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* Spyc -- A Simple PHP YAML Class
* @version 0.3
* @author Chris Wanstrath <chris@ozmm.org>
* @author Vlad Andersen <vlad@oneiros.ru>
* @link http://spyc.sourceforge.net/
* @copyright Copyright 2005-2006 Chris Wanstrath
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
* @package Spyc
* The Simple PHP YAML Class.
* This class can be used to read a YAML file and convert its contents
* into a PHP array. It currently supports a very limited subsection of
* the YAML spec.
* Usage:
* <code>
* $parser = new Spyc;
* $array = $parser->load($file);
* </code>
* @package Spyc
class Spyc {
* @access private
* @var mixed
var $_haveRefs;
var $_allNodes;
var $_allParent;
var $_lastIndent;
var $_lastNode;
var $_inBlock;
var $_isInline;
var $_dumpIndent;
var $_dumpWordWrap;
var $_containsGroupAnchor = false;
var $_containsGroupAlias = false;
var $path;
var $result;
var $LiteralBlockMarkers = array ('>', '|');
var $LiteralPlaceHolder = '___YAML_Literal_Block___';
var $SavedGroups = array();
* @access public
* @var mixed
var $_nodeId;
* Load YAML into a PHP array statically
* The load method, when supplied with a YAML stream (string or file),
* will do its best to convert YAML in a file into a PHP array. Pretty
* simple.
* Usage:
* <code>
* $array = Spyc::YAMLLoad('lucky.yaml');
* print_r($array);
* </code>
* @access public
* @return array
* @param string $input Path of YAML file or string containing YAML
function YAMLLoad($input) {
$Spyc = new Spyc;
return $Spyc->load($input);
* Dump YAML from PHP array statically
* The dump method, when supplied with an array, will do its best
* to convert the array into friendly YAML. Pretty simple. Feel free to
* save the returned string as nothing.yaml and pass it around.
* Oh, and you can decide how big the indent is and what the wordwrap
* for folding is. Pretty cool -- just pass in 'false' for either if
* you want to use the default.
* Indent's default is 2 spaces, wordwrap's default is 40 characters. And
* you can turn off wordwrap by passing in 0.
* @access public
* @return string
* @param array $array PHP array
* @param int $indent Pass in false to use the default, which is 2
* @param int $wordwrap Pass in 0 for no wordwrap, false for default (40)
function YAMLDump($array,$indent = false,$wordwrap = false) {
$spyc = new Spyc;
return $spyc->dump($array,$indent,$wordwrap);
* Dump PHP array to YAML
* The dump method, when supplied with an array, will do its best
* to convert the array into friendly YAML. Pretty simple. Feel free to
* save the returned string as tasteful.yaml and pass it around.
* Oh, and you can decide how big the indent is and what the wordwrap
* for folding is. Pretty cool -- just pass in 'false' for either if
* you want to use the default.
* Indent's default is 2 spaces, wordwrap's default is 40 characters. And
* you can turn off wordwrap by passing in 0.
* @access public
* @return string
* @param array $array PHP array
* @param int $indent Pass in false to use the default, which is 2
* @param int $wordwrap Pass in 0 for no wordwrap, false for default (40)
function dump($array,$indent = false,$wordwrap = false) {
// Dumps to some very clean YAML. We'll have to add some more features
// and options soon. And better support for folding.
// New features and options.
if ($indent === false or !is_numeric($indent)) {
$this->_dumpIndent = 2;
} else {
$this->_dumpIndent = $indent;
if ($wordwrap === false or !is_numeric($wordwrap)) {
$this->_dumpWordWrap = 40;
} else {
$this->_dumpWordWrap = $wordwrap;
// New YAML document
$string = "---\n";
// Start at the base of the array and move through it.
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$string .= $this->_yamlize($key,$value,0);
return $string;
* Attempts to convert a key / value array item to YAML
* @access private
* @return string
* @param $key The name of the key
* @param $value The value of the item
* @param $indent The indent of the current node
function _yamlize($key,$value,$indent) {
if (is_array($value)) {
// It has children. What to do?
