2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
< ? php
class Member extends DataObject {
static $db = array (
'FirstName' => " Varchar " ,
'Surname' => " Varchar " ,
'Email' => " Varchar " ,
'Password' => " Varchar " ,
'NumVisit' => " Int " ,
'LastVisited' => 'Datetime' ,
'Bounced' => 'Boolean' ,
'AutoLoginHash' => 'Varchar(10)' ,
'AutoLoginExpired' => 'Datetime' ,
'BlacklistedEmail' => 'Boolean' ,
static $belongs_many_many = array (
" Groups " => " Group " ,
static $has_one = array (
static $has_many = array (
'UnsubscribedRecords' => 'Member_UnsubscribeRecord'
static $default_sort = " Surname, FirstName " ;
static $indexes = array (
'Email' => true ,
* Logs this member in .
function logIn () {
Session :: set ( " loggedInAs " , $this -> ID );
$this -> NumVisit ++ ;
$this -> write ();
* Logs this member in .
function logOut (){
Cookie :: set ( 'alc_enc' , null );
Session :: clear ( " loggedInAs " );
function generateAutologinHash () {
$linkHash = sprintf ( '%10d' , time () );
while ( DataObject :: get_one ( 'Member' , " `AutoLoginHash`=' $linkHash ' " ) )
$linkHash = sprintf ( '%10d' , abs ( time () * rand ( 1 , 10 ) ) );
$this -> AutoLoginHash = $linkHash ;
$this -> AutoLoginExpired = date ( 'Y-m-d' , time () + ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 14 ) );
$this -> write ();
* Log a member in with an auto login hash link
static function autoLoginHash ( $RAW_hash ) {
$SQL_hash = Convert :: raw2sql ( $RAW_hash );
$member = DataObject :: get_one ( 'Member' , " `AutoLoginHash`=' $SQL_hash ' AND `AutoLoginExpired` > NOW() " );
if ( $member )
$member -> logIn ();
return $member ;
function sendInfo ( $type = 'signup' ){
switch ( $type ) {
case " signup " : $e = new Member_SignupEmail (); break ;
case " changePassword " : $e = new Member_ChangePasswordEmail (); break ;
case " forgotPassword " : $e = new Member_ForgotPasswordEmail (); break ;
$e -> populateTemplate ( $this );
$e -> send ();
function getMemberFormFields () {
return new FieldSet (
new TextField ( " FirstName " , " First Name " ),
new TextField ( " Surname " , " Surname " ),
new TextField ( " Email " , " Email " ),
new TextField ( " Password " , " Password " )
function getValidator () {
return new Member_Validator ();
* Returns the currenly logged in user
* @ todo get_one () is a bit funky .
static function currentUser () {
self :: autoLogin ();
// Return the details
if ( $id = Session :: get ( " loggedInAs " )) {
return DataObject :: get_one ( " Member " , " Member.ID = $id " );
static function autoLogin () {
// Auto-login
if ( isset ( $_COOKIE [ 'alc_enc' ]) && ! Session :: get ( " loggedInAs " )) {
// Deliberately obscure...
list ( $data [ 'Email' ], $data [ 'Password' ]) = explode ( ':' , base64_decode ( $_COOKIE [ 'alc_enc' ]), 2 );
$lf = new LoginForm ( null , null , null , null , false );
$lf -> performLogin ( $data );
static function currentUserID () {
self :: autoLogin ();
$id = Session :: get ( " loggedInAs " );
return is_numeric ( $id ) ? $id : 0 ;
* before the save of this member , the blacklisted email table is updated to ensure no
* promotional material is sent to the member . ( newsletters )
* standard system messages are still sent such as receipts .
