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(function($) {
/** Taken from jQuery 1.5.2 for backwards compatibility */
if ($.support.changeBubbles == undefined) {
$.support.changeBubbles = true;
var el = document.createElement("div");
eventName = "onchange";
if (el.attachEvent) {
var isSupported = (eventName in el);
if (!isSupported) {
el.setAttribute(eventName, "return;");
isSupported = typeof el[eventName] === "function";
$.support.changeBubbles = isSupported;
/* Return true if node b is the same as, or is a descendant of, node a */
if (document.compareDocumentPosition) {
var is_or_contains = function(a, b) {
return a && b && (a == b || !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16));
else {
var is_or_contains = function(a, b) {
return a && b && (a == b || (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true));
/* Add the methods to handle event binding to the Namespace class */
build_event_proxy: function(name) {
var one = this.one(name, 'func');
var prxy = function(e, data) {
// For events that do not bubble we manually trigger delegation (see delegate_submit below)
// If this event is a manual trigger, the event we actually want to bubble is attached as a property of the passed event
e = e.delegatedEvent || e;
var el = e.target;
while (el && el.nodeType == 1 && !e.isPropagationStopped()) {
var ret = one(el, arguments);
if (ret !== undefined) e.result = ret;
if (ret === false) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }
el = el.parentNode;
return prxy;
build_mouseenterleave_proxy: function(name) {
var one = this.one(name, 'func');
var prxy = function(e) {
var el = e.target;
var rel = e.relatedTarget;
while (el && el.nodeType == 1 && !e.isPropagationStopped()) {
/* We know el contained target. If it also contains relatedTarget then we didn't mouseenter / leave. What's more, every ancestor will also
contan el and rel, and so we can just stop bubbling */
if (is_or_contains(el, rel)) break;
var ret = one(el, arguments);
if (ret !== undefined) e.result = ret;
if (ret === false) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }
el = el.parentNode;
return prxy;
build_change_proxy: function(name) {
var one = this.one(name, 'func');
This change bubble emulation code is taken mostly from jQuery 1.6 - unfortunately we can't easily reuse any of
it without duplication, so we'll have to re-migrate any bugfixes
// Get the value of an item. Isn't supposed to be interpretable, just stable for some value, and different
// once the value changes
var getVal = function( elem ) {
var type = elem.type, val = elem.value;
if (type === "radio" || type === "checkbox") {
val = elem.checked;
else if (type === "select-multiple") {
val = "";
if (elem.selectedIndex > -1) {
val = jQuery.map(elem.options, function(elem){ return elem.selected; }).join("-");
else if (jQuery.nodeName(elem, "select")) {
val = elem.selectedIndex;
return val;
// Test if a node name is a form input
var rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i;
// Check if this event is a change, and bubble the change event if it is
var testChange = function(e) {
var elem = e.target, data, val;
if (!rformElems.test(elem.nodeName) || elem.readOnly) return;
data = jQuery.data(elem, "_entwine_change_data");
val = getVal(elem);
// the current data will be also retrieved by beforeactivate
if (e.type !== "focusout" || elem.type !== "radio") {
jQuery.data(elem, "_entwine_change_data", val);
if (data === undefined || val === data) return;
if (data != null || val) {
e.type = "change";
while (elem && elem.nodeType == 1 && !e.isPropagationStopped()) {
var ret = one(elem, arguments);
if (ret !== undefined) e.result = ret;
if (ret === false) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }
elem = elem.parentNode;
// The actual proxy - responds to several events, some of which triger a change check, some
// of which just store the value for future change checks
var prxy = function(e) {
var event = e.type, elem = e.target, type = jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) ? elem.type : "";
switch (event) {
case 'focusout':
case 'beforedeactivate':
testChange.apply(this, arguments);
case 'click':
if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" || jQuery.nodeName( elem, "select" ) ) {
testChange.apply(this, arguments);
// Change has to be called before submit
// Keydown will be called before keypress, which is used in submit-event delegation
case 'keydown':
if (
(e.keyCode === 13 && !jQuery.nodeName( elem, "textarea" ) ) ||
(e.keyCode === 32 && (type === "checkbox" || type === "radio")) ||
type === "select-multiple"
) {
testChange.apply(this, arguments);
// Beforeactivate happens also before the previous element is blurred
// with this event you can't trigger a change event, but you can store
// information
case 'focusin':
case 'beforeactivate':
jQuery.data( elem, "_entwine_change_data", getVal(elem) );
return prxy;
bind_event: function(selector, name, func, event) {
var funcs = this.store[name] || (this.store[name] = $.entwine.RuleList()) ;
var proxies = funcs.proxies || (funcs.proxies = {});
var rule = funcs.addRule(selector, name); rule.func = func;
if (!proxies[name]) {
switch (name) {
case 'onmouseenter':
proxies[name] = this.build_mouseenterleave_proxy(name);
event = 'mouseover';
case 'onmouseleave':
proxies[name] = this.build_mouseenterleave_proxy(name);
event = 'mouseout';
case 'onchange':
if (!$.support.changeBubbles) {
proxies[name] = this.build_change_proxy(name);
event = 'click keydown focusin focusout beforeactivate beforedeactivate';
case 'onsubmit':
event = 'delegatedSubmit';
case 'onfocus':
case 'onblur':
$.entwine.warn('Event '+event+' not supported - using focusin / focusout instead', $.entwine.WARN_LEVEL_IMPORTANT);
// If none of the special handlers created a proxy, use the generic proxy
if (!proxies[name]) proxies[name] = this.build_event_proxy(name);
$(document).bind(event.replace(/(\s+|$)/g, '.entwine$1'), proxies[name]);
order: 40,
bind: function(selector, k, v){
var match, event;
if ($.isFunction(v) && (match = k.match(/^on(.*)/))) {
event = match[1];
this.bind_event(selector, k, v, event);
return true;
// Find all forms and bind onsubmit to trigger on the document too.
// This is the only event that can't be grabbed via delegation
var delegate_submit = function(e, data){
var delegationEvent = $.Event('delegatedSubmit'); delegationEvent.delegatedEvent = e;
return $(document).trigger(delegationEvent, data);
$(document).bind('EntwineElementsAdded', function(e){
var forms = $(e.targets).filter('form');
if (!forms.length) return;
forms.bind('submit.entwine_delegate_submit', delegate_submit);