mirror of https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00

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* Test various functions on the {@link Convert} class.
* @package framework
* @subpackage tests
class ConvertTest extends SapphireTest {
* Tests {@link Convert::raw2att()}
public function testRaw2Att() {
$val1 = '<input type="text">';
$this->assertEquals('&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;', Convert::raw2att($val1),
'Special characters are escaped');
$val2 = 'This is some normal text.';
$this->assertEquals('This is some normal text.', Convert::raw2att($val2),
'Normal text is not escaped');
* Tests {@link Convert::raw2htmlatt()}
public function testRaw2HtmlAtt() {
$val1 = '<input type="text">';
$this->assertEquals('&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;', Convert::raw2htmlatt($val1),
'Special characters are escaped');
$val2 = 'This is some normal text.';
$this->assertEquals('This is some normal text.', Convert::raw2htmlatt($val2),
'Normal text is not escaped');
public function testHtml2raw() {
$val1 = 'This has a <strong>strong tag</strong>.';
$this->assertEquals('This has a *strong tag*.', Convert::xml2raw($val1),
'Strong tags are replaced with asterisks');
$val1 = 'This has a <b class="test" style="font-weight: bold">b tag with attributes</b>.';
$this->assertEquals('This has a *b tag with attributes*.', Convert::xml2raw($val1),
'B tags with attributes are replaced with asterisks');
$val2 = 'This has a <strong class="test" style="font-weight: bold">strong tag with attributes</STRONG>.';
$this->assertEquals('This has a *strong tag with attributes*.', Convert::xml2raw($val2),
'Strong tags with attributes are replaced with asterisks');
$val3 = '<script type="text/javascript">Some really nasty javascript here</script>';
$this->assertEquals('', Convert::xml2raw($val3),
'Script tags are completely removed');
$val4 = '<style type="text/css">Some really nasty CSS here</style>';
$this->assertEquals('', Convert::xml2raw($val4),
'Style tags are completely removed');
$val5 = '<script type="text/javascript">Some really nasty
multiline javascript here</script>';
$this->assertEquals('', Convert::xml2raw($val5),
'Multiline script tags are completely removed');
$val6 = '<style type="text/css">Some really nasty
multiline CSS here</style>';
$this->assertEquals('', Convert::xml2raw($val6),
'Multiline style tags are completely removed');
* Tests {@link Convert::raw2xml()}
public function testRaw2Xml() {
$val1 = '<input type="text">';
$this->assertEquals('&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;', Convert::raw2xml($val1),
'Special characters are escaped');
$val2 = 'This is some normal text.';
$this->assertEquals('This is some normal text.', Convert::raw2xml($val2),
'Normal text is not escaped');
$val3 = "This is test\nNow on a new line.";
$this->assertEquals("This is test\nNow on a new line.", Convert::raw2xml($val3),
'Newlines are retained. They should not be replaced with <br /> as it is not XML valid');
public function testRaw2HtmlName() {
$val1 = 'test test 123';
$this->assertEquals('testtest123', Convert::raw2htmlname($val1));
* Tests {@link Convert::xml2raw()}
public function testXml2Raw() {
$val1 = '&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;';
$this->assertEquals('<input type="text">', Convert::xml2raw($val1), 'Special characters are escaped');
$val2 = 'This is some normal text.';
$this->assertEquals('This is some normal text.', Convert::xml2raw($val2), 'Normal text is not escaped');
public function testArray2JSON() {
$val = array(
'Joe' => 'Bloggs',
'Tom' => 'Jones',
'My' => array(
'Complicated' => 'Structure'
$encoded = Convert::array2json($val);
$this->assertEquals('{"Joe":"Bloggs","Tom":"Jones","My":{"Complicated":"Structure"}}', $encoded,
'Array is encoded in JSON');
public function testJSON2Array() {
$val = '{"Joe":"Bloggs","Tom":"Jones","My":{"Complicated":"Structure"}}';
$decoded = Convert::json2array($val);
$this->assertEquals(3, count($decoded), '3 items in the decoded array');
$this->assertContains('Bloggs', $decoded, 'Contains "Bloggs" value in decoded array');
$this->assertContains('Jones', $decoded, 'Contains "Jones" value in decoded array');
$this->assertContains('Structure', $decoded['My']['Complicated']);
public function testJSON2Obj() {
$val = '{"Joe":"Bloggs","Tom":"Jones","My":{"Complicated":"Structure"}}';
$obj = Convert::json2obj($val);
$this->assertEquals('Bloggs', $obj->Joe);
$this->assertEquals('Jones', $obj->Tom);
$this->assertEquals('Structure', $obj->My->Complicated);
* @todo test toASCII()
public function testRaw2URL() {
2012-05-08 22:13:03 +02:00
$orig = URLSegmentFilter::$default_allow_multibyte;
URLSegmentFilter::$default_allow_multibyte = false;
$this->assertEquals('foo', Convert::raw2url('foo'));
$this->assertEquals('foo-and-bar', Convert::raw2url('foo & bar'));
$this->assertEquals('foo-and-bar', Convert::raw2url('foo &amp; bar!'));
$this->assertEquals('foos-bar-2', Convert::raw2url('foo\'s [bar] (2)'));
2012-05-08 22:13:03 +02:00
URLSegmentFilter::$default_allow_multibyte = $orig;
* Helper function for comparing characters with significant whitespaces
* @param type $expected
* @param type $actual
protected function assertEqualsQuoted($expected, $actual) {
$message = sprintf(
"Expected \"%s\" but given \"%s\"",
addcslashes($expected, "\r\n"),
addcslashes($actual, "\r\n")
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, $message);
public function testNL2OS() {
foreach(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n") as $nl) {
// Base case: no action
"Base case",
Convert::nl2os("Base case", $nl)
// Mixed formats
Convert::nl2os("Test\rText\r\nIs\n\rHere\r\n.", $nl)
// Test that multiple runs are non-destructive
$expected = "Test{$nl}Text{$nl}Is{$nl}{$nl}Here{$nl}.";
Convert::nl2os($expected, $nl)
// Check repeated sequence behaves correctly
$expected = "{$nl}{$nl}{$nl}{$nl}{$nl}{$nl}{$nl}{$nl}";
$input = "\r\r\n\r\r\n\n\n\n\r";
Convert::nl2os($input, $nl)