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=== 2.11.7 / 2009-10-15
* Fixed minor grammar issues for windows users [thanks Tony]
* Fixes installation issue when XCode is not present; changed dependency json -> json_pure [thanks esbie]
* Fixed Chrome#visit; latest builds of Chrome for the mac are now "Google Chrome"
=== 2.11.6 / 2009-10-12
* Added Tony to contributor list
* Removed JSpec.paramsFor()
* Removed module contexts [#72]
* Fixed some css styling issues in IE8 [#71]
* Fixed; DOM formatter supporting \r\n \r \n for EOL in the body source [Thanks Tony]
* Fixed "Access is denied" error in IE
* Fixed some css support for older browsers [Thanks Tony]
=== 2.11.5 / 2009-10-10
* Fixed dependencies (created by github's gem builder removal)
=== 2.11.4 / 2009-10-10
* Updated installation docs
* Removed namespaced dependencies (thanks alot github...)
=== 2.11.3 / 2009-09-30
* Updated to mock timers 1.0.1
fixes an issue where setTimeout(function(){}, 0); tick(100) is never called
=== 2.11.2 / 2009-09-21
* Fixed example path in rails template
=== 2.11.1 / 2009-09-10
* Fixed JSpec root when using --symlink, --freeze [#36]
* Added __END__ to the grammar (works like Ruby's __END__)
=== 2.11.0 / 2009-09-04
* Added --symlink switch (links the current version of JSpec to ./spec/lib) [#4]
* Added --freeze switch (copies the current version of JSpec to ./spec/lib) [#4]
=== 2.10.1 / 2009-09-02
* Added `jspec shell` sub command (interactive Rhino shell through JSpec)
* Added
=== 2.10.0 / 2009-08-27
* Added Async support via mock timers (lib/jspec.timers.js) [#19]
* IRC channel up and running! irc://
=== 2.9.1 / 2009-08-21
* Added module support for formatters
=== 2.9.0 / 2009-08-21
* Server output matching Rhino when using verbose or failuresOnly options
* Added mock_request() and unmock_request() as aliases for mockRequest() and unmockRequest()
* Added JSpec.JSON.encode()
* Added default Sinatra routes /slow/NUMBER and /status/NUMBER for simulating
slow reponses and HTTP status codes.
* Added server support for loading spec/jspec.rb (or jspec/jspec.rb for rails)
Allowing additional browser support to be plugged in, as well as Sinatra routes.
* Added dependency for Sinatra (new server)
* Added a new Ruby server
* Added support for --bind and --server on various platforms
* Added Google Chrome support
* Added Internet Explorer support
* Change; --server without --browsers defaults to all supported browsers
* Removed JSpec.reportToServer()
Now utilizes JSpec.formatters.Server to handle this
* Fixed Server output escaping (removed html escaping from puts()) [#13]
* Fixed JSpec.load(); returns responseText when 2xx or 0 (for file://)
=== 2.8.4 / 2009-08-02
* Fixed error thrown when a module has no utilities
=== 2.8.3 / 2009-07-30
* Added JSpec.evalHook()
* Added JSpec.paramsFor()
* Refactored jspec.xhr.js
* Fixed mock xhr HEAD method
* Fixed node.js print() newline issue
* Fixed specs preventing spec/spec.node.js from running
=== 2.8.2 / 2009-07-29
* Added JSpec.tryLoading()
* Added JSpec.request used to reference the original XMLHttpRequest; used to fix [#149]
* Fixed Mock XHR issue messing up JSpec request related utilities such as fixture() [#149]
=== 2.8.1 / 2009-07-27
* Added Lawrence Pit as a contributor
* Fixed object hash equality [#146]
{ a : '1', b : '2' } is now the same as:
{ b : '2', a : '1' }
=== 2.8.0 / 2009-07-27
* Give readFile precendence over xhr so that fixtures work with mockRequest when using Rhino
* Give XMLHttpRequest precedence over microsoft crap
* Added Mock Ajax Support
* Added mockRequest(), unmockRequest() utilities
* Added jspec.xhr.js
* Fixed be_visible, and be_hidden. Now implement the jQuery <= 1.3.1 method
=== 2.7.2 / 2009-07-24
* Fixed "end" in spec bodies when using the grammar