// Make it the right kind of item
$string = $this->_dumpNode($key,NULL,$indent);
// Add the indent
$indent += $this->_dumpIndent;
// Yamlize the array
$string .= $this->_yamlizeArray($value,$indent);
} elseif (!is_array($value)) {
// It doesn't have children. Yip.
$string = $this->_dumpNode($key,$value,$indent);
return $string;
* Attempts to convert an array to YAML
* @access private
* @return string
* @param $array The array you want to convert
* @param $indent The indent of the current level
function _yamlizeArray($array,$indent) {
if (is_array($array)) {
$string = '';
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$string .= $this->_yamlize($key,$value,$indent);
return $string;
} else {
return false;
* Returns YAML from a key and a value
* @access private
* @return string
* @param $key The name of the key
* @param $value The value of the item
* @param $indent The indent of the current node
function _dumpNode($key,$value,$indent) {
// do some folding here, for blocks
if (strpos($value,"\n") !== false || strpos($value,": ") !== false || strpos($value,"- ") !== false) {
$value = $this->_doLiteralBlock($value,$indent);
} else {
$value = $this->_doFolding($value,$indent);
if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = ($value) ? "true" : "false";
$spaces = str_repeat(' ',$indent);
if (is_int($key)) {
// It's a sequence
$string = $spaces.'- '.$value."\n";
} else {
// It's mapped
if (strpos($key, ":") !== false) { $key = '"' . $key . '"'; }
$string = $spaces.$key.': '.$value."\n";
return $string;
* Creates a literal block for dumping
* @access private
* @return string
* @param $value
* @param $indent int The value of the indent
function _doLiteralBlock($value,$indent) {
$exploded = explode("\n",$value);
$newValue = '|';
$indent += $this->_dumpIndent;
$spaces = str_repeat(' ',$indent);
foreach ($exploded as $line) {
$newValue .= "\n" . $spaces . trim($line);
return $newValue;
* Folds a string of text, if necessary
* @access private
* @return string
* @param $value The string you wish to fold
function _doFolding($value,$indent) {
// Don't do anything if wordwrap is set to 0
if ($this->_dumpWordWrap === 0) {
return $value;
if (strlen($value) > $this->_dumpWordWrap) {
$indent += $this->_dumpIndent;
$indent = str_repeat(' ',$indent);
$wrapped = wordwrap($value,$this->_dumpWordWrap,"\n$indent");
$value = ">\n".$indent.$wrapped;
return $value;
function load($input) {
$Source = $this->loadFromSource($input);
if (empty ($Source)) return array();
$this->path = array();
$this->result = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($Source); $i++) {
$line = $Source[$i];
$lineIndent = $this->_getIndent($line);
$this->path = $this->getParentPathByIndent($lineIndent);
$line = $this->stripIndent($line, $lineIndent);
if ($this->isComment($line)) continue;
if ($literalBlockStyle = $this->startsLiteralBlock($line)) {
$line = rtrim ($line, $literalBlockStyle . "\n");
$literalBlock = '';
$line .= $this->LiteralPlaceHolder;
while (++$i < count($Source) && $this->literalBlockContinues($Source[$i], $lineIndent)) {
$literalBlock = $this->addLiteralLine($literalBlock, $Source[$i], $literalBlockStyle);
$lineArray = $this->_parseLine($line);
if ($literalBlockStyle)
$lineArray = $this->revertLiteralPlaceHolder ($lineArray, $literalBlock);
$this->addArray($lineArray, $lineIndent);
return $this->result;
function loadFromSource ($input) {
if (!empty($input) && strpos($input, "\n") === false && file_exists($input))
return file($input);
$foo = explode("\n",$input);
foreach ($foo as $k => $_) {
$foo[$k] = trim ($_, "\r");
return $foo;
* Finds and returns the indentation of a YAML line
* @access private
* @return int
* @param string $line A line from the YAML file
function _getIndent($line) {
if (!preg_match('/^ +/',$line,$match)) return 0;
if (!empty($match[0])) return strlen ($match[0]);
return 0;
* Parses YAML code and returns an array for a node
* @access private
* @return array
* @param string $line A line from the YAML file
function _parseLine($line) {
if (!$line) return array();
$line = trim($line);
if (!$line) return array();
$array = array();
if ($group = $this->nodeContainsGroup($line)) {
$this->addGroup($line, $group);
$line = $this->stripGroup ($line, $group);
if ($this->startsMappedSequence($line))
return $this->returnMappedSequence($line);
if ($this->startsMappedValue($line))
return $this->returnMappedValue($line);
if ($this->isArrayElement($line))
return $this->returnArrayElement($line);
if ($this->isPlainArray($line))
return $this->returnPlainArray($line);
return $this->returnKeyValuePair($line);
* Finds the type of the passed value, returns the value as the new type.
