the error system
function throwerror () {
user_error ( " This is a test of the error handler - nothing to worry about. " , E_USER_ERROR );
* Throw a warning to test the error system
function throwwarning () {
user_error ( " This is a test of the warning handler - nothing to worry about. " , E_USER_WARNING );
* This action is called by the installation system
function successfullyinstalled () {
$title = new Varchar ( " Title " );
$content = new HTMLText ( " Content " );
$username = Session :: get ( 'username' );
$password = Session :: get ( 'password' );
$title -> setValue ( " Installation Successful " );
global $project ;
$tutorialOnly = ( $project == 'tutorial' ) ? " <p>This website is a simplistic version of a SilverStripe 2 site. To extend this, please take a look at <a href= \" http://doc.silverstripe.com/doku.php?id=tutorial:1-building-a-basic-site \" >our new tutorials</a>.</p> " : '' ;
$content -> setValue ( <<< HTML
< p style = " margin: 1em 0 " >< b > Congratulations , SilverStripe has been successfully installed .</ b ></ p >
< p > You can start editing your site ' s content by opening < a href = " admin/ " > the CMS </ a >. < br />
& nbsp ; & nbsp ; Email : $username < br />
& nbsp ; & nbsp ; Password : $password < br />
</ p >
< div style = " background:#ddd; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:5px; margin:5px; " >< img src = " cms/images/dialogs/alert.gif " style = " border: none; margin-right: 10px; float: left; " />< p style = " color:red; " > For security reasons you should now delete the install files , unless you are planning to reinstall later . The web server also now only needs write access to the " assets " folder , you can remove write access from all other folders .</ p >
< div style = " margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%; " >< p >< a href = " home/deleteinstallfiles " style = " text-align: center; " > Click here to delete the install files .</ a ></ p ></ div ></ div >
return array (
" Title " => $title ,
" Content " => $content ,
function deleteinstallfiles () {
$title = new Varchar ( " Title " );
$content = new HTMLText ( " Content " );
$tempcontent = '' ;
$username = Session :: get ( 'username' );
$password = Session :: get ( 'password' );
$installfiles = array (
'index.php' ,
'install.php' ,
'rewritetest.php' ,
'check-php.php' ,
'config-form.css' ,
'config-form.html' ,
foreach ( $installfiles as $installfile ) {
if ( file_exists ( '../' . $installfile )) {
unlink ( '../' . $installfile );
if ( file_exists ( '../' . $installfile )) {
$unsuccessful [] = $installfile ;
if ( isset ( $unsuccessful )) {
$title -> setValue ( " Unable to delete installation files " );
$tempcontent = " <p style= \" margin: 1em 0 \" >Unable to delete installation files. Please delete the files below manually:</p><ul> " ;
foreach ( $unsuccessful as $unsuccessfulFile ) {
$tempcontent .= " <li> $unsuccessfulFile </li> " ;
$tempcontent .= " </ul> " ;
} else {
$title -> setValue ( " Deleted installation files " );
$tempcontent = <<< HTML
< p style = " margin: 1em 0 " > Installation files have been successfully deleted .</ p >
$tempcontent .= <<< HTML
< p style = " margin: 1em 0 " > You can start editing your site ' s content by opening < a href = " admin/ " > the CMS </ a >. < br />
& nbsp ; & nbsp ; Email : $username < br />
& nbsp ; & nbsp ; Password : $password < br />
</ p >
$content -> setValue ( $tempcontent );
return array (
" Title " => $title ,
" Content " => $content ,