'Boolean(0)', 'DateOn' => 'Datetime', 'DateOff' => 'Datetime', ]; private static $has_one = [ 'VideoFile' => File::class, ]; private static $owns = [ 'VideoFile', ]; private $_cache = [ 'element' => [], ]; public function getElement() { if (!isset($this->_cache['element'][$this->owner->ID])) { $this->_cache['element'][$this->owner->ID] = $this->owner->SlideshowElement(); } return $this->_cache['element'][$this->owner->ID]; } public function ImageURL() { $el = $this->getElement(); $img = $this->owner->Image(); if (!$img) { return null; } if ($el->getField('ImageOriginalSize')) { return $img->Link(); } $thumb = $img->FocusFill($this->getSlideWidth(), $this->getSlideHeight()); return $thumb ? $thumb->Link() : null; } public function getSlideWidth() { $element = $this->getElement(); if (!$element->ID) { return SliderElement::config()->get('slide_width'); } $w = $element->getSlideWidth(); $this->owner->extend('updateSlideWidth', $w); return $w; } public function getSlideHeight() { $element = $this->getElement(); if (!$element->ID) { return SliderElement::config()->get('slide_height'); } $h = $element->getSlideHeight(); $this->owner->extend('updateSlideHeight', $h); return $h; } public static function formatBytes($size, $precision = 2) { $base = log($size, 1024); $suffixes = array('', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T'); return round(pow(1024, $base - floor($base)), $precision) .' '. $suffixes[floor($base)]; } public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) { parent::updateCMSFields($fields); $fields->removeByName([ 'PageLinkID', 'Hide', 'DateOn', 'DateOff', ]); $videoUpload = FilePondField::create('VideoFile') ->setChunkUploads(true) ->setAllowedExtensions(['mp4']) ->setFolderName('Uploads/SlideVideos'); $validator = $videoUpload->getValidator(); $validator->setAllowedMaxFileSize(['mp4' => Config::inst()->get(SlideImage::class, 'max_video_size')]); $maxFileSize = $validator->getAllowedMaxFileSize('mp4'); $videoUpload->setTitle('Video File (max size: '.self::formatBytes($maxFileSize).')'); $fields->insertAfter('Headline', $videoUpload); $fields->dataFieldByName('Image') ->setTitle('Image ('.$this->getSlideWidth().' x '.$this->getSlideHeight().' px)'); $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Main', [ CheckboxField::create('Hide', 'Hide this slide? (That will hide the slide regardless of start/end fields)'), ToggleCompositeField::create( 'ConfigHD', 'Slide Date Settings (start/end)', [ DatetimeField::create('DateOn', 'When would you like to start showing the slide?'), DatetimeField::create('DateOff', 'When would you like to stop showing the slide?'), ] ) ]); } public function validate(ValidationResult $validationResult) { if (!$this->owner->Name) { $this->owner->Name = rand(); } } }