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* Implements a basic security model
class Security extends Controller {
* Default user name. Only used in dev-mode by {@link setDefaultAdmin()}
* @var string
* @see setDefaultAdmin()
protected static $default_username;
* Default password. Only used in dev-mode by {@link setDefaultAdmin()}
* @var string
* @see setDefaultAdmin()
protected static $default_password;
* If set to TRUE to prevent sharing of the session across several sites
* in the domain.
* @var bool
protected static $strictPathChecking = false;
* Should passwords be stored encrypted?
* @var bool
protected static $encryptPasswords = true;
* The password encryption algorithm to use if {@link $encryptPasswords}
* is set to TRUE.
* @var string
protected static $encryptionAlgorithm = 'sha1';
* Should a salt be used for the password encryption?
* @var bool
protected static $useSalt = true;
* Location of word list to use for generating passwords
* @var string
protected static $wordlist = '/usr/share/silverstripe/wordlist.txt';
* Get location of word list file
static function get_word_list() {
return Security::$wordlist;
* Set location of word list file
* @param string $wordListFile Location of word list file
static function set_word_list($wordListFile) {
Security::$wordlist = $wordListFile;
* Register that we've had a permission failure trying to view the given page
* This will redirect to a login page.
* If you don't provide a messageSet, a default will be used.
* @param Controller $controller The controller that you were on to cause the permission
* failure.
* @param string|array $messageSet The message to show to the user. This
* can be a string, or a map of different
* messages for different contexts.
* If you pass an array, you can use the
* following keys:
* - default: The default message
* - logInAgain: The message to show
* if the user has just
* logged out and the
* - alreadyLoggedIn: The message to
* show if the user
* is already logged
* in and lacks the
* permission to
* access the item.
static function permissionFailure($controller = null, $messageSet = null) {
// Prepare the messageSet provided
if(!$messageSet) {
$messageSet = array(
'default' => _t(
"That page is secured. Enter your credentials below and we will send you right along."
'alreadyLoggedIn' => _t(
"You don't have access to this page. If you have another account that can access that page, you can log in below."
'logInAgain' => _t(
"You have been logged out. If you would like to log in again, enter your credentials below."
} else if(!is_array($messageSet)) {
$messageSet = array('default' => $messageSet);
// Work out the right message to show
if(Member::currentUserID()) {
// user_error( 'PermFailure with member', E_USER_ERROR );
$message = $messageSet['alreadyLoggedIn']
? $messageSet['alreadyLoggedIn']
: $messageSet['default'];
if($member = Member::currentUser())
} else if(substr(Director::history(),0,15) == 'Security/logout') {
$message = $messageSet['logInAgain']
? $messageSet['logInAgain']
: $messageSet['default'];
} else {
$message = $messageSet['default'];
Session::set("Security.Message.message", $message);
Session::set("Security.Message.type", 'warning');
Session::set("BackURL", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if(Director::is_ajax()) {
} else {
* Get the login form to process according to the submitted data
protected function LoginForm() {
if(is_array($_REQUEST) && isset($_REQUEST['AuthenticationMethod']))
$authenticator = trim($_REQUEST['AuthenticationMethod']);
$authenticators = Authenticator::get_authenticators();
if(in_array($authenticator, $authenticators)) {
return call_user_func(array($authenticator, 'get_login_form'),
user_error('Passed invalid authentication method', E_USER_ERROR);
* Get the login forms for all available authentication methods
* @return array Returns an array of available login forms (array of Form
* objects).
* @todo Check how to activate/deactivate authentication methods
protected function GetLoginForms()
$forms = array();
$authenticators = Authenticator::get_authenticators();
foreach($authenticators as $authenticator) {
call_user_func(array($authenticator, 'get_login_form'),
return $forms;
* Get a link to a security action
* @param string $action Name of the action
* @return string Returns the link to the given action
public static function Link($action = null) {
return "Security/$action";
* Log the currently logged in user out
* @param bool $redirect Redirect the user back to where they came.
