2012-04-12 18:02:46 +12:00
/** Core styles for the basic GridField form field without any specific style. @package framework @subpackage scss @todo Add radial gradient to default delete button state @todo Create SASS mixin-function to simply swap the from/to, to to/from colours in grsdient mixins? */
2012-05-16 12:18:00 +12:00
/** This file contains the default theme definitions for the admin interface. Please put mostly SCSS variable definitions in here, and leave the actual styling to _style.scss and auxilliary files. */
/** ----------------------------------------------- Colours ------------------------------------------------ */
2012-12-04 18:10:20 +13:00
/* Keep as solid colours transparent borders wont work in ie */
/* Only for use as shadows as they wont work in older browsers */
2012-11-22 14:14:11 +13:00
/*$color-optional: #a1d2eb !default; */
2012-05-16 12:18:00 +12:00
/** ----------------------------------------------- Textures ----------------------------------------------- */
/** ----------------------------------------------- Typography. ------------------------------------------------ */
/** ----------------------------------------------- Grid Units (px) We have a vertical rhythm that the grid is based off both x (=horizontal) and y (=vertical). All internal padding and margins are scaled to this and accounting for paragraphs ------------------------------------------------ */
/** ----------------------------------------------- Application Logo (CMS Logo) Must be 24px x 24px ------------------------------------------------ */
2012-03-09 10:33:17 +13:00
. cms . ss-gridfield > div { margin-bottom : 36 px ; }
2012-12-06 16:01:33 +13:00
. cms . ss-gridfield > div . addNewGridFieldButton { margin-bottom : 12 px ; }
2012-05-21 14:41:46 +12:00
. cms . ss-gridfield > div . addNewGridFieldButton : after { content : "." ; display : block ; height : 0 ; clear : both ; visibility : hidden ; }
* : first-child . cms . ss-gridfield > div . addNewGridFieldButton { zoom : 1 ; }
2012-02-23 15:17:39 +01:00
. cms . ss-gridfield [ data-selectable ] tr . ui-selected , . cms . ss-gridfield [ data-selectable ] tr . ui-selecting { background : #FFFAD6 !important ; }
. cms . ss-gridfield [ data-selectable ] td { cursor : pointer ; }
2012-03-12 14:40:45 +13:00
. cms . ss-gridfield span button # action_gridfield_relationfind { display : none ; }
2012-03-12 11:17:07 +13:00
. cms . ss-gridfield p button # action_export { margin-top : 12 px ; }
. cms . ss-gridfield p button # action_export span . btn-icon-download-csv { height : 17 px ; }
2012-05-22 18:18:31 +12:00
. cms . ss-gridfield p button # action_export . ui-button-text { padding-left : 26 px ; }
2012-05-21 14:41:46 +12:00
. cms . ss-gridfield . right { float : right ; }
. cms . ss-gridfield . right > * { float : right ; margin-left : 5 px ; font-size : 14.4 px ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms . ss-gridfield . right . pagination-records-number { font-size : 1.0 em ; padding : 6 px 3 px 6 px 0 ; color : white ; text-shadow : 0 px -1 px 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.2 ) ; font-weight : normal ; }
2012-05-21 14:41:46 +12:00
. cms . ss-gridfield . left { float : left ; }
. cms . ss-gridfield . left > * { margin-right : 5 px ; float : left ; font-size : 14.4 px ; }
2012-05-07 13:40:41 +12:00
. cms . ss-gridfield . grid-levelup { text-indent : -9999 em ; margin-bottom : 6 px ; }
. cms . ss-gridfield . grid-levelup a . list-parent-link { background : transparent url ( ../images/gridfield-level-up.png ) no-repeat 0 0 ; display : block ; }
2012-03-12 14:40:45 +13:00
. cms . ss-gridfield . add-existing-autocompleter { width : 500 px ; }
. cms . ss-gridfield . add-existing-autocompleter input . relation-search { width : 380 px ; }
2012-04-04 13:46:04 +12:00
. cms . ss-gridfield . grid-print-button { display : inline-block ; }
. cms . ss-gridfield . grid-csv-button { display : inline-block ; }
2012-05-22 18:18:31 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table { display : table ; -moz- box-shadow : none ; -webkit- box-shadow : none ; box-shadow : none ; padding : 0 ; border-collapse : separate ; border-bottom : 0 none ; width : 100 % ; margin-bottom : 12 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table thead { color : #323e46 ; background : transparent ; }
2012-03-07 17:31:55 +13:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table thead tr . filter-header . fieldgroup { max-width : 512 px ; }
2012-04-16 15:30:34 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table thead tr . filter-header . fieldgroup . fieldgroup-field { padding : 0 ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table thead tr : first-child th : first-child { -moz- border-radius-topleft : 5 px ; -webkit- border-top-left-radius : 5 px ; border-top-left-radius : 5 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table thead tr : first-child th : last-child { -moz- border-radius-topright : 5 px ; -webkit- border-top-right-radius : 5 px ; border-top-right-radius : 5 px ; }
