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* This is part of the developer tools, and is responsible for installing and uninstalling modules.
* NOTE: This is experimental and the interface may change in the future.
* Also, it requires that your site is checked into SVN, and that SVN is installed.
* For best results, use the "sake" command line tool:
* cd /my/project/
* sake dev/modules/add ecommerce
class ModuleManager extends RequestHandler {
protected $moduleBase = "";
static $allowed_actions = array(
* Add a module to this project.
* This is designed to be called from sake.
* Usage: sake dev/modules/add ecommerce forum/tags/0.1
function add() {
if(!Director::is_cli()) return new HTTPResponse('ModuleManager only currently works in command-line mode.', 403);
if(isset($_GET['args'])) {
$modules = $_GET['args'];
foreach($modules as $module) {
if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\/_-]+$/', $module)) {
// Default to trunk version of a module
if(strpos($module,'/') === false) $module = "$module/trunk";
$svnURL = $this->moduleBase . $module;
if($this->svnUrlExists($svnURL)) {
$moduleDir = strtok($module,'/');
echo "Linking directory '$moduleDir' to '$svnURL' using svn:externals...\n";
$this->svnAddExternal(Director::baseFolder(), $moduleDir, $svnURL);
echo "Calling SVN update to get the new code...\n";
// We call this through sake so that the _config.php files get reprocessed
echo "Rebuilding...\n";
$CLI_baseFolder = Director::baseFolder();
`cd $CLI_baseFolder; ./sapphire/sake dev/build`;
} else {
echo "Can't find '$svnURL' in SVN\n";
} else {
echo "Bad module '$module'\n";
* Remove a module from this project.
* This is designed to be called from sake.
* Usage: sake dev/modules/remove ecommerce othermodule
function remove() {
if(!Director::is_cli()) return new HTTPResponse('ModuleManager only currently works in command-line mode.', 403);
if(isset($_GET['args'])) {
$modules = $_GET['args'];
foreach($modules as $module) {
if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\/_-]+$/', $module)) {
$moduleDir = strtok($module,'/');
if(is_dir(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $moduleDir)) {
$moduleDir = strtok($module,'/');
echo "Removing directory '$moduleDir' from svn:externals...\n";
if($this->svnRemoveExternal(Director::baseFolder(), $moduleDir)) {
$CLI_moduleDir = escapeshellarg(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $moduleDir);
echo "Removing the physical directory $CLI_moduleDir...\n";
`rm -rf $CLI_moduleDir`;
echo "Calling SVN update...\n";
// We call this through sake so that the _config.php files get reprocessed
echo "Rebuilding...\n";
$CLI_baseFolder = Director::baseFolder();
`cd $CLI_baseFolder; ./sapphire/sake dev/build`;
} else {
echo "Directory '$moduleDir' didn't seem to be an svn external\n";
} else {
echo "Can't find the '$moduleDir' directory.\n";
} else {
echo "Bad module '$module'\n";
* Calls svn update
protected function svnUpdate($baseDir) {
$CLI_baseDir = escapeshellarg($baseDir);
`svn update $CLI_baseDir`;
* Returns true if the given SVN url exists
protected function svnUrlExists($svnURL) {
$CLI_svnURL = escapeshellarg($svnURL);
$info = `svn info --xml $CLI_svnURL`;
$xmlInfo = new SimpleXmlElement($info);
return $xmlInfo->entry ? true : false;
* Add a new entry to the svn externals
protected function svnAddExternal($baseDir, $externalDir, $externalURL) {
$CLI_baseDir = escapeshellarg($baseDir);
$oldExternals = trim(`svn propget svn:externals $CLI_baseDir`);
$newExternals = "$oldExternals\n$externalDir/ $externalURL";
$CLI_newExternals = escapeshellarg($newExternals);
`svn propset svn:externals $CLI_newExternals $CLI_baseDir`;
* Remove an entry from the svn externals.
* @return boolean True if it identified and removed the line, and false if the line couldn't be found
protected function svnRemoveExternal($baseDir, $externalDir) {
$CLI_baseDir = escapeshellarg($baseDir);
$oldExternalsArray = explode("\n", trim(`svn propget svn:externals $CLI_baseDir`));
foreach($oldExternalsArray as $i => $line) {
if(preg_match("/^$externalDir\/?[\t ]/", $line)) {
$newExternals = implode("\n", $oldExternalsArray);
$CLI_newExternals = escapeshellarg($newExternals);
`svn propset svn:externals $CLI_newExternals $CLI_baseDir`;
return true;
// If we got here, we never found the applicable line
return false;