2017-05-31 07:48:16 +02:00
@modal @retry
Feature: Reauthenticate
As a content editor
I want to be able to log in through a CMS popup when my session expires
So that I can avoid losing unsaved work
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/security"
And I am not in an iframe
And I click the "Users" CMS tab
And my session expires
Scenario: Reauthenticate with correct login
When I press the "Add Member" button
And I switch to the "login-dialog-iframe" iframe
Then I should see "Your session has timed out due to inactivity" in the ".cms-security__container" element
When I fill in "Password" with "Secret!123"
And I press the "Let me back in" button
And I am not in an iframe
2017-09-12 06:24:34 +02:00
And I go to "/admin/security"
When I press the "Add Member" button
Then I should see "Create" in the "#Form_ItemEditForm_action_doSave" element
2017-05-31 07:48:16 +02:00
Scenario: Reauthenticate with wrong login
When I press the "Add Member" button
And I switch to the "login-dialog-iframe" iframe
Then I should see "Your session has timed out due to inactivity" in the ".cms-security__container" element
When I fill in "Password" with "wrong password"
And I press the "Let me back in" button
Then I should see "The provided details don't seem to be correct. Please try again."
When I fill in "Password" with "Secret!123"
And I press the "Let me back in" button
And I am not in an iframe
2017-09-12 06:24:34 +02:00
And I go to "/admin/security"
When I press the "Add Member" button
Then I should see "Create" in the "#Form_ItemEditForm_action_doSave" element