2012-02-23 15:17:39 +01:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody { background : #FFF ; }
2012-05-18 14:00:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody tr { cursor : pointer ; }
2012-10-17 10:33:18 +13:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td { width : auto ; max-width : 500 px ; word-wrap : break-word ; }
2012-12-06 14:50:27 +01:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td . col-buttons { width : auto ; padding : 0 8 px ; text-align : right ; white-space : nowrap ; }
2012-04-11 10:48:24 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td . col-listChildrenLink { width : 16 px ; border-right : none ; text-indent : -9999 em ; padding : 0 ; }
2012-05-30 22:11:52 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td . col-listChildrenLink . list-children-link { background : transparent url ( ../images/sitetree_ss_default_icons.png ) no-repeat 3 px -4 px ; display : block ; }
2012-12-06 14:50:27 +01:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td . col-getTreeTitle span . item { color : #1556b2 ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td . col-getTreeTitle span . badge { clear : both ; text-transform : uppercase ; display : inline-block ; padding : 0 px 3 px ; font-size : 0.75 em ; line-height : 1 em ; margin-left : 10 px ; margin-right : 6 px ; margin-top : -1 px ; -webkit- border-radius : 2 px 2 px ; -moz- border-radius : 2 px / 2 px ; border-radius : 2 px / 2 px ; }
2012-04-10 12:19:53 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td . col-getTreeTitle span . badge . modified { color : #7E7470 ; border : 1 px solid #C9B800 ; background-color : #FFF0BC ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td . col-getTreeTitle span . badge . addedtodraft { color : #7E7470 ; border : 1 px solid #C9B800 ; background-color : #FFF0BC ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td . col-getTreeTitle span . badge . deletedonlive { color : #636363 ; border : 1 px solid #E49393 ; background-color : #F2DADB ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td . col-getTreeTitle span . badge . removedfromdraft { color : #636363 ; border : 1 px solid #E49393 ; background-color : #F2DADB ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td . col-getTreeTitle span . badge . workflow-approval { color : #56660C ; border : 1 px solid #7C8816 ; background-color : #DAE79A ; }
2012-07-10 14:52:34 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td button { border : none ; background : none ; margin : 0 0 0 2 px ; padding : 1 px 0 ; width : auto ; text-shadow : none ; }
2012-03-09 09:33:56 +13:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td button . ui-state-hover { background : none ; -moz- box-shadow : none ; -webkit- box-shadow : none ; box-shadow : none ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td button . ui-state-active { border : none ; -moz- box-shadow : none ; -webkit- box-shadow : none ; box-shadow : none ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td button . gridfield-button-delete { width : 20 px ; margin : 0 ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td button . gridfield-button-delete span . btn-icon-decline { left : 2 px ; }
2012-12-06 16:01:33 +13:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td a . view-link , . cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td a . edit-link { display : inline-block ; float : left ; width : 20 px ; height : 20 px ; text-indent : 9999 em ; overflow : hidden ; vertical-align : middle ; }
2012-05-11 17:44:39 +10:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td a . view-link { background : url ( ../admin/images/btn-icon/magnifier.png ) no-repeat 0 1 px ; }
2012-05-22 18:18:31 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tbody td a . edit-link { background : url ( ../admin/images/btn-icon/document--pencil.png ) no-repeat 2 px 0 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tfoot { color : #323e46 ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tfoot tr td { background : #b0bec7 ; padding : .7 em ; border-bottom : 1 px solid rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ) ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr . title th { position : relative ; background : #98aab6 ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #899eab ; padding : 5 px ; min-height : 40 px ; background-image : url ( '' ) ; background-size : 100 % ; background-image : -webkit- gradient ( linear , 50 % 0 % , 50 % 100 % , color-stop ( 0 % , #b0bec7 ) , color-stop ( 100 % , #98aab6 ) ) ; background-image : -webkit- linear-gradient ( #b0bec7 , #98aab6 ) ; background-image : -moz- linear-gradient ( #b0bec7 , #98aab6 ) ; background-image : -o- linear-gradient ( #b0bec7 , #98aab6 ) ; background-image : linear-gradient ( #b0bec7 , #98aab6 ) ; text-shadow : 0 px -1 px 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.4 ) ; }
