httpError(403, 'You do not have permission to access this resource'); } // Set headers HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::singleton()->setMaxAge(0); $this->response ->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') ->addHeader('Content-Encoding', 'UTF-8') ->addHeader('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff'); // Format status $track = BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::get_latest(); if ($track) { return json_encode([ 'TrackID' => $track->ID, 'Status' => $track->Status, 'Completed' => $track->getCompletedPages(), 'Total' => $track->getTotalPages() ]); } } /** * Starts a broken external link check */ public function start() { if (!Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain')) { return $this->httpError(403, 'You do not have permission to access this resource'); } // return if the a job is already running $status = BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::get_latest(); if ($status && $status->Status == 'Running') { return; } // Create a new job if (class_exists(QueuedJobService::class)) { // Force the creation of a new run BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::create_status(); $checkLinks = new CheckExternalLinksJob(); singleton(QueuedJobService::class)->queueJob($checkLinks); } else { //TODO this hangs as it waits for the connection to be released // should return back and continue processing // $task = CheckExternalLinksTask::create(); $task->runLinksCheck(); } } }