'Varchar(2083)', // 2083 is the maximum length of a URL in Internet Explorer. 'HTTPCode' =>'Int' ); private static $has_one = array( 'Track' => BrokenExternalPageTrack::class, 'Status' => BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::class ); private static $summary_fields = array( 'Created' => 'Checked', 'Link' => 'External Link', 'HTTPCodeDescription' => 'HTTP Error Code', 'Page.Title' => 'Page link is on' ); private static $searchable_fields = array( 'HTTPCode' => array('title' => 'HTTP Code') ); /** * @return SiteTree */ public function Page() { return $this->Track()->Page(); } public function canEdit($member = false) { return false; } public function canView($member = false) { $member = $member ? $member : Security::getCurrentUser(); $codes = array('content-authors', 'administrators'); return Permission::checkMember($member, $codes); } /** * Retrieve a human readable description of a response code * * @return string */ public function getHTTPCodeDescription() { $code = $this->HTTPCode; try { $response = HTTPResponse::create('', $code); // Assume that $code = 0 means there was no response $description = $code ? $response->getStatusDescription() : _t(__CLASS__ . '.NOTAVAILABLE', 'Server Not Available'); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $description = _t(__CLASS__ . '.UNKNOWNRESPONSE', 'Unknown Response Code'); } return sprintf("%d (%s)", $code, $description); } }