2012-05-22 18:18:31 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr . title th h2 { padding : 0 px ; font-size : 16.8 px ; color : #fff ; margin : 1 px 8 px 0 ; display : inline-block ; float : left ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr . sortable-header { background : #dbe3e8 ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr . sortable-header th { padding : 0 ; font-weight : normal ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr . sortable-header th . ss-ui-button { font-weight : normal ; }
2012-02-23 15:17:39 +01:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr : hover { background : #FFFAD6 !important ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr : first-child { background : transparent ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr . ss-gridfield-even { background : #f0f4f7 ; }
2012-02-23 15:17:39 +01:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr . ss-gridfield-even . ss-gridfield-last { border-bottom : none ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr . even { background : #f0f4f7 ; }
2012-02-23 15:17:39 +01:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th { font-weight : bold ; font-size : 12 px ; color : #FFF ; padding : 5 px ; border-right : 1 px solid rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ) ; }
2012-03-01 14:09:07 +13:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th div . fieldgroup , . cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th div . fieldgroup-field { width : 100 % ; position : relative ; }
2012-02-23 15:17:39 +01:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th div . fieldgroup { min-width : 200 px ; padding-right : 0 ; }
2012-12-06 16:01:33 +13:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th div . fieldgroup . filter-buttons { min-width : 0 ; box-shadow : none ; border : none ; }
2012-05-16 12:18:00 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th div . fieldgroup . filter-buttons div { width : auto ; display : inline ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th . main { white-space : nowrap ; border-top : 1 px solid #a4b4bf ; border-left : 1 px solid #a4b4bf ; color : #fff ; background : #98aab6 ; border-bottom : 1 px solid rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ) ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th . main span { text-shadow : 0 px -1 px 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.2 ) ; padding-left : 8 px ; padding-right : 8 px ; overflow : hidden ; white-space : nowrap ; text-overflow : ellipsis ; -o- text-overflow : ellipsis ; margin-right : 8 px ; }
2012-04-10 13:36:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th . main . col-listChildrenLink { border-right : none ; }
2012-05-16 12:18:00 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th . extra , . cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th . action { padding : 0 ; cursor : default ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th . extra { position : relative ; background : #637276 ; background : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.7 ) ; padding : 5 px ; border-top : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.2 ) ; }
2012-05-16 12:18:00 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th . extra input { height : 28 px ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th . extra button . ss-ui-button { padding : .3 em ; line-height : 1 ; -moz- box-shadow : none ; -webkit- box-shadow : none ; box-shadow : none ; position : relative ; border-bottom-width : 0 ; -webkit- border-radius : 2 px 2 px ; -moz- border-radius : 2 px / 2 px ; border-radius : 2 px / 2 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th . first { -moz- border-radius-topleft : 5 px ; -webkit- border-top-left-radius : 5 px ; border-top-left-radius : 5 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th . last { -moz- border-radius-topright : 5 px ; -webkit- border-top-right-radius : 5 px ; border-top-right-radius : 5 px ; }
2012-03-13 11:12:35 +13:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button # action_gridfield_relationadd : hover { color : #444 !important ; /* Not sure why IE think it needs this */ }
2012-02-23 15:17:39 +01:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button : hover { color : #ccc !important ; /* Not sure why IE think it needs this */ }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-gridfield-sort : hover { color : #fff !important ; -moz- box-shadow : none ; -webkit- box-shadow : none ; box-shadow : none ; }
