2011-02-07 19:48:44 +13:00
# Built-in Page Controls
2011-03-29 23:18:06 -05:00
2011-02-07 19:48:44 +13:00
Ever wonder when you use `$Title` and `<% Control Children %>` what else you can call in the templates?. This page is
here to help with a guide on what template controls you can call.
**Note for advanced users:** These built-in page controls are defined in the `[api:SiteTree]` classes, which are the
'root' data-object and controller classes for all the sites. So if you're dealing with something that isn't a sub-class
of one of these, our handy reference to 'built-in page controls' won't be so relevant.
## Page controls that can't be nested
These page controls are defined on the **controller** which means they can only be used at a top level, not nested
within another page control.
### Controlling Menus Datafeeds
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#### <% control Menu(1) %>, <% control Menu(2) %>, ...
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Returns a fixed level menu. Because this only works in the top level, you can't use it for nested menus. Used <%
control Children %> instead. You can nest `<% control Children %>`.
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#### <% control ChildrenOf(page-url) %>
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This will create a datafeed of the children of the given page. Handy if you want a list of the subpages under staff (eg
the staff) on the homepage etc
### Controlling Certain Pages
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#### <% control Level(1) %>, <% control Level(2) %>, $Level(1).Title, $Level(2).Content, etc
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Returns the current section of the site that we're in, at the level specified by the numbers. For example, imagine
you're on the page __about us > staff > bob marley__:
* `<% control Level(1) %>` would return the about us page
* `<% control Level(2) %>` would return the staff page
* `<% control Level(3) %>` would return the bob marley page
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#### <% control Page(my-page) %>$Title<% end_control %>
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"Page" will return a single page from the site tree, looking it up by URL. You can use it in the `<% control %>` format.
Can't be called using $Page(my-page).Title.
## Page controls that can be used anywhere
These are defined in the data-object and so can be used as nested page controls. Lucky us! we can control Children of
Children of Children for example.
### Conditional Logic
SilverStripe supports a simple set of conditional logic
<% if Foo %>
// if Foo is true or an object do this
<% else_if Bar %>
// if Bar is true or an object do this
<% else %>
// then do this by default
<% end_if %>
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See more information on conditional logic on [templates](/topics/templates).
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### Site wide settings
Since 2.4.0, SilverStripe provides a generic interface for accessing global properties such as *Site name* or *Site tag
line*. This interface is implemented by the [api:SiteConfig] class.
### Controlling Parents and Children
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#### <% control Children %>
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This will return the children of the current page as a nested datafeed. Useful for nested navigations such as pop-out
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#### <% control AllChildren %>
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This will show all children of a page even if the option 'show in menus?' is unchecked in the tab panel behaviour.
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#### <% control Parent %> or $Parent.Title, $Parent.Content, etc
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This will return the parent page. The $ variable format lets us reference an attribute of the parent page directly.
### Site Navigation - Breadcrumbs
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#### <% control Breadcrumbs %>
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This will return a breadcrumbs widgets for the given page. You can call this on any data-object, so, for example, you
could display the breadcrumbs of every search result if you wanted. It has a few options.
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#### <% control Breadcrumbs(3) %>
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Will return a maximum of 3 pages in the breadcrumb list, this can be handy if you're wanting to put breadcrumbs in a
place without spilling
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#### <% control Breadcrumbs(3, true) %>
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Will return the same, but without any links. This is handy if you're wanting to put the breadcrumb list into another
link tag.
### Links and Classes
#### $LinkingMode, $LinkOrCurrent and $LinkOrSection
These return different linking modes. $LinkingMode provides the greatest control, outputting 3 different strings:
* link: Neither this page nor any of its children are current open.
* section: A child of this page is currently open, which means that we're currently in this section of the site.
* current: This page is currently open.
A useful way of using this is in your menus. You can use the following code below to generate an class="current" or
class="section" on your links. Take the following code
<li><a href="$Link" class="$LinkingMode">$Title</a></li>
When viewed on the Home page it will render like this
<li><a href="home/" class="current">Home</a></li>
$LinkOrCurrent ignores the section status, returning link instead. $LinkOrSection ingores the current status, returning
section instead. Both of these options can simplify your CSS when you only have 2 different cases to consider.
