', " . FileAgeCheck::CHECK_ALL) . "' * ); * * // Checks that at least one backup folder has been created in the last 24h * EnvironmentCheckSuite::register( * 'check', * 'FileAgeCheck("' . BASE_PATH . '/../backups/*' . '", "-1 day", '>', " . FileAgeCheck::CHECK_SINGLE) . "' * ); */ class FileAgeCheck implements EnvironmentCheck { const CHECK_SINGLE = 1; const CHECK_ALL = 2; /** * @var String Absolute path to a file or folder, compatible with glob(). */ protected $path; /** * @var String strtotime() compatible relative date specification. */ protected $relativeAge; /** * @var String The function to use for checking file age, * so filemtime(), filectime() or fileatime(). */ protected $checkFn; /** * @var Int Constant, check for a single file to match age criteria, or all of them. */ protected $checkType; /** * @var String Either '>' or '<'. */ protected $compareOperand; function __construct($path, $relativeAge, $compareOperand = '>', $checkType = null, $checkFn = 'filemtime') { $this->path = $path; $this->relativeAge = $relativeAge; $this->checkFn = $checkFn; $this->checkType = ($checkType) ? $checkType : self::CHECK_SINGLE; $this->compareOperand = $compareOperand; } function check() { $cutoffTime = strtotime($this->relativeAge, SS_Datetime::now()->Format('U')); $files = $this->getFiles(); $invalidFiles = array(); $validFiles = array(); $checkFn = $this->checkFn; $allValid = true; if($files) foreach($files as $file) { $fileTime = $checkFn($file); $valid = ($this->compareOperand == '>') ? ($fileTime >= $cutoffTime) : ($fileTime <= $cutoffTime); if($valid) { $validFiles[] = $file; } else { $invalidFiles[] = $file; if($this->checkType == self::CHECK_ALL) { return array( EnvironmentCheck::ERROR, sprintf( 'File "%s" doesn\'t match age check (compare %s: %s, actual: %s)', $file, $this->compareOperand, date('c', $cutoffTime), date('c', $fileTime) ) ); } } } // If at least one file was valid, count as passed if($this->checkType == self::CHECK_SINGLE && count($invalidFiles) < count($files)) { return array(EnvironmentCheck::OK, ''); } else { return array( EnvironmentCheck::ERROR, sprintf('No files matched criteria (%s %s)', $this->compareOperand, date('c', $cutoffTime)) ); } } /** * @return Array Of absolute file paths */ protected function getFiles() { return glob($this->path); } }