* Fixed "it" in spec bodies when using the grammar [#142]
* Changed; HTML entities in descriptions are now escaped for DOM formatter [#141]
* Added as a contributor (thanks for the bug reports)
=== 2.7.1 / 2009-07-17
* Changed; hash() now accepts null
* Fixed should_receive issue with validating boolean args or return values
* Fixed --server-only switch
* Fixed jQuery dependency error message when jQuery is not available
when using jspec.jquery.js
=== 2.7.0 / 2009-07-14
* Added fixture() utility function
* Templates initialize with example paths to lib
=== 2.6.0 / 2009-07-09
* Added Ruby on Rails support
* Added exporting of JSpec (node.js etc)
* Added be_undefined matcher [#134]
=== 2.5.1 / 2009-07-07
* Added intermediate node.js support
* Fixed; grammar now allows etc to convert to stub(
=== 2.5.0 / 2009-07-03
* Added contrib in README (thanks to anyone who has helped)
* Added more shared behavior specs
* Added Module.DSLs support for extending / adding new DSLs (DSL exchange not yet fully implemented)
* Added spec to make sure methods like end() will not fail due to the grammar
* Changed; giving hook precedence to suite hooks (before_each, etc) over module hooks (beforeSuite, etc) ; (thanks mpd)
* Changed; calls to stub() without and_return() now simply stub an arbitrary method with no return value
* Changed JSpec.include(); now returns JSpec allowing chaining
* Fixed having "end" in descriptions which would be replaced with '});'
* Fixed negation of should.receive('foo') matcher
* Fixed shared behavior assertion count issue
=== 2.4.3 / 2009-07-02
* Fixed matcher semicolon matcher issue when using the JSpec grammar
* Added pass() util; Spec#pass() and Spec#fail() (thanks gisikw)
* Removing Object.prototype.stubby() after specs are finished to prevent pollution
=== 2.4.2 / 2009-06-30
* Fixed trailing comma (thanks Kevin)
=== 2.4.1 / 2009-06-30
* Moved beforeSpec and afterSpec hook into proper positions
allowing for additional assertions within afterSpec.
=== 2.4.0 / 2009-06-30
* Added hook() and hookImmutable()
* Added support for matcher lists ('be enabled disabled selected') == be_enabled, be_disabled etc
* Added JSpec.include()
* Added several hooks
* Added Module support
* Added grammar conversion of Foo.stub('method') to stub(Foo, 'method')
* Added grammar conversion of Foo.destub() to destub(Foo)
* Require bind gem
* Fixed `jspec` bin docs
=== 2.3.1 / 2009-06-25
* Fixed; all stubs generated with stub() are restored
to their original methods after each 'it' block. See
README for details.
=== 2.3.0 / 2009-06-25
* Added stub()
* Added destub()
* Changed; Server responses utilize Rack::Mime now for arbitrary requests
=== 2.2.1 / 2009-06-22
* Changed; reportToServer() now accepts url arg
* Fixed be_empty matcher; now considers {} empty, however { foo : bar } is not
* Fixed throw_error error messages for Opera
* Fixed throw_error in Rhino (Opera is broken now)
* Fixed stray console.log() call
* Fixed some tab issues.
When using the JSpec grammar option you should
use the 'soft tabs' feature of your IDE or text editor.
A patch for tabs is pending and should be available soon,
however be aware that a 'parse error' may occur otherwise.
=== 2.2.0 / 2009-06-18
* Added link to JSpec in JSMag June 2009
* Added Github gem source location to docs
* Changed throw_error matcher; now accepts two arguments
* Changed --server; serves from current working directory.
This allows files in ../lib/* to be served rather than ./spec/* only.
* Refactored argumentsToArray()
=== 2.1.0 / 2009-06-12
* Changed `jspec init` to utilize a single template
which allows for all three suite running capabilities
within a single template. Now after initializing a
project you may `jspec run --server`, `jspec run --rhino`
etc at any time without modifications.