* - If it's false, the code calling logout() is
* responsible for sending the user where-ever
* they should go.
public function logout($redirect = true) {
if($member = Member::currentUser())
* Show the "login" page
* @return string Returns the "login" page as HTML code.
public function login() {
$customCSS = project() . '/css/tabs.css';
if(Director::fileExists($customCSS)) {
$tmpPage = new Page();
$tmpPage->Title = "Log in";
$tmpPage->URLSegment = "Security";
$tmpPage->ID = -1; // Set the page ID to -1 so we dont get the top level pages as its children
$controller = new Page_Controller($tmpPage);
//Controller::$currentController = $controller;
$content = '';
$forms = $this->GetLoginForms();
if(!count($forms)) {
user_error('No login-forms found, please use Authenticator::register_authenticator() to add one', E_USER_ERROR);
// only display tabs when more than one authenticator is provided
// to save bandwidth and reduce the amount of custom styling needed
if(count($forms) > 1) {
// Needed because the <base href=".."> in the template makes problems
// with the tabstrip library otherwise
$link_base = Director::absoluteURL($this->Link("login"));
$content = '<div id="Form_EditForm">';
$content .= '<ul class="tabstrip">';
$content_forms = '';
foreach($forms as $form) {
$content .= "<li><a href=\"$link_base#{$form->FormName()}_tab\">{$form->getAuthenticator()->get_name()}</a></li>\n";
$content_forms .= '<div class="tab" id="' . $form->FormName() . '_tab">' . $form->forTemplate() . "</div>\n";
$content .= "</ul>\n" . $content_forms . "\n</div>\n";
} else {
$content .= $forms[0]->forTemplate();
if(strlen($message = Session::get('Security.Message.message')) > 0) {
$message_type = Session::get('Security.Message.type');
if($message_type == 'bad') {
$message = "<p class=\"message $message_type\">$message</p>";
} else {
$message = "<p>$message</p>";
$customisedController = $controller->customise(array(
"Content" => $message,
"Form" => $content,
} else {
$customisedController = $controller->customise(array(
"Content" => $content,
// custom processing
if(SSViewer::hasTemplate("Security_login")) {
return $customisedController->renderWith(array("Security_login", "Page"));
} else {
return $customisedController->renderWith("Page");
function basicauthlogin() {
$member = BasicAuth::requireLogin("SilverStripe login", 'ADMIN');
* Show the "lost password" page
* @return string Returns the "lost password" page as HTML code.
public function lostpassword() {
$tmpPage = new Page();
$tmpPage->Title = _t('Security.LOSTPASSWORDHEADER', 'Lost Password');
$tmpPage->URLSegment = 'Security';
$controller = new Page_Controller($tmpPage);
$customisedController = $controller->customise(array(
'Content' =>
'<p>' .
'Enter your e-mail address and we will send you a link with which you can reset your password'
) .
'Form' => $this->LostPasswordForm(),
//Controller::$currentController = $controller;
return $customisedController->renderWith("Page");
* Factory method for the lost password form
* @return Form Returns the lost password form
public function LostPasswordForm() {
return new MemberLoginForm($this, 'LostPasswordForm',
new FieldSet(new EmailField('Email', _t('Member.EMAIL'))),
new FieldSet(new FormAction(
_t('Security.BUTTONSEND', 'Send me the password reset link')
* Show the "password sent" page
* @return string Returns the "password sent" page as HTML code.
public function passwordsent() {
$tmpPage = new Page();
$tmpPage->Title = _t('Security.LOSTPASSWORDHEADER');
$tmpPage->URLSegment = 'Security';
$controller = new Page_Controller($tmpPage);
$email = Convert::raw2xml($this->urlParams['ID']);
$customisedController = $controller->customise(array(
'Title' => sprintf(_t('Security.PASSWORDSENTHEADER', "Password reset link sent to '%s'"), $email),
'Content' =>
"<p>" .
sprintf(_t('Security.PASSWORDSENTTEXT', "Thank you! The password reset link has been sent to '%s'."), $email) .