function setBlacklistedEmail ( $val ){
if ( $val && $this -> Email ){
$blacklisting = new Email_BlackList ();
$blacklisting -> BlockedEmail = $this -> Email ;
$blacklisting -> MemberID = $this -> ID ;
$blacklisting -> write ();
return $this -> setField ( " BlacklistedEmail " , $val );
function onBeforeWrite () {
// If an email's filled out
if ( $this -> Email ) {
// Look for a record with the same email
if ( $this -> ID ) $idClause = " AND `Member`.ID <> $this->ID " ;
else $idClause = " " ;
$existingRecord = DataObject :: get_one ( " Member " , " Email = ' " . addslashes ( $this -> Email ) . " ' $idClause " );
// Debug::message("Found an existing member for email $this->Email");
// If found
if ( $existingRecord ) {
// Update this record to merge with that member
$newID = $existingRecord -> ID ;
if ( $this -> ID ) {
DB :: query ( " UPDATE Group_Members SET MemberID = $newID WHERE MemberID = $this->ID " );
$this -> ID = $newID ;
// Merge existing data into the local record
foreach ( $existingRecord -> getAllFields () as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! $this -> changed [ $k ]) $this -> record [ $k ] = $v ;
parent :: onBeforeWrite ();
* Check if the member is in one of the given groups
public function inGroups ( $groups ) {
foreach ( $this -> Groups () as $group )
$memberGroups [] = $group -> Title ;
return count ( array_intersect ( $memberGroups , $groups ) ) > 0 ;
public function inGroup ( $groupID ) {
foreach ( $this -> Groups () as $group )
if ( $groupID == $group -> ID )
return true ;
return false ;
* Generate a random password
* BDC - added randomiser to kick in if there ' s no words file on the filesystem .
static function createNewPassword () {
if ( file_exists ( '/usr/share/silverstripe/wordlist.txt' )) {
$words = file ( '/usr/share/silverstripe/wordlist.txt' );
list ( $usec , $sec ) = explode ( ' ' , microtime ());
srand ( $sec + (( float ) $usec * 100000 ));
$word = trim ( $words [ rand ( 0 , sizeof ( $words ) - 1 )]);
$number = rand ( 10 , 999 );
return $word . $number ;
} else {
$random = rand ();
$string = md5 ( $random );
$output = substr ( $string , 0 , 6 );
return $output ;
* Returns true if this user is an administrator .
* Administrators have access to everything . The lucky bastards ! ; - )
2007-08-06 00:47:31 +00:00
* @ todo Should this function really exists ? Is not { @ link isAdmin ()} the
* only right name for this ?
* @ todo Is { @ link Group } :: CanCMSAdmin not deprecated ?
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
function _isAdmin () {
if ( $groups = $this -> Groups ()) {
foreach ( $groups as $group ) if ( $group -> CanCMSAdmin ) return true ;
2007-08-06 00:47:31 +00:00
return Permission :: check ( 'ADMIN' );
* Check if the user is an administrator
* Alias for { @ link _isAdmin ()} because the method is used in both ways
* all over the framework .
* @ return Returns TRUE if this user is an administrator .
* @ see _isAdmin ()
public function isAdmin () {
return $this -> _isAdmin ();
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
function _isCMSUser () {
if ( $groups = $this -> Groups ()) {
foreach ( $groups as $group ) if ( $group -> CanCMS ) return true ;
public function getTitle () {
if ( $this -> getField ( 'ID' ) === 0 )
return $this -> getField ( 'Surname' );
return $this -> getField ( 'Surname' ) . ', ' . $this -> getField ( 'FirstName' );
public function getName () {
return $this -> FirstName . ' ' . $this -> Surname ;
public function setName ( $name ) {
$nameParts = explode ( ' ' , $name );
$this -> Surname = array_pop ( $nameParts );
$this -> FirstName = join ( ' ' , $nameParts );
public function splitName ( $name ) {
return $this -> setName ( $name );
public function Groups () {
$groups = $this -> getManyManyComponents ( " Groups " );
$unsecure = DataObject :: get ( " Group_Unsecure " , " " );
if ( $unsecure ) foreach ( $unsecure as $unsecureItem ) {
$groups -> push ( $unsecureItem );
$groupIDs = $groups -> column ();
$collatedGroups = array ();
foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
$collatedGroups = array_merge (( array ) $collatedGroups , $group -> collateAncestorIDs ());
$table = " Group_Members " ;
if ( $collatedGroups ) {
$collatedGroups = implode ( " , " , array_unique ( $collatedGroups ));
$result = singleton ( 'Group' ) -> instance_get ( " `ID` IN ( $collatedGroups ) " , " ID " , " " , " " , " Member_GroupSet " );
} else {
$result = new Member_GroupSet ();
$result -> setComponentInfo ( " many-to-many " , $this , " Member " , $table , " Group " );
return $result ;
public function isInGroup ( $groupID ) {