=== 2.0.3 / 2009-05-15
* Table should span full width
(Very week release I know, but improperly styled things bug me :) )
=== 2.0.2 / 2009-05-11
* Added rails integration link
* Changed; puts() now displays constructor name when available
* Fixed Terminal output which was not displaying due to a recent commit
* fixed IE bug : DOM elements don't have valueOf() method
=== 2.0.1 / 2009-05-01
* Added better failure messages for throw_error matcher
* Renamed print() to puts() [#108]
=== 2.0.0 / 2009-04-27
* Added DOM loading indicator [#105]
* Added wait() helper for additional async support
* Added shared behavior support using should_behave_like('Another Suite')
* Added CSS body toggling [#1]
* Added receive matcher for Proxy Assertins
* Added grammar-less support
* Added an_instance_of() helper
* Removed .this literal
* Removed deprecated be_a_TYPE_input matchers
* Added ProxyAssertion
* Added select() util
* Added does() util for report-less assertions
* Added find() util
* Added JSpec.contentsOf()
* Added matchers to body evaluation [#90]
=== 1.1.7 / 2009-04-22
* Removed trailing commas causing issues with IE (what a suprise ;) )
=== 1.1.6 / 2009-04-22
* Fixed typo in requires()
* Added expect()
=== 1.1.5 / 2009-04-17
* Strengthened specs for cascading hooks
* Fixed cascading hooks
=== 1.1.4 / 2009-04-17
* Added rhino and server template files
* Added JSpec.hasXhr()
* Added JSpec.xhr()
* Added Ruby javascript testing server
* Added support for options passed to run()
* Added failuresOnly for Terminal formatter
* Added terminal assertion graphs
* Addec color() utility
* Added main.puts() since we use print() as a utility
* Added rhino support
* Added fail() utility function
* Added JSpec.Assertion
* Added normalizeMatcherMessage()
* Added normalizeMatcherBody()
* Added have_classes [#19]
* Added extend() utility
* Added be_an_instance_of matcher
* Added constructor checking support for throw_error matcher [#72]
* Added file support for exception messages, making them much easier to debug
* Added catching of exceptions throw within specs [#46]
* Changed; executable aborts when template does not exist
* Changed; matchers now normalized upon creation, accepts function, hash, or string.
* Changed be() matcher to be strict [#57]
* Changed error() to conditionally show line number when available
* Renamed Jspec.addSuite to JSpec.describe and Suite#addSpec to Suite#it
* Refactored be_a_TYPE_input matchers so that the deprication warning is logged only when calling the method
* Fixed JSpec.requires() now works with latest version of JSpec.error()
* Fixed error() now displays exceptions throw that do not respond to .message
* Fixed commenting bug [#37]
* Removed JSpec.main, now just using local main
=== 1.1.3 / 2009-04-14
* Removed /test used for the executable, causing gem to fail building
=== 1.1.2 / 2009-04-14
* Added `jspec update` sub-command [#63]
=== 1.1.1 / 2009-04-12
* Added gemspec
=== 1.1.0 / 2009-04-12
* jspec executable fully functional
=== 1.0.4 / 2009-04-09
* Added `jspec bind`
* Added `jspec run`
* Added `jspec init`
* Added `jspec` executable
* Added gemspec and manifest
* Added command-line usage docs
* Added custom matchers documentation
* Removed double negation
=== 1.0.3 / 2009-04-08
* Added have_prop matcher, have_property is now strict [#56]
=== 1.0.2 / 2009-04-08
* Added be_selected, be_checked matchers
* Added string support to each() each('some foo bar', ...)
* Added have_ATTR matchers [#51]
* Deprected be_a_TYPE_input matchers [#50]
=== 1.0.1 / 2009-04-07
* Added have_property matcher [#53]
=== 1.0.0 / 2009-04-06
* Added option() which gives the query string option precedence [#39]
* Changed; Using JSpec.options.formatter not JSpec.formatter [#44]
* Fixed Console formatter, now displays nested suites
* Check out for additional documentation!
=== 0.9.6 / 2009-04-03
* Added nesting support
* Added printing of nested specs
* Added assertion graphs to DOM formatter
* Refactored preprocess()
* Refactored most of the specs
* Renamed preProcess() to preprocess()
* Removed running of a single suite via ?suite= for now
=== 0.9.5 / 2009-04-02
* Added support for printing of function bodies and regexps [#27]
* Added support for strings / regexp with should_throw_error [#26]
* Added have_within matcher
* Added have_at_most matcher
* Added have_at_least matcher
* Added have matcher [#24]
=== 0.9.4 / 2009-04-02
* Added be_a_TYPE_input matchers (be_a_checkbox_input, be_a_text_input, etc)
* Added be_disabled matcher [#21]
* Added be_enabled matcher [#20]
* Refactored be_visible and be_hidden with $(elem).is()
=== 0.9.2 / 2009-04-02
* Added support for multi-arg failure messages [#2]
* Better printing of jQuery objects [#15]
=== 0.9.1 / 2009-04-02
* Added support for dotted negation of assertions (foo.should.not.equal bar)
* Added support for dot-style assertions [#17] (foo.should_not.equal bar)
=== 0.9.0 / 2009-04-01
* Added spec for strip()
* Added strip()
* Added any() util
* Added new improved include matcher
* Added have_many and have_one matchers
* Added have_attr matcher [#14]
* Added map() util
* Added inject() util
* Added escape() util
* Added recursive array and object printing
* Added DOM formatter option failuresOnly
* Added support for running of a single squite via ?suite=...
