2012-01-10 19:28:04 +13:00
< ? php
* This file contains a number of default environment checks that you can use .
* Check that the connection to the database is working , by looking for records in some table .
* By default , Member will be checked .
* @ param $checkTable The table that will be checked .
class DatabaseCheck implements EnvironmentCheck {
protected $checkTable ;
function __construct ( $checkTable = " Member " ) {
$this -> checkTable = $checkTable ;
function check () {
$count = DB :: query ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \" $this->checkTable\ " " )->value();
if ( $count > 0 ) {
return array ( EnvironmentCheck :: OK , " " );
} else {
return array ( EnvironmentCheck :: WARNING , " $this->checkTable queried ok but has no records " );
* Check that a given URL is functioning , by default , the homepage .
* Note that Director :: test () will be used rather than a CURL check .
class URLCheck implements EnvironmentCheck {
protected $url ;
protected $testString ;
* @ param $url The URL to check , relative to the site . " " is the homepage .
* @ param $testString A piece of text to optionally search for in the homepage HTML . If omitted , no such check is made .
function __construct ( $url = " " , $testString = " " ) {
$this -> url = $url ;
$this -> testString = $testString ;
function check () {
$response = Director :: test ( $this -> url );
if ( $response -> getStatusCode () != 200 ) {
2012-01-20 17:47:24 +01:00
return array (
EnvironmentCheck :: ERROR ,
sprintf ( 'Error retrieving "%s" (Code: %d)' , $this -> url , $response -> getStatusCode ())
2012-01-10 19:28:04 +13:00
} else if ( $this -> testString && ( strpos ( $response -> getBody (), $this -> testString ) === false )) {
2012-01-20 17:47:24 +01:00
return array (
EnvironmentCheck :: WARNING ,
sprintf ( 'Success retrieving "%s", but string "%s" not found' , $this -> url , $testString )
2012-01-10 19:28:04 +13:00
} else {
2012-01-20 17:47:24 +01:00
return array (
EnvironmentCheck :: OK ,
sprintf ( 'Success retrieving "%s"' , $this -> url )
2012-01-10 19:28:04 +13:00
* Check that the given function exists .
* This can be used to check that PHP modules or features are installed .
* @ param $functionName The name of the function to look for .
class HasFunctionCheck implements EnvironmentCheck {
protected $functionName ;
function __construct ( $functionName ) {
$this -> functionName = $functionName ;
function check () {
if ( function_exists ( $this -> functionName )) return array ( EnvironmentCheck :: OK , $this -> functionName . '() exists' );
else return array ( EnvironmentCheck :: ERROR , $this -> functionName . '() doesn\'t exist' );
* Check that the given class exists .
* This can be used to check that PHP modules or features are installed .
* @ param $className The name of the class to look for .
class HasClassCheck implements EnvironmentCheck {
protected $className ;
function __construct ( $className ) {
$this -> className = $className ;
function check () {
if ( class_exists ( $this -> className )) return array ( EnvironmentCheck :: OK , 'Class ' . $this -> className . ' exists' );
else return array ( EnvironmentCheck :: ERROR , 'Class ' . $this -> className . ' doesn\'t exist' );
* Check that the given file is writeable .
* This can be used to check that the environment doesn ' t have permission set - up errors .
* @ param $path The full path . If a relative path , it will relative to the BASE_PATH
class FileWriteableCheck implements EnvironmentCheck {
protected $path ;
function __construct ( $path ) {
$this -> path = $path ;
function check () {
if ( $this -> path [ 0 ] == '/' ) $filename = $this -> path ;
else $filename = BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace ( '/' , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $this -> path );
if ( file_exists ( $filename )) $isWriteable = is_writeable ( $filename );
else $isWriteable = is_writeable ( dirname ( $filename ));
if ( ! $isWriteable ) {
if ( function_exists ( 'posix_getgroups' )) {
$userID = posix_geteuid ();
$user = posix_getpwuid ( $userID );
$currentOwnerID = fileowner ( file_exists ( $filename ) ? $filename : dirname ( $filename ) );
$currentOwner = posix_getpwuid ( $currentOwnerID );
$message = " User ' $user[name] ' needs to be able to write to this file: \n $filename\n\nThe file is currently owned by ' $currentOwner[name] '. " ;
if ( $user [ 'name' ] == $currentOwner [ 'name' ]) {
$message .= " We recommend that you make the file writeable. " ;
} else {
$groups = posix_getgroups ();
$groupList = array ();
foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
$groupInfo = posix_getgrgid ( $group );
if ( in_array ( $currentOwner [ 'name' ], $groupInfo [ 'members' ])) $groupList [] = $groupInfo [ 'name' ];
if ( $groupList ) {
$message .= " We recommend that you make the file group-writeable and change the group to one of these groups: \n - " . implode ( " \n - " , $groupList )
. " \n \n For example: \n chmod g+w $filename\nchgrp " . $groupList [ 0 ] . " $filename " ;
} else {
$message .= " There is no user-group that contains both the web-server user and the owner of this file. Change the ownership of the file, create a new group, or temporarily make the file writeable by everyone during the install process. " ;
} else {
$message .= " The webserver user needs to be able to write to this file: \n $filename " ;
return array ( EnvironmentCheck :: ERROR , $message );
return array ( EnvironmentCheck :: OK , '' );