$groups = $this -> Groups ();
foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
if ( $group -> ID == $groupID ) return true ;
return false ;
public function map ( $filter = " " , $sort = " " , $blank = " " ) {
$ret = new SQLMap ( singleton ( 'Member' ) -> extendedSQL ( $filter , $sort ));
if ( $blank ){
$blankMember = new Member ();
$blankMember -> Surname = $blank ;
$blankMember -> ID = 0 ;
$ret -> getItems () -> shift ( $blankMember );
return $ret ;
public static function mapInGroups ( $groups = null ) {
if ( ! $groups )
return Member :: map ();
$groupIDList = array ();
if ( is_a ( $groups , 'DataObjectSet' ) )
foreach ( $groups as $group )
$groupIDList [] = $group -> ID ;
elseif ( is_array ( $groups ) )
$groupIDList = $groups ;
$groupIDList [] = $groups ;
if ( empty ( $groupIDList ) )
return Member :: map ();
return new SQLMap ( singleton ( 'Member' ) -> extendedSQL ( " `GroupID` IN ( " . implode ( ',' , $groupIDList ) . " ) " , " Surname, FirstName " , " " , " INNER JOIN `Group_Members` ON `MemberID`=`Member`.`ID` " ) );
* Return a map of all members in the groups given that have CMS permissions
* Defaults to all groups with CMS permissions
public static function mapInCMSGroups ( $groups = null ) {
if ( ! $groups || $groups -> Count () == 0 )
$groups = DataObject :: get ( 'Group' , " " , " " , " INNER JOIN `Permission` ON `Permission`.GroupID = `Group`.ID AND `Permission`.Code IN ('ADMIN', 'CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin') " );
$groupIDList = array ();
if ( is_a ( $groups , 'DataObjectSet' ) )
foreach ( $groups as $group )
$groupIDList [] = $group -> ID ;
elseif ( is_array ( $groups ) )
$groupIDList = $groups ;
/* if ( empty ( $groupIDList ) )
return Member :: map (); */
$filterClause = ( $groupIDList ) ? " `GroupID` IN ( " . implode ( ',' , $groupIDList ) . " ) " : " " ;
return new SQLMap ( singleton ( 'Member' ) -> extendedSQL ( $filterClause , " Surname, FirstName " , " " , " INNER JOIN `Group_Members` ON `MemberID`=`Member`.`ID` INNER JOIN `Group` ON `Group`.`ID`=`GroupID` " ) );
* When passed an array of groups , and a component set of groups , this function
* will return the array of groups the member is NOT in .
* @ param grouplist an array of group code names .
* @ param memberGroups a component set of groups ( set to $this -> groups () by default )
public function memberNotInGroups ( $groupList , $memberGroups = null ){
if ( ! $memberGroups ) $memberGroups = $this -> Groups ();
foreach ( $memberGroups as $group ){
if ( in_array ( $group -> Code , $groupList )){
$index = array_search ( $group -> Code , $groupList );
unset ( $groupList [ $index ]);
return $groupList ;
* Return a FieldSet of fields that would appropriate for editing this member .
public function getCMSFields () {
$fields = new FieldSet (
//new TextField("Salutation", "Title"),
new HeaderField ( " Personal Details " ),
new TextField ( " FirstName " , " First Name " ),
new TextField ( " Surname " , " Surname " ),
new HeaderField ( " User Details " ),
new TextField ( " Email " , " Email " ),
/*new TextField("Password", "Password")*/
new PasswordField ( " Password " , " Password " )
//new TextareaField("Address","Address"),
//new TextField("JobTitle", "Job Title"),
//new TextField( "Organisation", "Organisation" ),
//new OptionsetField("HTMLEmail","Mail Format", array( 1 => 'HTML', 0 => 'Text only' ) )
$this -> extend ( 'updateCMSFields' , $fields );
// if($this->hasMethod('updateCMSFields')) $this->updateCMSFields($fields);
return $fields ;
function unsubscribeFromNewsletter ( $newsletterType ) {
// record today's date in unsubscriptions
// this is a little bit redundant
$unsubscribeRecord = new Member_UnsubscribeRecord ();
$unsubscribeRecord -> unsubscribe ( $this , $newsletterType );
$this -> Groups () -> remove ( $newsletterType -> GroupID );
function requireDefaultRecords () {
parent :: requireDefaultRecords ();
2007-07-19 23:15:05 +00:00
if ( ! DB :: query ( " SELECT * FROM Member " ) -> value () && isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'username' ]) && isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'password' ])) {
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
Security :: findAnAdministrator ( $_REQUEST [ 'username' ], $_REQUEST [ 'password' ]);
if ( ! Database :: $supressOutput ) {
echo " <li style= \" color: orange \" >Added admin account</li> " ;
* Special kind of ComponentSet that has special methods for manipulating a user ' s membership
class Member_GroupSet extends ComponentSet {
* Control group membership with a number of checkboxes .
