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* File: LeftAndMain.EditForm.js
(function($) {
// Can't bind this through jQuery
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
var form = $('.cms-edit-form');
if('.changed')) return ss.i18n._t('LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVEDSHORT');
$.entwine('ss', function($){
* Class: .cms-edit-form
* Base edit form, provides ajaxified saving
* and reloading itself through the ajax return values.
* Takes care of resizing tabsets within the layout container.
* Change tracking is enabled on all fields within the form. If you want
* to disable change tracking for a specific field, add a "no-change-track"
* class to it.
* @name ss.Form_EditForm
* @require jquery.changetracker
* Events:
* ajaxsubmit - Form is about to be submitted through ajax
* validate - Contains validation result
* load - Form is about to be loaded through ajax
$('.cms-edit-form').entwine(/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm */{
* Variable: PlaceholderHtml
* (String_ HTML text to show when no form content is chosen.
* Will show inside the <form> tag.
PlaceholderHtml: '',
* Variable: ChangeTrackerOptions
* (Object)
ChangeTrackerOptions: {
ignoreFieldSelector: '.no-change-track, .ss-upload :input, .cms-navigator :input'
* Constructor: onmatch
onadd: function() {
var self = this;
// Turn off autocomplete to fix the access tab randomly switching radio buttons in Firefox
// when refresh the page with an anchor tag in the URL. E.g: /admin#Root_Access.
// Autocomplete in the CMS also causes strangeness in other browsers,
// filling out sections of the form that the user does not want to be filled out,
// so this turns it off for all browsers.
// See the following page for demo and explanation of the Firefox bug:
this.attr("autocomplete", "off");
// Catch navigation events before they reach handleStateChange(),
// in order to avoid changing the menu state if the action is cancelled by the user
2012-02-21 17:46:58 +01:00
// $('.cms-menu')
// Optionally get the form attributes from embedded fields, see Form->formHtmlContent()
for(var overrideAttr in {'action':true,'method':true,'enctype':true,'name':true}) {
var el = this.find(':input[name='+ '_form_' + overrideAttr + ']');
if(el) {
this.attr(overrideAttr, el.val());
// // Rewrite # links
// html = html.replace(/(<a[^>]+href *= *")#/g, '$1' + window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/,'') + '#');
// // Rewrite iframe links (for IE)
// html = html.replace(/(<iframe[^>]*src=")([^"]+)("[^>]*>)/g, '$1' + $('base').attr('href') + '$2$3');
// Show validation errors if necessary
if(this.hasClass('validationerror')) {
// Ensure the first validation error is visible
var tabError = this.find('.message.validation, .message.required').first().closest('.tab');
$('.cms-container').clearCurrentTabState(); // clear state to avoid override later on
tabError.closest('.ss-tabset').tabs('option', 'active', tabError.index('.tab'));
onremove: function() {
onmatch: function() {
onunmatch: function() {
redraw: function() {
if(window.debug) console.log('redraw', this.attr('class'), this.get(0));
// Force initialization of tabsets to avoid layout glitches
* Function: _setupChangeTracker
_setupChangeTracker: function() {
// Don't bind any events here, as we dont replace the
// full <form> tag by any ajax updates they won't automatically reapply
* Function: confirmUnsavedChanges
* Checks the jquery.changetracker plugin status for this form,
* and asks the user for confirmation via a browser dialog if changes are detected.
* Doesn't cancel any unload or form removal events, you'll need to implement this based on the return
* value of this message.
* If changes are confirmed for discard, the 'changed' flag is reset.
* Returns:
* (Boolean) FALSE if the user wants to abort with changes present, TRUE if no changes are detected
* or the user wants to discard them.
confirmUnsavedChanges: function() {
if(!'.changed')) {
return true;
var confirmed = confirm(ss.i18n._t('LeftAndMain.CONFIRMUNSAVED'));
if(confirmed) {
// confirm discard changes
return confirmed;
* Function: onsubmit
* Suppress submission unless it is handled through ajaxSubmit().
onsubmit: function(e, button) {
// Only submit if a button is present.
// This supressed submits from ENTER keys in input fields,
// which means the browser auto-selects the first available form button.
// This might be an unrelated button of the form field,
// or a destructive action (if "save" is not available, or not on first position).
if(this.prop("target") != "_blank") {
if(button) this.closest('.cms-container').submitForm(this, button);
return false;
* Function: validate
* Hook in (optional) validation routines.
* Currently clientside validation is not supported out of the box in the CMS.