* Added query() util
* Added last() util
* Added be_within matcher, accepts a range literal
* Added inclusive range literal n..n
* Added row hover
* Refactored range()
* Refactored setMessage()
* Refactored hash()
* Changed; preprocessor passing array of args (multi-arg matcher support)
* Changed jQuery to $ for internal usage
=== 0.8.0 / 2009-02-27
* Added a new style for the DOM formatter (not finished yet)
=== 0.7.0 / 2009-02-27
* Added Console formatter (anything implementing the console object. Firebug, Safari 4, etc)
* Added JSpec.options.profile for optional profiling of specs
* Added this. literal alternative (view readme)
* Moved formatters into JSpec.formatters
* Added error() util
* Added savings raketask
* Fixed parse error bug in Safari 4
=== 0.6.3 / 2009-02-26
* Added minification for jspec.jquery.js when packaging before release
* Added compression of css when packaging before release
=== 0.6.2 / 2009-02-26
* Changed; using $ in jspec.jquery.js for JSpec, take that jQuery ;)
* Added addMatchers, print, hash, and each as 'utility functions' this allows
JSpec to do each(...) internally instead of JSpec.each(...), while still preventing
pollution of the global scope.
=== 0.6.1 / 2009-02-26
* Added closrue literal -{ (view README)
* Added option to DOM formatter, now allows you to specify which element id to output to
=== 0.6.0 / 2009-02-24
* Added JSpec.hash
* Added be_null matcher
* Allow recursive composite matching using should_eql and should_not_eql
For example [1, 2, [3]].should_eql([1, 2, [3]]) is true, works with object
'hashes' as well.
=== 0.5.1 / 2009-02-24
* Damn auto-release messed up
=== 0.5.0 / 2009-02-24
* Added async support for jQuery
* Added JSpec.requires for dependencies
* Added JSpec.throw
* Added JSpec.runSpec
* Refactored jspec.jquery.js
* Fixed evalBody exceptions, previously was not showing exception message
* Fixed bug of JSpec interpreting // in a string such as http:// to be a comment.
=== 0.4.1 / 2009-02-22
* Added elements() alias of element()
* Added support for string passed to runSuite; runSuite('Matchers') is the same as
* Fixed some documentation
=== 0.4.0 / 2009-02-20
* Added comment literal (//)
* Added pre-processor for convering matchers.
For example 'test'.should_be_true becomes JSpec.match('test', 'should_be', 'true'),
preventing pollution of core prototypes.
=== 0.3.2 / 2009-02-19
* Added TM bundle (go checkout my jspec.tmbundle repo on github)
* Renamed have_length_of to have_length
=== 0.3.1 / 2009-02-19
* Added jquery js to package
=== 0.3.0 / 2009-02-19
* Added JSpec.match
* Added options to report() which are passed to formatter
* Added sandbox helpers (reg / jquery)
* Added have_child and have_children
* Added have_tag and have_tags
* Changed exec to only load / eval file
* Fixed parser token issue, was previously matching things like end() as literal end
=== 0.2.3 / 2009-02-18
* Changed test dir to spec
* Changed test.js to core.spec.js
=== 0.2.2 / 2009-02-18
* Added contexts
=== 0.2.0 / 2009-02-18
* Added release rake task
* Added package with minified alternative
=== 0.1.0 / 2009-02-18
* Added new sexy syntax (warning: you will have to re-write your specs)
* Added pre-processor for optional matcher parens
* Added several new matchers
* Added matcher aliasing
* Added simple matcher declarations
* Added __END__
* Added yet-to-be-implemented specs
* Added loading of suites via JSpec.load
=== 0.0.4 / 2008-11-03
* Added ability to pass only a description to it(), meaning not yet implemented
=== 0.0.3 / 2008-10-28
* Added should_fail
* Added should_match
* Added should_not_match
* Added should_be and should_not_be
=== 0.0.2 / 2008-10-28
* Fixed typo in documentation for pointing to the master repo
=== 0.0.1 / 2008-10-28
* Initial release