SilverStripe Environment Checker Module
Developed by Sam Minnée, thanks to Will Rossiter.
This module adds an API for running environment checks to your API.
- `dev/health`` - A public URL that performs a quick check that this environment is functioning. This could be tied to a load balancer, for example.
- An admin-only URL that performs a more comprehensive set of checks. This could be tied to a deployment system, for example.
Aren't these just unit tests?
Almost, but not really. Environment checks differ from unit tests in two important ways:
- They test environment specific settings. Unit tests are designed to use dummy data and mock interfaces to external system. Environment checks check the real systems and data that the given environment is actually connected to.
- They can't modify data. Because these checks will run using production databases, they can't go modifying the data in there. This is the biggest reason why we haven't used the same base class as a unit test for writing environment checks - we wanted to make it impossible to accidentally plug the a unit test into the environment checker!
Adding more checks
To add more checks, you should put additional EnvironmentCheckSuite::register
calls into your _config.php
. See the _config.php
file of this mode for examples.
EnvironmentCheckSuite::register('check', 'HasFunctionCheck("curl_init")', "Does PHP have CURL support?");
EnvironmentCheckSuite::register('check', 'HasFunctionCheck("imagecreatetruecolor")', "Does PHP have GD2 support?");
The first argument is the name of the check suite. There are two built-in check suites, "health", and "check", corresponding to the dev/health
and dev/check
URLs. If you wish, you can create your own check suites and execute them on other URLs.
The module comes bundled with a few checks in DefaultHealthChecks.php. However, to test your own application, you probably want to write custom checks.
- Implement the EnvironmentCheck interface
- Define the check() function, which returns a 2 element array:
- The first element is one of
, depending on the status of the check - The second element is a string describing the response.
- The first element is one of
Here is a simple example of how you might create a check to test your own code. In this example, we are checking that an instance of the MyGateway
class will return "foo" when call()
is called on it. Testing interfaces with 3rd party systems is a common use case for custom environment checks.
class MyGatewayCheck implements EnvironmentCheck {
protected $checkTable;
function check() {
$g = new MyGateway;
$response = $g->call();
$expectedResponse = "foo";
if($response == null) {
return array(EnvironmentCheck::ERROR, "MyGateway didn't return a response");
} else if($response != $expectedResponse) {
return array(EnvironmentCheck::WARNING, "MyGateway returned unexpected response $response");
} else {
return array(EnvironmentCheck::OK, "");
Once you have created your custom check class, don't forget to register it in a check suite
EnvironmentCheckSuite::register('check', 'MyGatewayCheck', "Can I connect to the gateway?");
Using other environment check suites
"health" and "check" are the only environment check suites that we use because they aren
If you want to use the same UI as dev/health and dev/check, you can create an EnvironmentChecker
object. This class is a RequestHandler
and so can be returned from an action handler. The first argument to the EnvironmentChecker
constructor is the suite name. For example:
class DevHealth extends Controller {
function index() {
$e = new EnvironmentChecker('health', 'Site health');
return $e;
If you wish to embed an environment check suite in another, you can use the following call.
$result = EnvironmentCheckSuite::inst("health")->run();
will contain a EnvironmentCheckSuiteResult
: Return a boolean of whether or not the tests passed.$result->Status()
: The string "OK", "WARNING", or "ERROR", depending on the worst failure.$result->Details()
: ADataObjectSet
of details about the result of each check in the suite.
to see how these can be used to build a UI.