2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
< ? php
2008-01-08 06:37:50 +00:00
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
2008-01-08 06:37:50 +00:00
* @ package sapphire
* @ subpackage search
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
2008-01-08 06:37:50 +00:00
* Standard basic search form
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
class SearchForm extends Form {
protected $showInSearchTurnOn ;
* the constructor of a Simple / basic SearchForm
function __construct ( $controller , $name , $fields = null , $actions = null , $showInSearchTurnOn = true ) {
$this -> showInSearchTurnOn = $showInSearchTurnOn ;
if ( ! $fields ) {
$fields = new FieldSet ( new TextField ( " Search " , " Search " ));
if ( ! $actions ) {
$actions = new FieldSet (
new FormAction ( " getResults " , " Go " )
// TODO:: This is a iiccky yucky hack. controller link isnt avaliable here for some wierd reason
//if(($controllerlink = $controller->RelativeLink())== "/") $controllerLink = 'home';
// We need this because it's a get form. It can't go in the action value
// Hayden: Sorry if I've got it mixed up, but on the results or not found pages, the
// RelativeLink seems to be empty and it packs a sad
$formController = isset ( $_GET [ 'formController' ]) ? $_GET [ 'formController' ] : null ;
if ( ! $formController ) $formController = $controller -> RelativeLink ();
$fields -> push ( new HiddenField ( " formController " , null , $formController ));
// $fields->push(new HiddenField("formController", null, $controller->RelativeLink()));
$fields -> push ( new HiddenField ( " executeForm " , null , $name ));
parent :: __construct ( $controller , $name , $fields , $actions );
2007-10-28 21:44:38 +00:00
$this -> disableSecurityToken ();
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
function FormMethod () {
return " get " ;
* Return the attributes of the form tag - used by the templates
public function FormAction () {
$link = $this -> controller -> Link ();
if ( $link { strlen ( $link ) - 1 } != " / " )
$link .= '/' ;
return $link . 'results' ;
public function forTemplate (){
return $this -> renderWith ( array ( " SearchForm " , " Form " ));
* Return dataObjectSet of the results using $_REQUEST to get info from form .
* Wraps around { @ link searchEngine ()}
public function getResults ( $numPerPage = 10 ){
$keywords = $_REQUEST [ 'Search' ];
$andProcessor = create_function ( '$matches' , '
return " + " . $matches [ 2 ] . " + " . $matches [ 4 ] . " " ;
' );
$notProcessor = create_function ( '$matches' , '
return " - " . $matches [ 3 ];
' );
$keywords = preg_replace_callback ( '/()("[^()"]+")( and )("[^"()]+")()/i' , $andProcessor , $keywords );
$keywords = preg_replace_callback ( '/(^| )([^() ]+)( and )([^ ()]+)( |$)/i' , $andProcessor , $keywords );
$keywords = preg_replace_callback ( '/(^| )(not )("[^"()]+")/i' , $notProcessor , $keywords );
$keywords = preg_replace_callback ( '/(^| )(not )([^() ]+)( |$)/i' , $notProcessor , $keywords );
$keywords = $this -> addStarsToKeywords ( $keywords );
if ( strpos ( $keywords , '"' ) !== false || strpos ( $keywords , '+' ) !== false || strpos ( $keywords , '-' ) !== false || strpos ( $keywords , '*' ) !== false ) {
return $this -> searchEngine ( $keywords , $numPerPage , " Relevance DESC " , " " , true );
} else {
return $this -> searchEngine ( $keywords , $numPerPage );
$sortBy = " Relevance DESC " ;
function addStarsToKeywords ( $keywords ) {
if ( ! trim ( $keywords )) return " " ;
// Add * to each keyword
$splitWords = split ( " + " , trim ( $keywords ));
while ( list ( $i , $word ) = each ( $splitWords )) {
if ( $word [ 0 ] == '"' ) {
while ( list ( $i , $subword ) = each ( $splitWords )) {
$word .= ' ' . $subword ;
if ( substr ( $subword , - 1 ) == '"' ) break ;
} else {
$word .= '*' ;
$newWords [] = $word ;
return implode ( " " , $newWords );
* The core search engine , used by this class and its subclasses to do fun stuff .