* @access private
* @param string $value
* @return mixed
function _toType($value) {
if (strpos($value, '#') !== false)
$value = trim(preg_replace('/#(.+)$/','',$value));
if (preg_match('/^("(.*)"|\'(.*)\')/',$value,$matches)) {
$value = (string)preg_replace('/(\'\'|\\\\\')/',"'",end($matches));
$value = preg_replace('/\\\\"/','"',$value);
} elseif (preg_match('/^\\[(.+)\\]$/',$value,$matches)) {
// Inline Sequence
// Take out strings sequences and mappings
$explode = $this->_inlineEscape($matches[1]);
// Propagate value array
$value = array();
foreach ($explode as $v) {
$value[] = $this->_toType($v);
} elseif (strpos($value,': ')!==false && !preg_match('/^{(.+)/',$value)) {
// It's a map
$array = explode(': ',$value);
$key = trim($array[0]);
$value = trim(implode(': ',$array));
$value = $this->_toType($value);
$value = array($key => $value);
} elseif (preg_match("/{(.+)}$/",$value,$matches)) {
// Inline Mapping
// Take out strings sequences and mappings
$explode = $this->_inlineEscape($matches[1]);
// Propogate value array
$array = array();
foreach ($explode as $v) {
$SubArr = $this->_toType($v);
if (empty($SubArr)) continue;
if (is_array ($SubArr)) {
$array[key($SubArr)] = $SubArr[key($SubArr)]; continue;
$array[] = $SubArr;
$value = $array;
} elseif (strtolower($value) == 'null' or $value == '' or $value == '~') {
$value = null;
} elseif (preg_match ('/^[0-9]+$/', $value)) {
$value = (int)$value;
} elseif (in_array(strtolower($value),
array('true', 'on', '+', 'yes', 'y'))) {
$value = true;
} elseif (in_array(strtolower($value),
array('false', 'off', '-', 'no', 'n'))) {
$value = false;
} elseif (is_numeric($value)) {
$value = (float)$value;
} else {
// Just a normal string, right?
// print_r ($value);
return $value;
* Used in inlines to check for more inlines or quoted strings
* @access private
* @return array
function _inlineEscape($inline) {
// There's gotta be a cleaner way to do this...
// While pure sequences seem to be nesting just fine,
// pure mappings and mappings with sequences inside can't go very
// deep. This needs to be fixed.
