2016-05-27 13:09:03 +12:00
< ? php
2017-06-29 18:45:17 +12:00
namespace SilverStripe\View\Tests\Shortcodes ;
2016-05-27 13:09:03 +12:00
2020-08-12 12:14:05 +12:00
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface ;
use SilverStripe\View\Parsers\ShortcodeParser ;
2017-06-29 18:45:17 +12:00
use SilverStripe\View\Shortcodes\EmbedShortcodeProvider ;
2016-08-19 10:51:35 +12:00
use SilverStripe\Dev\SapphireTest ;
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
use SilverStripe\View\Tests\Embed\EmbedUnitTest ;
2016-08-19 10:51:35 +12:00
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
class EmbedShortcodeProviderTest extends EmbedUnitTest
2016-05-27 13:09:03 +12:00
2019-08-19 16:35:40 +01:00
public function assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace ( $a , $b , $message = '' )
$this -> assertEquals ( preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , '' , $a ), preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , '' , $b ), $message );
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
private function getShortcodeHtml (
string $urlA ,
string $urlB ,
string $firstResponse ,
string $secondResponse ,
array $arguments
) : string {
$firstResponse = str_replace ( " \n " , '' , $firstResponse );
$secondResponse = str_replace ( " \n " , '' , $secondResponse );
$embedContainer = $this -> createEmbedContainer ( $urlA , $urlB , $firstResponse , $secondResponse );
return EmbedShortcodeProvider :: handle_shortcode ( $arguments , '' , null , '' , [ 'Embeddable' => $embedContainer ]);
2016-12-16 17:34:21 +13:00
public function testYoutube ()
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
$url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM15HfUYwF0' ;
$html = $this -> getShortcodeHtml (
$url ,
$url ,
<<< EOT
< link rel = " alternate " type = " application/json+oembed " href = " https://www.youtube.com/oembed?format=json&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Da2tDOYkFCYo " title = " The flying car completes first ever inter-city flight (Official Video) " >
<<< EOT
{ " title " : " The flying car completes first ever inter-city flight (Official Video) " , " author_name " : " KleinVision " , " author_url " : " https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCHAHvcO7KSNmgXVRIJLNkw " , " type " : " video " , " height " : 113 , " width " : 200 , " version " : " 1.0 " , " provider_name " : " YouTube " , " provider_url " : " https://www.youtube.com/ " , " thumbnail_height " : 360 , " thumbnail_width " : 480 , " thumbnail_url " : " https://i.ytimg.com/vi/a2tDOYkFCYo/hqdefault.jpg " , " html " : " \ u003ciframe width= \ u0022200 \ u0022 height= \ u0022113 \ u0022 src= \ u0022https://www.youtube.com/embed/a2tDOYkFCYo?feature=oembed \ u0022 frameborder= \ u00220 \ u0022 allow= \ u0022accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture \ u0022 allowfullscreen \ u003e \ u003c/iframe \ u003e " }
2017-04-03 16:30:01 +12:00
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
'url' => $url ,
2017-04-03 16:30:01 +12:00
'caption' => 'A nice video' ,
2020-07-27 18:04:03 +12:00
'width' => 777 ,
'height' => 437 ,
2017-04-03 16:30:01 +12:00
2019-08-19 16:35:40 +01:00
$this -> assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace (
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
<<< EOT
< div style = " width:777px; " >< iframe width = " 777 " height = " 437 " src = " https://www.youtube.com/embed/a2tDOYkFCYo?feature=oembed " frameborder = " 0 " allow = " accelerometer;autoplay;clipboard-write;encrypted-media;gyroscope;picture-in-picture " allowfullscreen ></ iframe >< p class = " caption " > A nice video </ p ></ div >
2017-04-03 16:30:01 +12:00
2016-12-16 17:34:21 +13:00
public function testSoundcloud ()
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
$url = 'https://soundcloud.com/napalmrecords/delain-suckerpunch' ;
$html = $this -> getShortcodeHtml (
$url ,
$url ,
<<< EOT
< link rel = " alternate " type = " text/json+oembed " href = " https://soundcloud.com/oembed?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fnapalmrecords%2Fdelain-suckerpunch&format=json " >
<<< EOT