//Controller::$currentController = $controller;
return $customisedController->renderWith("Page");
* Create a link to the password reset form
* @param string $autoLoginHash The auto login hash
public static function getPasswordResetLink($autoLoginHash) {
$autoLoginHash = urldecode($autoLoginHash);
return self::Link('changepassword') . "?h=$autoLoginHash";
* Show the "change password" page
* @return string Returns the "change password" page as HTML code.
public function changepassword() {
$tmpPage = new Page();
$tmpPage->Title = _t('Security.CHANGEPASSWORDHEADER', 'Change your password');
$tmpPage->URLSegment = 'Security';
$controller = new Page_Controller($tmpPage);
if(isset($_REQUEST['h']) && Member::autoLoginHash($_REQUEST['h'])) {
// The auto login hash is valid, store it for the change password form
Session::set('AutoLoginHash', $_REQUEST['h']);
$customisedController = $controller->customise(array(
'Content' =>
'<p>' .
_t('Security.ENTERNEWPASSWORD', 'Please enter a new password.') .
'Form' => $this->ChangePasswordForm(),
} elseif(Member::currentUser()) {
// let a logged in user change his password
$customisedController = $controller->customise(array(
'Content' => '<p>' . _t('Security.CHANGEPASSWORDBELOW', 'You can change your password below.') . '</p>',
'Form' => $this->ChangePasswordForm()));
} else {
// show an error message if the auto login hash is invalid and the
// user is not logged in
if(isset($_REQUEST['h'])) {
$customisedController = $controller->customise(
array('Content' =>
"<p>The password reset link is invalid or expired.</p>\n" .
'<p>You can request a new one <a href="%s">here</a> or change your password after you <a href="%s">logged in</a>.</p>'
} else {
_t('Security.ERRORPASSWORDPERMISSION', 'You must be logged in in order to change your password!')
//Controller::$currentController = $controller;
return $customisedController->renderWith('Page');
* Factory method for the lost password form
* @return Form Returns the lost password form
public function ChangePasswordForm() {
return new ChangePasswordForm($this, 'ChangePasswordForm');
* Authenticate using the given email and password, returning the
* appropriate member object if
* @return bool|Member Returns FALSE if authentication fails, otherwise
* the member object
* @see setDefaultAdmin()
public static function authenticate($RAW_email, $RAW_password) {
$SQL_email = Convert::raw2sql($RAW_email);
$SQL_password = Convert::raw2sql($RAW_password);
// Default login (see {@setDetaultAdmin()})
if(($RAW_email == self::$default_username) && ($RAW_password == self::$default_password)
&& !empty(self::$default_username) && !empty(self::$default_password)) {
$member = self::findAnAdministrator();
} else {
$member = DataObject::get_one("Member", "Email = '$SQL_email' AND Password IS NOT NULL");
if($member && ($member->checkPassword($RAW_password) == false)) {
$member = null;
return $member;
* Return a member with administrator privileges
* @return Member Returns a member object that has administrator
* privileges.
static function findAnAdministrator($username = 'admin', $password = 'password') {
$permission = DataObject::get_one("Permission", "`Code` = 'ADMIN'", true, "ID");
$adminGroup = null;
if($permission) $adminGroup = DataObject::get_one("Group", "`ID` = '{$permission->GroupID}'", true, "ID");
if($adminGroup) {
if($adminGroup->Members()->First()) {
$member = $adminGroup->Members()->First();
if(!$adminGroup) {
$adminGroup = Object::create('Group');
$adminGroup->Title = 'Administrators';
$adminGroup->Code = "administrators";
Permission::grant($adminGroup->ID, "ADMIN");
if(!isset($member)) {
$member = Object::create('Member');
$member->FirstName = $member->Surname = 'Admin';
$member->Email = $username;
$member->Password = $password;
return $member;
* Set a default admin in dev-mode
* This will set a static default-admin (e.g. "td") which is not existing
* as a database-record. By this workaround we can test pages in dev-mode
* with a unified login. Submitted login-credentials are first checked
* against this static information in {@authenticate()}.
