"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE":"Var vänlig och välj minst en sida",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_UNPUBLISH_PROMPT":"Du har valt {num} sida/sidor\n\nVill du verkligen avpublicera",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_PUBLISH_PROMPT":"Du har valt {num} sida/sidor.\nVill du verkligen publicera dem.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_DELETE_PROMPT":"Du har valt {num} sida/sidor\n\nVill du verkligen radera dem.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_ARCHIVE_PROMPT":"You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nAre you sure you want to archive these pages?\n\nThese pages and all of their children pages will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMAIN.BATCH_RESTORE_PROMPT":"You have {num} page(s) selected.\n\nDo you really want to restore to stage?\n\nChildren of archived pages will be restored to the root level, unless those pages are also being restored.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED":"Är du säker på att du vill lämna denna sida?\n\nVARNING: Dina ändringar har inte sparats.\n\nTryck OK för att lämna sidan eller Avbryt för att stanna på aktuell sida.",
"LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT":"WARNING: Your changes have not been saved.",
"SecurityAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM":"Vill du verkligen radera %s grupper?",
"ModelAdmin.REALLYDELETE":"Vill du verkligen radera?",