* - If the checkbox fields are present in $data , then the member will be added to the group with the same codename .
* - If the checkbox fields are * NOT * present in $data , then the member willb e removed from the group with the same codename .
* @ param checkboxes an array list of the checkbox fieldnames ( Only values are used . ) eg array ( 0 , 1 , 2 );
* @ param data The form data . usually in the format array ( 0 => 2 ) ( just pass the checkbox data from your form );
function setByCheckboxes ( $checkboxes , $data ) {
foreach ( $checkboxes as $checkbox ) {
if ( $data [ $checkbox ]){
$add [] = $checkbox ;
} else {
$remove [] = $checkbox ;
if ( $add ) $this -> addManyByCodename ( $add );
if ( $remove ) $this -> removeManyByCodename ( $remove );
* Allows you to set groups based on a checkboxsetfield .
* ( pass the form element from your post data directly to this method , and it
* will update the groups and add and remove the member as appropriate )
* @ param checkboxsetField - the CheckboxSetField ( with data ) from your form .
* On the form setup
$fields -> push (
new CheckboxSetField (
" NewsletterSubscriptions " ,
" Receive email notification of events in " ,
$sourceitems = DataObject :: get ( " NewsletterType " ) -> toDropDownMap ( " GroupID " , " Title " ),
$selectedgroups = $member -> Groups () -> Map ( " ID " , " ID " )
* On the form handler :
$groups = $member -> Groups ();
$checkboxfield = $form -> Fields () -> fieldByName ( " NewsletterSubscriptions " );
$groups -> setByCheckboxSetField ( $checkboxfield );
function setByCheckboxSetField ( $checkboxsetfield ){
// Get the values from the formfield.
$values = $checkboxsetfield -> Value ();
$sourceItems = $checkboxsetfield -> getSource ();
if ( $sourceItems ){
// If (some) values are present, add and remove as necessary.
if ( $values ){
// update the groups based on the selections
foreach ( $sourceItems as $k => $item ){
if ( in_array ( $k , $values )){
$add [] = $k ;
} else {
$remove [] = $k ;
// else we should be removing all from the necessary groups.
} else {
$remove = $sourceItems ;
if ( $add ) $this -> addManyByGroupID ( $add );
if ( $remove ) $this -> RemoveManyByGroupID ( $remove );
} else {
USER_ERROR ( " Member::setByCheckboxSetField() - No source items could be found for checkboxsetfield " . $checkboxsetfield -> Name (), E_USER_WARNING );
* Adds this member to the groups based on the
* groupID .
function addManyByGroupID ( $groupIds ){
$groups = $this -> getGroupsFromIDs ( $groupIds );
if ( $groups ){
foreach ( $groups as $group ){
$this -> add ( $group );
* Removes the member from many groups based on
* the group ID .
function removeManyByGroupID ( $groupIds ){
$groups = $this -> getGroupsFromIDs ( $groupIds );
if ( $groups ){
foreach ( $groups as $group ){
$this -> remove ( $group );
* Returns the groups from an array of GroupIDs
function getGroupsFromIDs ( $ids ){
if ( $ids && count ( $ids ) > 1 ){
return DataObject :: get ( " Group " , " ID IN ( " . implode ( " , " , $ids ) . " ) " );
} else {
return DataObject :: get_by_id ( " Group " , $ids [ 0 ]);
* Adds this member to the groups passed .
function addManyByCodename ( $codenames ) {
$groups = $this -> codenamesToGroups ( $codenames );
if ( $groups ){
foreach ( $groups as $group ){
$this -> add ( $group );
* Removes this member from the groups passed .
function removeManyByCodename ( $codenames ) {
$groups = $this -> codenamesToGroups ( $codenames );
if ( $groups ){
foreach ( $groups as $group ){
$this -> remove ( $group );
* Helper function to return the appropriate group via a codename .