$saved_strings = array();
// Check for strings
$regex = '/(?:(")|(?:\'))((?(1)[^"]+|[^\']+))(?(1)"|\')/';
if (preg_match_all($regex,$inline,$strings)) {
$saved_strings = $strings[0];
$inline = preg_replace($regex,'YAMLString',$inline);
// Check for sequences
if (preg_match_all('/\[(.+)\]/U',$inline,$seqs)) {
$inline = preg_replace('/\[(.+)\]/U','YAMLSeq',$inline);
$seqs = $seqs[0];
// Check for mappings
if (preg_match_all('/{(.+)}/U',$inline,$maps)) {
$inline = preg_replace('/{(.+)}/U','YAMLMap',$inline);
$maps = $maps[0];
$explode = explode(', ',$inline);
// Re-add the sequences
if (!empty($seqs)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($explode as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($value,'YAMLSeq') !== false) {
$explode[$key] = str_replace('YAMLSeq',$seqs[$i],$value);
// Re-add the mappings
if (!empty($maps)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($explode as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($value,'YAMLMap') !== false) {
$explode[$key] = str_replace('YAMLMap',$maps[$i],$value);
// Re-add the strings
if (!empty($saved_strings)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($explode as $key => $value) {
while (strpos($value,'YAMLString') !== false) {
$explode[$key] = preg_replace('/YAMLString/',$saved_strings[$i],$value, 1);
$value = $explode[$key];
return $explode;
function literalBlockContinues ($line, $lineIndent) {
if (!trim($line)) return true;
if ($this->_getIndent($line) > $lineIndent) return true;
return false;
function addArrayInline ($array, $indent) {
$CommonGroupPath = $this->path;
if (empty ($array)) return false;
foreach ($array as $k => $_) {
$this->addArray(array($k => $_), $indent);
$this->path = $CommonGroupPath;
return true;
function addArray ($array, $indent) {
if (count ($array) > 1)
return $this->addArrayInline ($array, $indent);
$key = key ($array);
if (!isset ($array[$key])) return false;
if ($array[$key] === array()) { $array[$key] = ''; };
$value = $array[$key];
// Unfolding inner array tree as defined in $this->_arrpath.
//$_arr = $this->result; $_tree[0] = $_arr; $i = 1;
$tempPath = Spyc::flatten ($this->path);
eval ('$_arr = $this->result' . $tempPath . ';');
if ($this->_containsGroupAlias) {
do {
if (!isset($this->SavedGroups[$this->_containsGroupAlias])) { echo "Bad group name: $this->_containsGroupAlias."; break; }
$groupPath = $this->SavedGroups[$this->_containsGroupAlias];
eval ('$value = $this->result' . Spyc::flatten ($groupPath) . ';');
} while (false);
$this->_containsGroupAlias = false;
// Adding string or numeric key to the innermost level or $this->arr.
if ($key)
$_arr[$key] = $value;
else {
if (!is_array ($_arr)) { $_arr = array ($value); $key = 0; }
else { $_arr[] = $value; end ($_arr); $key = key ($_arr); }
$this->path[$indent] = $key;
eval ('$this->result' . $tempPath . ' = $_arr;');
if ($this->_containsGroupAnchor) {
$this->SavedGroups[$this->_containsGroupAnchor] = $this->path;
$this->_containsGroupAnchor = false;
function flatten ($array) {
$tempPath = array();
if (!empty ($array)) {
foreach ($array as $_) {
if (!is_int($_)) $_ = "'$_'";
$tempPath[] = "[$_]";
//end ($tempPath); $latestKey = key($tempPath);
$tempPath = implode ('', $tempPath);
return $tempPath;
function startsLiteralBlock ($line) {
$lastChar = substr (trim($line), -1);
if (in_array ($lastChar, $this->LiteralBlockMarkers))
return $lastChar;
return false;
function addLiteralLine ($literalBlock, $line, $literalBlockStyle) {
$line = $this->stripIndent($line);
$line = str_replace ("\r\n", "\n", $line);
if ($literalBlockStyle == '|') {
return $literalBlock . $line;
if (strlen($line) == 0) return $literalBlock . "\n";
// echo "|$line|";
if ($line != "\n")
$line = trim ($line, "\r\n ") . " ";
return $literalBlock . $line;
function revertLiteralPlaceHolder ($lineArray, $literalBlock) {
foreach ($lineArray as $k => $_) {
if (is_array($_))