{ " version " : 1.0 , " type " : " rich " , " provider_name " : " SoundCloud " , " provider_url " : " https://soundcloud.com " , " height " : 400 , " width " : " 100% " , " title " : " DELAIN - Suckerpunch by Napalm Records " , " description " : " Taken from the EP \" Lunar Prelude \" : https://shop.napalmrecords.com/delain " , " thumbnail_url " : " https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000143578557-af0v6l-t500x500.jpg " , " html " : " <iframe width= \" 100% \" height= \" 400 \" scrolling= \" no \" frameborder= \" no \" src= \" https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?visual=true&url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F242518079&show_artwork=true \" ></iframe> " , " author_name " : " Napalm Records " , " author_url " : " https://soundcloud.com/napalmrecords " }
'url' => $url
$this -> assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace (
<<< EOT
< div style = " width:100px; " >< iframe width = " 100% " height = " 400 " scrolling = " no " frameborder = " no " src = " https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?visual=true&url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F242518079&show_artwork=true " ></ iframe ></ div >
public function testVimeo ()
$url = 'https://vimeo.com/680885625' ;
$html = $this -> getShortcodeHtml (
$url ,
$url ,
<<< EOT
< link rel = " alternate " href = " https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F680885625%3Fh%3D0cadf1a475 " type = " application/json+oembed " title = " Mount Rainier National Park - 2021 - Episode 01 " >
<<< EOT
{ " type " : " video " , " version " : " 1.0 " , " provider_name " : " Vimeo " , " provider_url " : " https: \ / \ /vimeo.com \ / " , " title " : " Mount Rainier National Park - 2021 - Episode 01 " , " author_name " : " Altered Stag Productions " , " author_url " : " https: \ / \ /vimeo.com \ /alteredstag " , " is_plus " : " 0 " , " account_type " : " pro " , " html " : " <iframe src= \" https: \ / \ /player.vimeo.com \ /video \ /680885625?h=0cadf1a475&app_id=122963 \" width= \" 640 \" height= \" 360 \" frameborder= \" 0 \" allow= \" autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture \" allowfullscreen title= \" Mount Rainier National Park - 2021 - Episode 01 \" >< \ /iframe> " , " width " : 640 , " height " : 360 , " duration " : 60 , " description " : " Mount Rainier was the first national park I ever visited so it was definitely exciting to be back with refined skills and better equipment. Here is a quick cap of the trip with more segments on the way. \n \n Song: And What Now of the Birds for Ben by David Jennings - March 3, 2021. " , " thumbnail_url " : " https: \ / \ /i.vimeocdn.com \ /video \ /1380153025-d3b1840ae521cd936bdaaafaef280b9c0634e729c6b09bca7767792b553a5220-d_640 " , " thumbnail_width " : 640 , " thumbnail_height " : 360 , " thumbnail_url_with_play_button " : " https: \ / \ /i.vimeocdn.com \ /filter \ /overlay?src0=https%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F1380153025-d3b1840ae521cd936bdaaafaef280b9c0634e729c6b09bca7767792b553a5220-d_640&src1=http%3A%2F%2Ff.vimeocdn.com%2Fp%2Fimages%2Fcrawler_play.png " , " upload_date " : " 2022-02-23 08:54:15 " , " video_id " : 680885625 , " uri " : " \ /videos \ /680885625 " }
2017-04-03 16:30:01 +12:00
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
'url' => $url
2017-04-03 16:30:01 +12:00
2019-08-19 16:35:40 +01:00
$this -> assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace (
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
<<< EOT
< div style = " width: 640px; " >< iframe src = " https://player.vimeo.com/video/680885625?h=0cadf1a475&app_id=122963 " width = " 640 " height = " 360 " frameborder = " 0 " allow = " autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture " allowfullscreen title = " Mount Rainier National Park - 2021 - Episode 01 " ></ iframe ></ div >
2017-04-03 16:30:01 +12:00
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
public function testFlickr ()
2017-04-03 16:30:01 +12:00
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
$urlA = 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/philocycler/32119532132/in/photolist-QWhZSL-DFFK9V-JcDYRD-S5ksMB-KPznfz-dT81te-2aqUUb1-Gur1ok-cgfEL1-dUu2Cv-8iqmZ9-z5ktAq-z5mCCE-9FmXnE-UH4Y1d-VZsXJn-22zGNHz-e1mzTR-22uVLSo-VJJWsE-VJJJQG-8in8np-agL5ae-9KKkAe-29if7Rt' ;
$urlB = 'https://live.staticflickr.com/759/32119532132_50c3f7933f_b.jpg' ;
$html = $this -> getShortcodeHtml (
$urlA ,
$urlB ,
<<< EOT
< link rel = " alternative " type = " application/json+oembed " href = " https://www.flickr.com/services/oembed?url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/philocycler/32119532132&format=json " data - dynamic - added - by = " bb44774707b5780000000000000000000000000000000 " data - dynamic = " true " />