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#### <% if LinkOrCurrent = current %>
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This is an alternative way to set up your menus - if you want different HTML for the current menu item, you can do
something like this:
<% if LinkOrCurrent = current %>
<% else %>
<a href="$Link">$Title</a>
<% end_if %>
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#### <% if LinkOrSection = section %>
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Will return true if you are on the current page OR a child page of the page. Useful for menus which you only want to
show a second level menu when you are on that page or a child of it
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#### <% if InSection(page-url) %>
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This if block will pass if we're currently on the page-url page or one of its children.
### Titles and CMS Defined Options
#### $MetaTags
This returns a segment of HTML appropriate for putting into the `<head>` tag. It will set up title, keywords and
description meta-tags, based on the CMS content. If you don't want to include the title-tag (for custom templating), use
#### $MenuTitle
This is the title that you should put into navigation menus. CMS authors can choose to put a different menu title from
the main page title.
#### $Title
This is the title of the page which displays in the browser window and usually is the title of the page.
#### $URLSegment
This returns the part of the URL of the page you're currently on. Could be handy to use as an id on your body-tag. (
when doing this, watch out that it doesn't create invalid id-attributes though.). This is useful for adding a class to
the body so you can target certain pages. Watch out for pages named clear or anything you might have used in your CSS
<body class="$URLSegment">
#### $ClassName
Returns the ClassName of the PHP object. Eg if you have a custom HomePage page type with $ClassName in the template, it
will return "HomePage"
#### $BaseHref
Returns the base URL for the current site. This is used to populate the `<base>` tag by default, so if you want to
override `<% base_tag %>` with a specific piece of HTML, you can do something like `<base href="$BaseHref">``</base>`
### Controlling Members and Visitors Data
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#### <% control CurrentMember %>, <% if CurrentMember %> or $CurrentMember.FirstName
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CurrentMember returns the currently logged in member, if there is one. All of their details or any special Member page
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controls can be called on this. Alternately, you can use `<% if CurrentMember %>` to detect whether someone has logged
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in. To Display a welcome message you can do
<% if CurrentMember %>
Welcome Back, $CurrentMember.FirstName
<% end_if %>
If the user is logged in this will print out
Welcome Back, Admin
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#### <% if PastMember %>, <% if PastVisitor %>
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These controls detect the visitor's previous experience with the site:
* $PastVisitor will return true if the visitor has been to the site before
* $PastMember will return true if the visitor has signed up or logged in on the site before
### Date and Time
#### $Now.Nice, $Now.Year
$Now returns the current date. You can call any of the methods from the `[api:Date]` class on
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#### $Created.Nice, $Created.Ago
$Created returns the time the page was created, $Created.Ago returns how long ago the page was created. You can also
call any of methods of the `[api:Date]` class on it.
#### $LastEdited.Nice, $LastEdited.Ago
$LastEdited returns the time the page was modified, $LastEdited.Ago returns how long ago the page was modified.You can also
call any of methods of the `[api:Date]` class on it.
### DataObjectSet Options
If you are using a DataObjectSet you have a wide range of methods you can call on it from the templates
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#### <% if Even %>, <% if Odd %>, $EvenOdd
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These controls can be used to do zebra-striping. $EvenOdd will return 'even' or 'odd' as appropriate.
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#### <% if First %>, <% if Last %>, <% if Middle %>, $FirstLast
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These controls can be used to set up special behaviour for the first and last records of a datafeed. `<% if Middle %>` is
set when neither first not last are set. $FirstLast will be 'first', 'last', or ''
#### $Pos, $TotalItems
$TotalItems will return the number of items on this page of the datafeed, and Pos will return a counter starting at 1.
#### $Top
When you're inside a control loop in your template, and want to reference methods on the current controller you're on,
breaking out of the loop to get it, you can use $Top to do so. For example:
<% control News %>
$URLSegment <!-- may not return anything, as you're requesting URLSegment on the News objects -->
$Top.URLSegment <!-- returns the same as $URLSegment above -->
<% end_control %>
## Properties of a datafeed itself, rather than one of its items
If we have a control such as `<% control SearchResults %>`, there are some properties, such as $SearchResults.NextLink,
that aren't accessible within `<% control SearchResults %>`. These can be used on any datafeed.