$lineArray[$k] = $this->revertLiteralPlaceHolder ($_, $literalBlock);
if (substr($_, -1 * strlen ($this->LiteralPlaceHolder)) == $this->LiteralPlaceHolder)
$lineArray[$k] = rtrim ($literalBlock, " \r\n");
return $lineArray;
function stripIndent ($line, $indent = -1) {
if ($indent == -1) $indent = $this->_getIndent($line);
return substr ($line, $indent);
function getParentPathByIndent ($indent) {
if ($indent == 0) return array();
$linePath = $this->path;
do {
end($linePath); $lastIndentInParentPath = key($linePath);
if ($indent <= $lastIndentInParentPath) array_pop ($linePath);
} while ($indent <= $lastIndentInParentPath);
return $linePath;
function clearBiggerPathValues ($indent) {
if ($indent == 0) $this->path = array();
if (empty ($this->path)) return true;
foreach ($this->path as $k => $_) {
if ($k > $indent) unset ($this->path[$k]);
return true;
function isComment ($line) {
if (preg_match('/^#/', $line)) return true;
if (trim($line, " \r\n\t") == '---') return true;
return false;
function isArrayElement ($line) {
if (!$line) return false;
if ($line[0] != '-') return false;
if (strlen ($line) > 3)
if (substr($line,0,3) == '---') return false;
return true;
function isHashElement ($line) {
if (!preg_match('/^(.+?):/', $line, $matches)) return false;
$allegedKey = $matches[1];
if ($allegedKey) return true;
//if (substr_count($allegedKey, )
return false;
function isLiteral ($line) {
if ($this->isArrayElement($line)) return false;
if ($this->isHashElement($line)) return false;
return true;
function startsMappedSequence ($line) {
if (preg_match('/^-(.*):$/',$line)) return true;
function returnMappedSequence ($line) {
$array = array();
$key = trim(substr(substr($line,1),0,-1));
$array[$key] = '';
return $array;
function returnMappedValue ($line) {
$array = array();
$key = trim(substr($line,0,-1));
$array[$key] = '';
return $array;
function startsMappedValue ($line) {
if (preg_match('/^(.*):$/',$line)) return true;
function isPlainArray ($line) {
if (preg_match('/^\[(.*)\]$/', $line)) return true;
return false;
function returnPlainArray ($line) {
return $this->_toType($line);
function returnKeyValuePair ($line) {
$array = array();
if (preg_match('/^(.+):/',$line,$key)) {
// It's a key/value pair most likely
// If the key is in double quotes pull it out
if (preg_match('/^(["\'](.*)["\'](\s)*:)/',$line,$matches)) {
$value = trim(str_replace($matches[1],'',$line));
$key = $matches[2];
} else {
// Do some guesswork as to the key and the value
$explode = explode(':',$line);
$key = trim($explode[0]);
$value = trim(implode(':',$explode));
// Set the type of the value. Int, string, etc
$value = $this->_toType($value);
if (empty($key)) {
$array[] = $value;
} else {
$array[$key] = $value;
return $array;
function returnArrayElement ($line) {
if (strlen($line) <= 1) return array(array()); // Weird %)
$array = array();
$value = trim(substr($line,1));
$value = $this->_toType($value);
$array[] = $value;
return $array;
function nodeContainsGroup ($line) {
$symbolsForReference = 'A-z0-9_\-';
if (strpos($line, '&') === false && strpos($line, '*') === false) return false; // Please die fast ;-)
if (preg_match('/^(&['.$symbolsForReference.']+)/', $line, $matches)) return $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/^(\*['.$symbolsForReference.']+)/', $line, $matches)) return $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/(&['.$symbolsForReference.']+$)/', $line, $matches)) return $matches[1];
if (preg_match('/(\*['.$symbolsForReference.']+$)/', $line, $matches)) return $matches[1];
return false;
function addGroup ($line, $group) {
if (substr ($group, 0, 1) == '&') $this->_containsGroupAnchor = substr ($group, 1);
if (substr ($group, 0, 1) == '*') $this->_containsGroupAlias = substr ($group, 1);
//print_r ($this->path);
function stripGroup ($line, $group) {
$line = trim(str_replace($group, '', $line));
return $line;