* Searches both SiteTree and File .
public function searchEngine ( $keywords , $numPerPage = 10 , $sortBy = " Relevance DESC " , $extraFilter = " " , $booleanSearch = false , $alternativeFileFilter = " " , $invertedMatch = false ) {
$fileFilter = '' ;
$keywords = addslashes ( $keywords );
if ( $booleanSearch ) $boolean = " IN BOOLEAN MODE " ;
if ( $extraFilter ) {
$extraFilter = " AND $extraFilter " ;
if ( $alternativeFileFilter ) $fileFilter = " AND $alternativeFileFilter " ;
else $fileFilter = $extraFilter ;
if ( $this -> showInSearchTurnOn ) $extraFilter .= " AND showInSearch <> 0 " ;
2007-10-17 03:22:37 +00:00
$start = isset ( $_GET [ 'start' ]) ? ( int ) $_GET [ 'start' ] : 0 ;
$limit = $start . " , " . ( int ) $numPerPage ;
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
$notMatch = $invertedMatch ? " NOT " : " " ;
if ( $keywords ) {
$matchContent = " MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaTitle, MetaDescription, MetaKeywords) AGAINST (' $keywords ' $boolean ) " ;
$matchFile = " MATCH (Filename, Title, Content) AGAINST (' $keywords ' $boolean ) AND ClassName = 'File' " ;
// We make the relevance search by converting a boolean mode search into a normal one
$relevanceKeywords = str_replace ( array ( '*' , '+' , '-' ), '' , $keywords );
$relevanceContent = " MATCH (Title) AGAINST (' $relevanceKeywords ') + MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaTitle, MetaDescription, MetaKeywords) AGAINST (' $relevanceKeywords ') " ;
$relevanceFile = " MATCH (Filename, Title, Content) AGAINST (' $relevanceKeywords ') " ;
} else {
$relevanceContent = $relevanceFile = 1 ;
$matchContent = $matchFile = " 1 = 1 " ;
$queryContent = singleton ( 'SiteTree' ) -> extendedSQL ( $notMatch . $matchContent . $extraFilter , " " );
$baseClass = reset ( $queryContent -> from );
// There's no need to do all that joining
$queryContent -> from = array ( str_replace ( '`' , '' , $baseClass ) => $baseClass );
$queryContent -> select = array ( " ClassName " , " $baseClass .ID " , " ParentID " , " Title " , " URLSegment " , " Content " , " LastEdited " , " Created " , " _utf8'' AS Filename " , " _utf8'' AS Name " , " $relevanceContent AS Relevance " );
$queryContent -> orderby = null ;
$queryFiles = singleton ( 'File' ) -> extendedSQL ( $notMatch . $matchFile . $fileFilter , " " );
$baseClass = reset ( $queryFiles -> from );
// There's no need to do all that joining
$queryFiles -> from = array ( str_replace ( '`' , '' , $baseClass ) => $baseClass );
$queryFiles -> select = array ( " ClassName " , " $baseClass .ID " , " _utf8'' AS ParentID " , " Title " , " _utf8'' AS URLSegment " , " Content " , " LastEdited " , " Created " , " Filename " , " Name " , " $relevanceFile AS Relevance " );
$queryFiles -> orderby = null ;
$fullQuery = $queryContent -> sql () . " UNION " . $queryFiles -> sql () . " ORDER BY $sortBy LIMIT $limit " ;
$totalCount = $queryContent -> unlimitedRowCount () + $queryFiles -> unlimitedRowCount ();
// die($fullQuery);
// Debug::show($fullQuery);
$records = DB :: query ( $fullQuery );
foreach ( $records as $record )
$objects [] = new $record [ 'ClassName' ]( $record );
2007-10-17 03:26:25 +00:00
if ( isset ( $objects )) $doSet = new DataObjectSet ( $objects );
else $doSet = new DataObjectSet ();
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
2007-12-13 21:49:38 +00:00
$doSet -> setPageLimits ( $start , $numPerPage , $totalCount );
2007-07-19 10:40:28 +00:00
return $doSet ;
$keywords = preg_replace_callback ( '/("[^"]+")(\040or\040)("[^"]+")/' , $orProcessor , $keywords );
$keywords = preg_replace_callback ( '/([^ ]+)(\040or\040)([^ ]+)/' , $orProcessor , $keywords );
$limit = ( int ) $_GET [ 'start' ] . " , " . $numPerPage ;
$ret = DataObject :: get ( " SiteTree " , " MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaTitle, MetaDescription, MetaKeywords) "
. " AGAINST (' $keywords ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND `ShowInSearch` = 1 " , " Title " , " " , $limit );
return $ret ;
public function getSearchQuery () {
return Convert :: raw2xml ( $_REQUEST [ 'Search' ]);