2012-12-06 16:01:33 +13:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-gridfield-sort { background : transparent url ( ../images/arrows.png ) no-repeat right 6 px ; border : none ; width : 100 % ; text-align : left ; padding : 2 px 8 px 2 px 0 ; text-shadow : 0 px -1 px 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.2 ) ; color : #fff ; -webkit- border-radius : 0 ; -moz- border-radius : 0 ; -ms- border-radius : 0 ; -o- border-radius : 0 ; border-radius : 0 ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-gridfield-sort : hover { background-position : right -34 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-gridfield-sort . ss-gridfield-sorted-desc { background-position : right -72 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-gridfield-sort . ss-gridfield-sorted-asc { background-position : right -116 px ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-filter { background-color : #55a4d2 ; border : none ; display : block ; text-indent : -9999 em ; width : 30 px ; height : 25 px ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , url ( '' ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , -webkit- gradient ( linear , 50 % 0 % , 50 % 100 % , color-stop ( 0 % , #338dc1 ) , color-stop ( 100 % , #287099 ) ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , -webkit- linear-gradient ( #338dc1 , #287099 ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , -moz- linear-gradient ( #338dc1 , #287099 ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , -o- linear-gradient ( #338dc1 , #287099 ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , linear-gradient ( #338dc1 , #287099 ) ; width : 26 px ; border-top : 1 px solid #4199cd ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-filter . hover-alike : active , . cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-filter : active , . cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-filter . hover-alike , . cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-filter : hover { background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , url ( '' ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , -webkit- gradient ( linear , 50 % 0 % , 50 % 100 % , color-stop ( 0 % , #55a4d2 ) , color-stop ( 100 % , #338dc1 ) ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , -webkit- linear-gradient ( #55a4d2 , #338dc1 ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , -moz- linear-gradient ( #55a4d2 , #338dc1 ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , -o- linear-gradient ( #55a4d2 , #338dc1 ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -15 px 4 px , linear-gradient ( #55a4d2 , #338dc1 ) ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-filter . trigger { margin-left : 12 px ; border : none ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -17 px 6 px ; padding-right : 46 px ; margin : 0 6 px ; }
2012-05-17 11:15:53 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-filter . trigger span { opacity : 0.4 ; position : absolute ; width : 10 px ; left : 30 px ; top : 40 % ; background : url ( ../admin/images/btn_arrow_down_grey.png ) no-repeat 0 px 0 px ; }
2012-05-22 16:00:31 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-filter . trigger : hover { background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat -17 px -38 px ; -moz- box-shadow : none ; -webkit- box-shadow : none ; box-shadow : none ; }
2012-05-17 11:15:53 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-filter . trigger : hover span { opacity : 0.9 ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-close { background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat 8 px -17 px ; border : none ; display : block ; text-indent : -9999 em ; width : 30 px ; height : 25 px ; width : 25 px ; opacity : 0.8 ; margin-right : -5 px ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-close . hover-alike : active , . cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-close : active , . cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-close . hover-alike , . cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-close : hover { opacity : 1 ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat 8 px -17 px , url ( '' ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat 8 px -17 px , -webkit- gradient ( linear , 50 % 0 % , 50 % 100 % , color-stop ( 0 % , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) ) , color-stop ( 100 % , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) ) ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat 8 px -17 px , -webkit- linear-gradient ( rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat 8 px -17 px , -moz- linear-gradient ( rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat 8 px -17 px , -o- linear-gradient ( rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) ) ; background : url ( ../images/icons/filter-icons.png ) no-repeat 8 px -17 px , linear-gradient ( rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) , rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0.1 ) ) ; }