* @param string $username The user name
* @param string $password The password in cleartext
public static function setDefaultAdmin($username, $password) {
// don't overwrite if already set
if(self::$default_username || self::$default_password) {
return false;
self::$default_username = $username;
self::$default_password = $password;
* Checks if the passed credentials are matching the default-admin.
* Compares cleartext-password set through Security::setDefaultAdmin().
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @return bool
public static function check_default_admin($username, $password) {
return (
self::$default_username === $username
&& self::$default_password === $password
&& self::has_default_admin()
* Check that the default admin account has been set.
public static function has_default_admin() {
return !empty(self::$default_username) && !empty(self::$default_password);
* Set strict path checking
* This prevents sharing of the session across several sites in the
* domain.
* @param boolean $strictPathChecking To enable or disable strict patch
* checking.
public static function setStrictPathChecking($strictPathChecking) {
self::$strictPathChecking = $strictPathChecking;
* Get strict path checking
* @return boolean Status of strict path checking
public static function getStrictPathChecking() {
return self::$strictPathChecking;
* Set if passwords should be encrypted or not
* @param bool $encrypt Set to TRUE if you want that all (new) passwords
* will be stored encrypted, FALSE if you want to
* store the passwords in clear text.
public static function encrypt_passwords($encrypt) {
self::$encryptPasswords = (bool)$encrypt;
* Get a list of all available encryption algorithms
* This method tries to use PHP's hash_algos() function. If it is not
* supported or it returns no algorithms, as a failback mechanism it tries
* to use the md5() and sha1() function and returns them.
* @return array Returns an array of strings containing all supported
* encryption algorithms.
public static function get_encryption_algorithms() {
$result = function_exists('hash_algos')
? hash_algos()
: array();
if(count($result) == 0) {
$result[] = 'md5';
$result[] = 'sha1';
return $result;
* Set the password encryption algorithm
* @param string $algorithm One of the available password encryption
* algorithms determined by
* {@link Security::get_encryption_algorithms()}
* @param bool $use_salt Set to TRUE if a random salt should be used to
* encrypt the passwords, otherwise FALSE
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the passed algorithm was valid, otherwise
public static function set_password_encryption_algorithm($algorithm,
$use_salt) {
if(in_array($algorithm, self::get_encryption_algorithms()) == false)
return false;
self::$encryptionAlgorithm = $algorithm;
self::$useSalt = (bool)$use_salt;
return true;
* Get the the password encryption details
* The return value is an array of the following form:
* <code>
* array('encrypt_passwords' => bool,
* 'algorithm' => string,
* 'use_salt' => bool)
* </code>
* @return array Returns an associative array containing all the
* password encryption relevant information.
public static function get_password_encryption_details() {
return array('encrypt_passwords' => self::$encryptPasswords,
'algorithm' => self::$encryptionAlgorithm,
'use_salt' => self::$useSalt);
* Encrypt a password
* Encrypt a password according to the current password encryption
* settings.
* Use {@link Security::get_password_encryption_details()} to retrieve the
* current settings.
* If the settings are so that passwords shouldn't be encrypted, the
* result is simple the clear text password with an empty salt except when
* a custom algorithm ($algorithm parameter) was passed.
* @param string $password The password to encrypt
* @param string $salt Optional: The salt to use. If it is not passed, but
* needed, the method will automatically create a
* random salt that will then be returned as return
* value.
* @param string $algorithm Optional: Use another algorithm to encrypt the
* password (so that the encryption algorithm can
* be changed over the time).
* @return mixed Returns an associative array containing the encrypted
* password and the used salt in the form
* <i>array('encrypted_password' => string, 'salt' =>
* string, 'algorithm' => string)</i>.
