
305 lines
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Raw Normal View History

var _CUR_TABS = [];
var _TABS_ON_PAGE = [];
var _TAB_DIVS_ON_PAGE = [];
// jQuery loader
jQuery('ul.tabstrip').livequery(function() {
if(window.ontabschanged) window.ontabschanged();
function initTabstrip(tabstrip, namedAnchors) {
var i, anchor, container, anchorName, li;
var childAnchors = tabstrip.getElementsByTagName('a');
var base, curTab = null, curURL = window.location.href;
var previousTab = null;
var firstTab, foundATab = false;
// Strip query string from current URL
var curQuery =;
// Detect a current tab from the # link
if(curURL.indexOf('#') == -1) {
base = curURL.length - curQuery.length;
} else {
base = curURL.indexOf('#') - curQuery.length;
curTab = curURL.substr(curURL.indexOf('#')+1);
// Get a stored current tab, used when Ajax-switching between pages
if(_CUR_TABS[] && $(_CUR_TABS[]) ) {
curTab = _CUR_TABS[];
} else {
// Default to showing the first tab
for(i=0;i<childAnchors.length;i++) {
var child = childAnchors[i];
var anchorPos = child.href.indexOf('#');
if(anchorPos != -1) {
anchorName = child.href.substr(anchorPos+1);
if(firstTab == null) firstTab = anchorName;
if(anchorName == curTab) foundATab = true;
if(!foundATab) curTab = firstTab;
_CUR_TABS[] = curTab;
for(i=0;i<childAnchors.length;i++) {
// Detect an anchor reference
var anchorBase = childAnchors[i].href.indexOf('#');
// if(childAnchors[i].href.substr(base,1) == '#') {
if( anchorBase != -1 ) {
anchorName = childAnchors[i].href.substr(anchorBase+1);
li = childAnchors[i].parentNode;
container = document.getElementById(anchorName);
if(container) tabstrip_initTab(childAnchors[i], anchorName, tabstrip, container);
// else throw("Cannot find ID: " + anchorName);
// Hook up previousTab / nextTab suppoort
if(previousTab) {
previousTab.nextTab = li;
li.previousTab = previousTab;
previousTab = li;
// Default to showing the first tab
// if(curTab == null && anchorName) curTab = anchorName;
// Show current tab
if(curTab && anchorName == curTab) {
tabstrip.currentlyShowing = li;
addClass(li, 'current');
if(container) { = '';
// Show any parent tab that might be lurking about
var p = container.parentNode;
while(p.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body') {
if(p.ownerTab) p.ownerTab.onclick('init');
p = p.parentNode;
} else {
if(container) = 'none';
// store the tabs in the window for window.ontabschanged
if($('Form_EditForm')) {
var divs = $('Form_EditForm').getElementsByTagName('div');
} else {
var divs = document.getElementsBySelector('form div');
for(i=0;i<divs.length;i++) {
if( ( Element.hasClassName(divs[i],'tab') || Element.hasClassName(divs[i],'tabset') ) ) {
// Add nextTab() and previousTab() functions to the tabstrip
tabstrip.openNextTab = tabstrip_openNextTab;
tabstrip.openPreviousTab = tabstrip_openPreviousTab;
// Hook this into the destroyer, to prevent memory leaks
if(Class && Class.registerForDestruction) {
tabstrip.destroy = tabstrip_destroy;
function tabstrip_destroy() {
this.currentlyShowing = null;
_CUR_TABS = null;
var childAnchors = this.getElementsByTagName('a');
var i,a,li;
for(i=0;a=childAnchors[i];i++) {
a.onclick = null;
li = a.parentNode;
li.onclick = null;
li.onmouseover = null;
li.onmouseout = null;
li.tabstrip = null;
li.previousTab = null;
li.nextTab = null;
if(li.container) {
li.container.ownerTab = null;
li.container = null;
function tabstrip_initTab(a, anchorName, tabstrip, container) {
// Hook up information / events
a.onclick = tabstrip_showTab;
a.onclick = a.onclick.bindAsEventListener(a);
a.openTab = tabstrip_showTab;
li = a.parentNode;
li.container = container;
li.anchorName = anchorName;
li.tabstrip = tabstrip;
li.onclick = li.openTab = tabstrip_showTab;
li.onmouseover = tabstrip_mouseOver;
li.onmouseout = tabstrip_mouseOut;
_TABS_ON_PAGE[anchorName] = li;
container.ownerTab = li;
function openTab( anchorName ) {
if( typeof anchorName != 'string' )
var tabNames = anchorName.split( 'set' );
if( tabNames.length > 1 )
anchorName = tabNames.shift() + 'set';
while( anchorName ) {
if( _TABS_ON_PAGE[anchorName] ) _TABS_ON_PAGE[anchorName].openTab( _TABS_ON_PAGE[anchorName].getElementsByTagName('a')[0] );
if( tabNames.length == 0 )
anchorName = null;
else {
anchorName = anchorName + tabNames.shift() + 'set';
* Returns the form object that the given element is
* inside; or null if it's not inside a form
function findParentForm(el) {
var ownerForm = el.parentNode, tn;
while((tn = ownerForm.tagName.toLowerCase()) != "body" && tn != "form") {
ownerForm = ownerForm.parentNode;
if(tn == "form") return ownerForm;
else return null;
function tabstrip_showTab(evt) {
if(this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "a") var el = this.parentNode;
else el = this;
_CUR_TABS[] =;
if(el.tabstrip.currentlyShowing && el.tabstrip.currentlyShowing.container && el.tabstrip.currentlyShowing != el) { = 'none';
removeClass(el.tabstrip.currentlyShowing.container, 'current');
removeClass(el.tabstrip.currentlyShowing, 'current');
var container = document.getElementById( );
if( container && == 'none' ) { = 'block';
addClass( container, 'current' );
// = '';
addClass(el, 'current');
el.tabstrip.currentlyShowing = el;
if(evt != 'init') {
if(window.ontabschanged) window.ontabschanged();
else if(window.onresize) window.onresize();
return false;
* Redirect to the given hash link
* It won't actually reload the page, but it will update the current URL
function setHashLink(hashLink) {
return; //temporarily disabled this
var preserveScroll = preserveScrollPosition(hashLink);
// Mac/IE5 cannot handle this
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1)
if(window.location.href.indexOf('#') == -1)
window.location.href += '#' + hashLink;
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '#' + hashLink);
if(typeof preserveScroll != 'undefined')
* Preserve the scroll position prior to visiting the given hashlink.
* Returns an object that you can pass to restoreScrollPosition
function preserveScrollPosition(hashLink) {
var el = document.getElementById(hashLink);
var preserved = [];
while(el) {
preserved[preserved.length] = el;
el.oldScroll = el.scrollTop;
if(el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == "body") break;
el = el.parentNode;
return preserved;
* Restores the preserved scroll position
function restoreScrollPosition(preserved) {
var i;
for(i=0;i<preserved.length;i++) {
preserved[i].scrollTop = preserved[i].oldScroll;
delete preserved[i].oldScroll;
function tabstrip_mouseOver() {
if(self.addClass) addClass(this, 'over');
function tabstrip_mouseOut() {
if(self.removeClass) removeClass(this, 'over');
function tabstrip_openNextTab() {
if(this.currentlyShowing && this.currentlyShowing.nextTab)
function tabstrip_openPreviousTab() {
if(this.currentlyShowing && this.currentlyShowing.previousTab)