2012-05-16 12:18:00 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-reset { border : none ; display : block ; text-indent : -9999 em ; width : 30 px ; height : 25 px ; position : absolute ; top : -21 px ; right : -1 px ; width : 20 px ; height : 20 px ; display : none ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-reset . filtered { display : block ; background : url ( ../admin/images/btn-icon/cross.png ) no-repeat 0 px 0 px ; opacity : 0.5 ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-reset . filtered : hover { opacity : 0.8 ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th button . ss-ui-button . ss-gridfield-button-reset . filtered : active { opacity : 1 ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th input . ss-gridfield-sort { height : 25 px ; padding : 4 px ; border : 1 px solid #313232 ; }
2012-05-16 12:18:00 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th input . ss-gridfield-sort :: -webkit-input-placeholder { font-style : italic ; color : #ced5d7 ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th input . ss-gridfield-sort : -moz-placeholder { font-style : italic ; color : #ced5d7 ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th input . ss-gridfield-sort : -ms-input-placeholder { font-style : italic ; color : #ced5d7 ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th input . ss-gridfield-sort : placeholder { font-style : italic ; color : #ced5d7 ; }
2012-02-23 15:17:39 +01:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th input . ss-gridfield-sort : focus { -moz- box-shadow : none ; -webkit- box-shadow : none ; box-shadow : none ; }
2012-05-22 18:18:31 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr th span . non-sortable { display : block ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td { border-right : 1 px solid rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ) ; padding : 8 px 8 px ; color : #666666 ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all { -moz- border-radius-bottomleft : 5 px ; -webkit- border-bottom-left-radius : 5 px ; border-bottom-left-radius : 5 px ; -moz- border-radius-bottomright : 5 px ; -webkit- border-bottom-right-radius : 5 px ; border-bottom-right-radius : 5 px ; background-image : url ( '' ) ; background-size : 100 % ; background-image : -webkit- gradient ( linear , 50 % 0 % , 50 % 100 % , color-stop ( 0 % , #b0bec7 ) , color-stop ( 100 % , #98aab6 ) ) ; background-image : -webkit- linear-gradient ( #b0bec7 , #98aab6 ) ; background-image : -moz- linear-gradient ( #b0bec7 , #98aab6 ) ; background-image : -o- linear-gradient ( #b0bec7 , #98aab6 ) ; background-image : linear-gradient ( #b0bec7 , #98aab6 ) ; padding : 4 px 12 px ; }
2012-04-12 16:13:47 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-footer-message { text-align : center ; padding-top : 6 px ; color : white ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-pagination { padding-top : 1 px ; position : absolute ; left : 50 % ; margin-left : -116 px ; z-index : 5 ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-pagination . pagination-page-number { color : white ; text-shadow : 0 px -1 px 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.2 ) ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-pagination . pagination-page-number input { width : 35 px ; height : 18 px ; margin-bottom : -6 px ; padding : 0 px ; border : 1 px solid #899eab ; border-bottom : 1 px solid #a7b7c1 ; }
2012-05-16 17:39:00 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-pagination button { -moz- box-shadow : none ; -webkit- box-shadow : none ; box-shadow : none ; border : none ; width : 10 px ; margin : 0 10 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-pagination button span { text-indent : -9999 em ; }
2012-05-21 19:38:02 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-pagination button . ss-gridfield-previouspage { background : url ( ../images/icons/pagination-arrows.png ) no-repeat -23 px 8 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-pagination button . ss-gridfield-nextpage { background : url ( ../images/icons/pagination-arrows.png ) no-repeat -47 px 8 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-pagination button . ss-gridfield-firstpage { background : url ( ../images/icons/pagination-arrows.png ) no-repeat 0 px 8 px ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-pagination button . ss-gridfield-lastpage { background : url ( ../images/icons/pagination-arrows.png ) no-repeat -73 px 8 px ; }
2012-05-16 17:39:00 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . datagrid-pagination button . ssui-button-disabled { z-index : -1 ; }
2012-09-25 15:55:59 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr td . bottom-all . pagination-records-number { float : right ; padding : 6 px 0 ; color : white ; text-shadow : 0 px -1 px 0 rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.2 ) ; }
2012-02-23 15:17:39 +01:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table tr . last td { border-bottom : 0 none ; }
2012-05-16 12:18:00 +12:00
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table td : first-child { border-left : 1 px solid rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ) ; }
. cms table . ss-gridfield-table td : last-child { border-right : 1 px solid rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ) ; }