protected function codenamesToGroups ( $codenames ) {
$list = " ' " . implode ( " ', ' " , $codenames ) . " ' " ;
$output = DataObject :: get ( " Group " , " Code IN ( $list ) " );
// Some are missing - throw warnings
if ( ! $output || $output -> Count () != sizeof ( $list )) {
foreach ( $codenames as $codename ) $missing [ $codename ] = $codename ;
if ( $output ) foreach ( $output as $record ) unset ( $missing [ $record -> Code ]);
if ( $missing ) user_error ( " The following group-codes aren't matched to any groups: " . implode ( " , " , $missing ) . " . You probably need to link up the correct group codes in phpMyAdmin " , E_USER_WARNING );
return $output ;
class Member_SignupEmail extends Email_Template {
$from = 'ask@perweek.co.nz' ,
$to = '$Email' ,
$subject = " Thanks for signing up " ,
$body = '
< h1 > Welcome , $FirstName .</ h1 >
< p > Thanks for signing up to become a new member , your details are listed below for future reference .</ p >
< p > You can login to the website using the credentials listed below :
< ul >
< li >< strong > Email :</ strong > $Email </ li >
< li >< strong > Password :</ strong > $Password </ li >
</ ul >
</ p >
< h3 > Contact Information </ h3 >
< ul >
< li >< strong > Name :</ strong > $FirstName $Surname </ li >
<% if Phone %>
< li >< strong > Phone :</ strong > $Phone </ li >
<% end_if %>
<% if Mobile %>
< li >< strong > Mobile :</ strong > $Mobile </ li >
<% end_if %>
<% if RuralAddressCheck %>
< li >< strong > Rural Address :</ strong >
$RapidResponse $Road < br />
$RDNumber < br />
$City $Postcode
</ li >
<% else %>
< li >< strong > Address :</ strong >
< br />
$Number $Street $StreetType < br />
$Suburb < br />
$City $Postcode
</ li >
<% end_if %>
<% if DriversLicense5A %>
< li >< strong > Drivers License :</ strong > $DriversLicense5A <% if DriversLicense5B %> - $DriversLicense5B <% end_if %></ li >
<% end_if %>
</ ul > ' ;
function MemberData () {
return $this -> template_data -> listOfFields (
" FirstName " , " Surname " , " Email " ,
" Phone " , " Mobile " , " Street " ,
" Suburb " , " City " , " Postcode " , " DriversLicense5A " , " DriversLicense5B "
* Send an email saying that the password has been reset .
class Member_ChangePasswordEmail extends Email_Template {
protected $from = '' ; // setting a blank from address uses the site's default administrator email
protected $subject = " Your password has been changed " ;
protected $ss_template = 'ChangePasswordEmail' ;
protected $to = '$Email' ;
class Member_ForgotPasswordEmail extends Email_Template {
protected $from = '' ;
protected $subject = " Your password " ;
protected $ss_template = 'ForgotPasswordEmail' ;
protected $to = '$Email' ;
* Record to keep track of which records a member has unsubscribed from and when
class Member_UnsubscribeRecord extends DataObject {
static $has_one = array (
'NewsletterType' => 'NewsletterType' ,
'Member' => 'Member'
function unsubscribe ( $member , $newsletterType ) {
// $this->UnsubscribeDate()->setVal( 'now' );
$this -> MemberID = ( is_numeric ( $member ) ) ? $member : $member -> ID ;
$this -> NewsletterTypeID = ( is_numeric ( $newletterType ) ) ? $newsletterType : $newsletterType -> ID ;
$this -> write ();
$from = 'ask@perweek.co.nz' ,
$to = '$Email' ,
$subject = " Your password has been changed " ,
$body = '
< h1 > Here\ ' s your new password </ h1 >
< p >
< strong > Email :</ strong > $Email < br />
< strong > Password :</ strong > $Password
</ p >
< p > Your password has been changed . Please keep this email , for future reference .</ p > ' ;
class Member_Validator extends RequiredFields {
protected $customRequired = array ( 'FirstName' , 'Email' , 'Password' );
public function __construct () {
$required = func_get_args ();
if ( isset ( $required [ 0 ]) && is_array ( $required [ 0 ])) {
$required = $required [ 0 ];
$required = array_merge ( $required , $this -> customRequired );
parent :: __construct ( $required );
function php ( $data ) {
$valid = parent :: php ( $data );
// Check if a member with that email doesn't already exist, or if it does that it is this member.
$member = DataObject :: get_one ( 'Member' , " Email = ' " . Convert :: raw2sql ( $data [ 'Email' ]) . " ' " );
// if we are in a complex table field popup, use ctf[childID], else use ID
$id = ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'ctf' ][ 'childID' ])) ? $_REQUEST [ 'ctf' ][ 'childID' ] : $_REQUEST [ 'ID' ];
if ( is_object ( $member ) && $member -> ID != $id ) {
$emailField = $this -> form -> dataFieldByName ( 'Email' );
$this -> validationError ( $emailField -> id (), " There already exists a member with this email " , " required " );
$valid = false ;
return $valid ;