<<< EOT
{ " type " : " photo " , " flickr_type " : " photo " , " title " : " bird " , " author_name " : " Philocycler " , " author_url " : " https: \ / \ /www.flickr.com \ /photos \ /philocycler \ / " , " width " : 1024 , " height " : 742 , " url " : " https: \ / \ /live.staticflickr.com \ /759 \ /32119532132_50c3f7933f_b.jpg " , " web_page " : " https: \ / \ /www.flickr.com \ /photos \ /philocycler \ /32119532132 \ / " , " thumbnail_url " : " https: \ / \ /live.staticflickr.com \ /759 \ /32119532132_50c3f7933f_q.jpg " , " thumbnail_width " : 150 , " thumbnail_height " : 150 , " web_page_short_url " : " https: \ / \ /flic.kr \ /p \ /QWhZSL " , " license " : " All Rights Reserved " , " license_id " : 0 , " html " : " <a data-flickr-embed= \" true \" href= \" https: \ / \ /www.flickr.com \ /photos \ /philocycler \ /32119532132 \ / \" title= \" bird by Philocycler, on Flickr \" ><img src= \" https: \ / \ /live.staticflickr.com \ /759 \ /32119532132_50c3f7933f_b.jpg \" width= \" 1024 \" height= \" 742 \" alt= \" bird \" >< \ /a><script async src= \" https: \ / \ /embedr.flickr.com \ /assets \ /client-code.js \" charset= \" utf-8 \" >< \ /script> " , " version " : " 1.0 " , " cache_age " : 3600 , " provider_name " : " Flickr " , " provider_url " : " https: \ / \ /www.flickr.com \ / " }
2017-04-03 16:30:01 +12:00
2022-03-24 10:27:15 +13:00
'url' => $urlB ,
'width' => 1024 ,
'height' => 742 ,
'caption' => 'Birdy'
$this -> assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace (
<<< EOT
< div style = " width:1024px; " >< a data - flickr - embed = " true " href = " https://www.flickr.com/photos/philocycler/32119532132/ " title = " birdbyPhilocycler,onFlickr " >< img src = " https://live.staticflickr.com/759/32119532132_50c3f7933f_b.jpg " width = " 1024 " height = " 742 " alt = " bird " ></ a >< script asyncsrc = " https://embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js " charset = " utf-8 " ></ script >< p class = " caption " > Birdy </ p ></ div >
public function testAudio ()
// not implemented in Silerstripe so will fallback to a link to $urlA
$urlA = 'https://www.someaudioplace.com/12345' ;
$urlB = 'https://www.someaudioplace.com/listen/12345' ;
$html = $this -> getShortcodeHtml (
$urlA ,
$urlB ,
<<< EOT
< link rel = " alternative " type = " application/json+oembed " href = " https://www.someaudioplace.com/oembed?a=12345 " data - dynamic = " true " />
<<< EOT
{ " type " : " audio " , " title " : " Some music " , " author_name " : " bob " , " html " : " <audio controls><source src= " https :// www . someaudioplace . com / listen / 12345 " type= " audio / ogg " ></audio> " }
'url' => $urlB ,
$this -> assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace (
<<< EOT
< a href = " https://www.someaudioplace.com/12345 " ></ a >
2017-04-03 16:30:01 +12:00
2016-12-16 17:34:21 +13:00
2020-08-12 12:14:05 +12:00
public function testFlushCachedShortcodes ()
/** @var CacheInterface $cache */
$url = 'http://www.test-service.com/abc123' ;
$content = '<p>Some content with an [embed url="' . $url . '" thumbnail="https://example.com/mythumb.jpg" ' .
'class="leftAlone ss-htmleditorfield-file embed" width="480" height="270"]' . $url . '[/embed]</p>' ;
$embedHtml = '<iframe myattr="something" />' ;
$parser = ShortcodeParser :: get ( 'default' );
// use reflection to access private methods
$provider = new EmbedShortcodeProvider ();
$reflector = new \ReflectionClass ( EmbedShortcodeProvider :: class );
$method = $reflector -> getMethod ( 'getCache' );
$method -> setAccessible ( true );
$cache = $method -> invokeArgs ( $provider , []);
$method = $reflector -> getMethod ( 'deriveCacheKey' );
$method -> setAccessible ( true );
2021-06-29 12:17:07 +12:00
$class = 'leftAlone ss-htmleditorfield-file embed' ;
$width = '480' ;
$height = '270' ;
$key = $method -> invokeArgs ( $provider , [ $url , $class , $width , $height ]);
2020-08-12 12:14:05 +12:00
// assertions
2021-06-29 12:17:07 +12:00
$this -> assertEquals ( 'embed-shortcode-httpwwwtest-servicecomabc123-leftAloness-htmleditorfield-fileembed-480-270' , $key );
2020-08-12 12:14:05 +12:00
$cache -> set ( $key , $embedHtml );
$this -> assertTrue ( $cache -> has ( $key ));
EmbedShortcodeProvider :: flushCachedShortcodes ( $parser , $content );
$this -> assertFalse ( $cache -> has ( $key ));
2016-05-27 13:09:03 +12:00