* If the passed algorithm is invalid, FALSE will be
* returned.
* @see encrypt_passwords()
* @see set_password_encryption_algorithm()
* @see get_password_encryption_details()
public static function encrypt_password($password, $salt = null,
$algorithm = null) {
if(strlen(trim($password)) == 0) {
// An empty password was passed, return an empty password an salt!
return array('password' => null,
'salt' => null,
'algorithm' => 'none');
} elseif((self::$encryptPasswords == false) || ($algorithm == 'none')) {
// The password should not be encrypted
return array('password' => substr($password, 0, 64),
'salt' => null,
'algorithm' => 'none');
} elseif(strlen(trim($algorithm)) != 0) {
// A custom encryption algorithm was passed, check if we can use it
if(in_array($algorithm, self::get_encryption_algorithms()) == false)
return false;
} else {
// Just use the default encryption algorithm
$algorithm = self::$encryptionAlgorithm;
// If no salt was provided but we need one we just generate a random one
if(strlen(trim($salt)) == 0)
$salt = null;
if((self::$useSalt == true) && is_null($salt)) {
$salt = sha1(mt_rand()) . time();
$salt = substr(base_convert($salt, 16, 36), 0, 50);
// Encrypt the password
if(function_exists('hash')) {
$password = hash($algorithm, $password . $salt);
} else {
$password = call_user_func($algorithm, $password . $salt);
// Convert the base of the hexadecimal password to 36 to make it shorter
// In that way we can store also a SHA256 encrypted password in just 64
// letters.
$password = substr(base_convert($password, 16, 36), 0, 64);
return array('password' => $password,
'salt' => $salt,
'algorithm' => $algorithm);
* Encrypt all passwords
* Action to encrypt all *clear text* passwords in the database according
* to the current settings.
* If the current settings are so that passwords shouldn't be encrypted,
* an explanation will be printed out.
* To run this action, the user needs to have administrator rights!
public function encryptallpasswords() {
// Only administrators can run this method
if(!Member::currentUser() || !Member::currentUser()->isAdmin()) {
"This page is secured and you need administrator rights to access it. " .
"Enter your credentials below and we will send you right along.");
if(self::$encryptPasswords == false) {
print "<h1>Password encryption disabled!</h1>\n";
print "<p>To encrypt your passwords change your password settings by adding\n";
print "<pre>Security::encrypt_passwords(true);</pre>\nto mysite/_config.php</p>";
// Are there members with a clear text password?
$members = DataObject::get("Member",
"PasswordEncryption = 'none' AND Password IS NOT NULL");
if(!$members) {
print "<h1>No passwords to encrypt</h1>\n";
print "<p>There are no members with a clear text password that could be encrypted!</p>\n";
// Encrypt the passwords...
print "<h1>Encrypting all passwords</h1>";
print '<p>The passwords will be encrypted using the &quot;' .
htmlentities(self::$encryptionAlgorithm) . '&quot; algorithm ';
print (self::$useSalt)
? "with a salt to increase the security.</p>\n"
: "without using a salt to increase the security.</p><p>\n";
foreach($members as $member) {
// Force the update of the member record, as new passwords get
// automatically encrypted according to the settings, this will do all
// the work for us
print " Encrypted credentials for member &quot;";
print htmlentities($member->getTitle()) . '&quot; (ID: ' . $member->ID .
'; E-Mail: ' . htmlentities($member->Email) . ")<br />\n";
print '</p>';
* Checks the database is in a state to perform security checks.
* @return bool
public static function database_is_ready() {
ClassInfo::hasTable('Member') &&
ClassInfo::hasTable('Group') &&
ClassInfo::hasTable('Permission') &&
(($permissionFields = DB::fieldList('Permission')) && isset($permissionFields['Type'])) &&
(($memberFields = DB::fieldList('Member')) && isset($memberFields['RememberLoginToken']));