### Search Results
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#### <% if SearchResults.MoreThanOnePage %>
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Returns true when we have a multi-page datafeed, restricted with a limit.
#### $SearchResults.NextLink, $SearchResults.PrevLink
This returns links to the next and previous page in a multi-page datafeed. They will return blank if there's no
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appropriate page to go to, so $PrevLink will return blank when you're on the first page. You can therefore use <% if
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PrevLink %> to keep your template tidy.
#### $SearchResults.CurrentPage, $SearchResults.TotalPages
CurrentPage returns the number of the page you're currently on, and TotalPages returns the total number of pages.
#### $SearchResults.TotalItems
This returns the total number of items across all pages.
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#### <% control SearchResults.First %>, <% control SearchResults.Last %>
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These controls return the first and last item on the current page of the datafeed.
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#### <% control SearchResults.Pages %>
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This will return another datafeed, listing all of the pages in this datafeed. It will have the following data
* **$PageNum:** page number, starting at 1
* **$Link:** a link straight to that page
* `<% if CurrentBool %>`:** returns true if you're currently on that page
`<% control SearchResults.Pages(30) %>` will show a maximum of 30 pages, useful in situations where you could get 100s of
pages returned.
#### $SearchResults.UL
This is a quick way of generating a `<ul>` containing an `<li>` and `<a>` for each item in the datafeed. Usually too
restricted to use in a final application, but handy for debugging stuff.
## Quick Reference
Below is a list of fields and methods that are typically available for templates (grouped by their source) - use this as
a quick reference (not all of them are described above):
### All methods available in Page_Controller
$NexPageLink, $Link, $RelativeLink, $ChildrenOf, $Page, $Level, $Menu, $Section2, $LoginForm, $SilverStripeNavigator,
$PageComments, $Now, $LinkTo, $AbsoluteLink, $CurrentMember, $PastVisitor, $PastMember, $XML_val, $RAW_val, $SQL_val,
$JS_val, $ATT_val, $First, $Last, $FirstLast, $MiddleString, $Middle, $Even, $Odd, $EvenOdd, $Pos, $TotalItems,
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$BaseHref, $Debug, $Top
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### All fields available in Page_Controller
$ID, $ClassName, $Created, $LastEdited, $URLSegment, $Title, $MenuTitle, $Content, $MetaTitle, $MetaDescription,
$MetaKeywords, $ShowInMenus, $ShowInSearch, $HomepageForDomain, $ProvideComments, $Sort, $LegacyURL, $HasBrokenFile,
$HasBrokenLink, $Status, $ReportClass, $ParentID, $Version, $EmailTo, $EmailOnSubmit, $SubmitButtonText,
$OnCompleteMessage, $Subscribe, $AllNewsletters, $Subject, $ErrorCode, $LinkedPageID, $RedirectionType, $ExternalURL,
$LinkToID, $VersionID, $CopyContentFromID, $RecordClassName
### All methods available in Page
$Link, $LinkOrCurrent, $LinkOrSection, $LinkingMode, $ElementName, $InSection, $Comments, $Breadcrumbs, $NestedTitle,
$MetaTags, $ContentSource, $MultipleParents, $TreeTitle, $CMSTreeClasses, $Now, $LinkTo, $AbsoluteLink, $CurrentMember,
$PastVisitor, $PastMember, $XML_val, $RAW_val, $SQL_val, $JS_val, $ATT_val, $First, $Last, $FirstLast, $MiddleString,
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$Middle, $Even, $Odd, $EvenOdd, $Pos, $TotalItems, $BaseHref, $Top
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### All fields available in Page
$ID, $ClassName, $Created, $LastEdited, $URLSegment, $Title, $MenuTitle, $Content, $MetaTitle, $MetaDescription,
$MetaKeywords, $ShowInMenus, $ShowInSearch, $HomepageForDomain, $ProvideComments, $Sort, $LegacyURL, $HasBrokenFile,
$HasBrokenLink, $Status, $ReportClass, $ParentID, $Version, $EmailTo, $EmailOnSubmit, $SubmitButtonText,
$OnCompleteMessage, $Subscribe, $AllNewsletters, $Subject, $ErrorCode, $LinkedPageID, $RedirectionType, $ExternalURL,
$LinkToID, $VersionID, $CopyContentFromID, $RecordClassName