* Todo:
* Placeholder implementation
* Returns:
* {boolean}
validate: function() {
var isValid = true;
this.trigger('validate', {isValid: isValid});
return isValid;
* Track focus on htmleditor fields
'from .htmleditor': {
oneditorinit: function(e){
var self = this,
field = $('.field.htmleditor'),
editor = field.find('textarea.htmleditor').getEditor().getInstance();
// TinyMCE 4 will add a focus event, but for now, use click
* Track focus on inputs
'from .cms-edit-form :input:not(:submit)': {
onclick: function(e){
onfocus: function(e){
* Track focus on treedropdownfields.
'from .cms-edit-form .treedropdown *': {
onfocusin: function(e){
var field = $('.field.treedropdown');
* Track focus on chosen selects
'from .cms-edit-form .dropdown .chzn-container a': {
onfocusin: function(e){
var field = $('.field.dropdown');
* Restore fields after tabs are restored
'from .cms-container': {
ontabstaterestored: function(e){
* Saves focus in Window session storage so it that can be restored on page load
saveFieldFocus: function(selected){
if(typeof(window.sessionStorage)=="undefined" || window.sessionStorage === null) return;
var id = $(this).attr('id'),
focusElements = [];
if(focusElements) {
try {
window.sessionStorage.setItem(id, JSON.stringify(focusElements));
} catch(err) {
if (err.code === DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR && window.sessionStorage.length === 0) {
// If this fails we ignore the error as the only issue is that it
// does not remember the focus state.
// This is a Safari bug which happens when private browsing is enabled.
} else {
throw err;
* Set focus or window to previously saved fields.
* Requires HTML5 sessionStorage support.
* Must follow tab restoration, as reliant on active tab
restoreFieldFocus: function(){
if(typeof(window.sessionStorage)=="undefined" || window.sessionStorage === null) return;
var self = this,
hasSessionStorage = (typeof(window.sessionStorage)!=="undefined" && window.sessionStorage),
sessionData = hasSessionStorage ? window.sessionStorage.getItem(this.attr('id')) : null,
sessionStates = sessionData ? JSON.parse(sessionData) : false,
tabbed = (this.find('.ss-tabset').length !== 0),
if(hasSessionStorage && sessionStates.length > 0){
$.each(sessionStates, function(i, sessionState) {
if('#' +{
elementID = $('#' + sessionState.selected);
// If the element IDs saved in session states don't match up to anything in this particular form
// that probably means we haven't encountered this form yet, so focus on the first input
if($(elementID).length < 1){
activeTab = $(elementID).closest('.ss-tabset').find('.ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-active .ui-tabs-anchor').attr('id');
elementTab = 'tab-' + $(elementID).closest('.ss-tabset .ui-tabs-panel').attr('id');
// Last focussed element differs to last selected tab, do nothing
if(tabbed && elementTab !== activeTab){
toggleComposite = $(elementID).closest('.togglecomposite');
//Reopen toggle fields
if(toggleComposite.length > 0){
toggleComposite.accordion('activate', toggleComposite.find('.ui-accordion-header'));
//Calculate position for scroll
scrollY = $(elementID).position().top;
//Fall back to nearest visible element if hidden (for select type fields)
elementID = '#' + $(elementID).closest('.field:visible').attr('id');
scrollY = $(elementID).position().top;
//set focus to focus variable if element focusable
// Scroll fallback when element is not focusable
// Only scroll if element at least half way down window
if(scrollY > $(window).height() / 2){
} else {
// If session storage is not supported or there is nothing stored yet, focus on the first input
* Skip if an element in the form is already focused. Exclude elements which specifically
* opt-out of this behaviour via "data-skip-autofocus". This opt-out is useful if the
* first visible field is shown far down a scrollable area, for example for the pagination
* input field after a long GridField listing.
focusFirstInput: function() {
* Class: .cms-edit-form .Actions :submit
* All buttons in the right CMS form go through here by default.
* We need this onclick overloading because we can't get to the
* clicked button from a form.onsubmit event.
$('.cms-edit-form .Actions input.action[type=submit], .cms-edit-form .Actions button.action').entwine({
* Function: onclick
onclick: function(e) {
// Confirmation on delete.
) {
return false;
if(!':disabled')) {
this.parents('form').trigger('submit', [this]);
return false;
* If we've a history state to go back to, go back, otherwise fall back to
* submitting the form with the 'doCancel' action.
$('.cms-edit-form .Actions input.action[type=submit].ss-ui-action-cancel, .cms-edit-form .Actions').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
if (History.getStateByIndex(1)) {
} else {
this.parents('form').trigger('submit', [this]);
* Hide tabs when only one is available.
* Special case is actiontabs - tabs between buttons, where we want to have
* extra options hidden within a tab (even if only one) by default.
$('.cms-edit-form .ss-tabset').entwine({
onmatch: function() {
if (!this.hasClass('ss-ui-action-tabset')) {
var tabs = this.find("> ul:first");
if(tabs.children("li").length == 1) {
2012-05-14 01:43:36 +02:00
onunmatch: function() {