'Enum("Completed, Running", "Running")', 'JobInfo' => 'Varchar(255)' ); private static $has_many = array( 'TrackedPages' => BrokenExternalPageTrack::class, 'BrokenLinks' => BrokenExternalLink::class ); /** * Get the latest track status * * @return self */ public static function get_latest() { return self::get() ->sort('ID', 'DESC') ->first(); } /** * Gets the list of Pages yet to be checked * * @return DataList */ public function getIncompletePageList() { $pageIDs = $this ->getIncompleteTracks() ->column('PageID'); if ($pageIDs) { return Versioned::get_by_stage(SiteTree::class, 'Stage') ->byIDs($pageIDs); } } /** * Get the list of incomplete BrokenExternalPageTrack * * @return DataList */ public function getIncompleteTracks() { return $this ->TrackedPages() ->filter('Processed', 0); } /** * Get total pages count */ public function getTotalPages() { return $this->TrackedPages()->count(); } /** * Get completed pages count */ public function getCompletedPages() { return $this ->TrackedPages() ->filter('Processed', 1) ->count(); } /** * Returns the latest run, or otherwise creates a new one * * @return self */ public static function get_or_create() { // Check the current status $status = self::get_latest(); if ($status && $status->Status == 'Running') { $status->updateStatus(); return $status; } return self::create_status(); } /* * Create and prepare a new status * * @return self */ public static function create_status() { // If the script is to be started create a new status $status = self::create(); $status->updateJobInfo('Creating new tracking object'); // Setup all pages to test $pageIDs = Versioned::get_by_stage(SiteTree::class, 'Stage') ->column('ID'); foreach ($pageIDs as $pageID) { $trackPage = BrokenExternalPageTrack::create(); $trackPage->PageID = $pageID; $trackPage->StatusID = $status->ID; $trackPage->write(); } return $status; } public function updateJobInfo($message) { $this->JobInfo = $message; $this->write(); } /** * Self check status */ public function updateStatus() { if ($this->CompletedPages == $this->TotalPages) { $this->Status = 'Completed'; $this->updateJobInfo('Setting to completed'); } } }