* [rev:108062] Added File::$allowed_extensions (backport from 2.4 to enable File->validate() security fix)
* [rev:103684] Allowing TestRunner? to skip certain tests through the ?SkipTests?=... GET paramete (merged from branches/2.3-nzct) (from r80646)
* [rev:103659] do not show comments that need moderation in the comment rss feed
### API Changes
* [rev:108062] Don't reflect changes in File and Folder property setters on filesystem before write() is called, to ensure that validate() applies in all cases. This fixes a problem where File->setName() would circumvent restrictions in File::$allowed_extensions (fixes #5693)
* [rev:108062] Removed File->resetFilename(), use File->updateFilesystem() to update the filesystem, and File->getRelativePath() to just update the "Filename" property without any filesystem changes (emulating the old $renamePhysicalFile method argument in resetFilename())
* [rev:108062] Removed File->autosetFilename(), please set the "Filename" property via File->getRelativePath()
### Bugfixes
* [rev:108045] Don't allow direct access to PHP files in mysite module. (from r108029)
* [rev:108044] Don't allow direct access to PHP files in cms module. (from r108028)
* [rev:108043] Don't allow direct access to PHP files in sapphire module, except for main.php and static-main.php (from r108023)
### Minor changes
* [rev:108062] Added unit tests to FileTest and FolderTest (some of them copied from FileTest, to test Folder behaviour separately)