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#How to create a navigation menu
To create a navigation menu, we will create a new template file: Put this file inside the templates/Includes folder in your theme.
<% loop Menu(1) %>
<a href="$Link" title="Go to the $Title page" class="$LinkingMode">
<% end_loop %>
To include this file in your main template, use the 'include' control code. The include control code will insert a template from the Includes folder into your template. The code for including our navigation menu looks like this:
<% include Navigation %>
Add this to the templates/ file where you want the menu to render. The template code in is rendered as an unordered list in HTML; let's break down this file to see how this works.
The first and last lines of the file are HTML tags to open and close an unordered list.
<% loop Menu(1) %>
<a href="$Link" title="Go to the $Title page" class="$LinkingMode">
<% end_loop %>
Line 2 and 4 use a template code called a loop. A loop iterates over a DataObjectSet; for each DataObject inside the set, everything between the <% loop %> and <% end_loop %> tags are repeated. Here we iterate over the Menu(1) DataObjectSet and this returns the set of all pages at the top level. (For a list of other controls you can use in your templates, see the [templates page](../reference/templates) .)
<% loop Menu(1) %>
<a href="$Link" title="Go to the $Title page" class="$LinkingMode">
<% end_loop %>
Line 3 is where we insert the list item for each menu item. It is sandwiched by the list item opening and closing tags, <li> and </li>. Inside we have a link, using some template codes to fill in the information for each page:
* $Link the link to the page
* $Title the full title of the page (this is a field in the CMS)
* $MenuTitle the menu title of the page (this is a field in the CMS)
* $LinkingMode which returns one of three things used as a CSS class to style each scenario differently.
* current this is the page that is currently being rendered
* section this page is a child of the page currently being rendered
* link this page is neither current nor section