mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 09:05:56 +00:00
Universal increase in font size Use same font as ss.org for consistency Remove unnecessary visual noise (borders, box shadows, etc) Use Google PrettyPrint syntax highlighter for improved readability of code sections Fully responsive, with hamburger menu Add "section" linking mode to menu items Add masthead for breadcrumbs, introduction Improved styles for notice/info/warning messaging
669 lines
15 KiB
669 lines
15 KiB
* A class which builds a manifest of all documentation present in a project.
* The manifest is required to map the provided documentation URL rules to a
* file path on the server. The stored cache looks similar to the following:
* <code>
* array(
* 'en/someniceurl/' => array(
* 'filepath' => '/path/to/docs/en/SomeniceFile.md',
* 'title' => 'Some nice URL',
* 'summary' => 'Summary Text',
* 'basename' => 'SomeniceFile.md',
* 'type' => 'DocumentationPage'
* )
* )
* </code>
* URL format is in the following structures:
* {lang}/{path}
* {lang}/{module}/{path}
* {lang}/{module}/{version}/{/path}
* @package framework
* @subpackage manifest
class DocumentationManifest {
* @config
* @var boolean $automatic_registration
private static $automatic_registration = true;
* @config
* @var array $registered_entities
private static $register_entities = array();
protected $cache;
protected $cacheKey;
protected $inited;
protected $forceRegen;
* @var array $pages
protected $pages = array();
* @var DocumentationEntity
private $entity;
* @var boolean
private $automaticallyPopulated = false;
* @var ArrayList
private $registeredEntities;
* Constructs a new template manifest. The manifest is not actually built
* or loaded from cache until needed.
* @param bool $includeTests Include tests in the manifest.
* @param bool $forceRegen Force the manifest to be regenerated.
public function __construct($forceRegen = false) {
$this->cacheKey = 'manifest';
$this->forceRegen = $forceRegen;
$this->registeredEntities = new ArrayList();
$this->cache = SS_Cache::factory('DocumentationManifest', 'Core', array(
'automatic_serialization' => true,
'lifetime' => null
* Sets up the top level entities.
* Either manually registered through the YAML syntax or automatically
* loaded through investigating the file system for `docs` folder.
public function setupEntities() {
if($this->registeredEntities->Count() > 0) {
if(Config::inst()->get('DocumentationManifest', 'automatic_registration')) {
$registered = Config::inst()->get('DocumentationManifest', 'register_entities');
foreach($registered as $details) {
// validate the details provided through the YAML configuration
$required = array('Path', 'Title');
foreach($required as $require) {
if(!isset($details[$require])) {
throw new Exception("$require is a required key in DocumentationManifest.register_entities");
// if path is not an absolute value then assume it is relative from
// the BASE_PATH.
$path = $this->getRealPath($details['Path']);
$key = (isset($details['Key'])) ? $details['Key'] : $details['Title'];
if(!is_dir($path)) {
throw new Exception($path . ' is not a valid documentation directory');
$version = (isset($details['Version'])) ? $details['Version'] : '';
$langs = scandir($path);
if($langs) {
$possible = i18n::get_common_languages(true);
foreach($langs as $k => $lang) {
if(isset($possible[$lang])) {
$entity = Injector::inst()->create(
'DocumentationEntity', $key
$entity->setPath(Controller::join_links($path, $lang, '/'));
if(isset($details['Stable'])) {
if(isset($details['DefaultEntity'])) {
public function getRealPath($path) {
if(substr($path, 0, 1) != '/') {
$path = realpath(Controller::join_links(BASE_PATH, $path));
return $path;
* @return ArrayList
public function getEntities() {
return $this->registeredEntities;
* Scans the current installation and picks up all the SilverStripe modules
* that contain a `docs` folder.
* @return void
public function populateEntitiesFromInstall() {
if($this->automaticallyPopulated) {
// already run
foreach(scandir(BASE_PATH) as $key => $entity) {
if($key == "themes") {
$dir = Controller::join_links(BASE_PATH, $entity);
if(is_dir($dir)) {
// check to see if it has docs
$docs = Controller::join_links($dir, 'docs');
if(is_dir($docs)) {
$entities[] = array(
'Path' => $docs,
'Title' => DocumentationHelper::clean_page_name($entity),
'Version' => 'master',
'Stable' => true
'DocumentationManifest', 'register_entities', $entities
$this->automaticallyPopulated = true;
protected function init() {
if (!$this->forceRegen && $data = $this->cache->load($this->cacheKey)) {
$this->pages = $data;
$this->inited = true;
} else {
* Returns a map of all documentation pages.
* @return array
public function getPages() {
if (!$this->inited) {
return $this->pages;
* Returns a particular page for the requested URL.
* @return DocumentationPage
public function getPage($url) {
$pages = $this->getPages();
$url = $this->normalizeUrl($url);
if(!isset($pages[$url])) {
return null;
$record = $pages[$url];
foreach($this->getEntities() as $entity) {
if(strpos($record['filepath'], $entity->getPath()) !== false) {
$page = Injector::inst()->create(
return $page;
* Regenerates the manifest by scanning the base path.
* @param bool $cache
public function regenerate($cache = true) {
$finder = new DocumentationManifestFileFinder();
'dir_callback' => array($this, 'handleFolder'),
'file_callback' => array($this, 'handleFile')
foreach($this->getEntities() as $entity) {
$this->entity = $entity;
$this->handleFolder('', $this->entity->getPath(), 0);
// groupds
$grouped = array();
foreach($this->pages as $url => $page) {
if(!isset($grouped[$page['entitypath']])) {
$grouped[$page['entitypath']] = array();
$grouped[$page['entitypath']][$url] = $page;
$this->pages = array();
foreach($grouped as $entity) {
uasort($entity, function($a, $b) {
// ensure parent directories are first
$a['filepath'] = str_replace('index.md', '', $a['filepath']);
$b['filepath'] = str_replace('index.md', '', $b['filepath']);
if(strpos($b['filepath'], $a['filepath']) === 0) {
return -1;
if ($a['filepath'] == $b['filepath']) {
return 0;
return ($a['filepath'] < $b['filepath']) ? -1 : 1;
$this->pages = array_merge($this->pages, $entity);
if ($cache) {
$this->cache->save($this->pages, $this->cacheKey);
$this->inited = true;
public function handleFolder($basename, $path, $depth) {
$folder = Injector::inst()->create(
'DocumentationFolder', $this->entity, $basename, $path
$link = ltrim(str_replace(
Config::inst()->get('DocumentationViewer', 'link_base'),
), '/');
$this->pages[$link] = array(
'title' => $folder->getTitle(),
'basename' => $basename,
'filepath' => $path,
'type' => 'DocumentationFolder',
'entitypath' => $this->entity->getPath(),
'summary' => ''
* Individual files can optionally provide a nice title and a better URL
* through the use of markdown meta data. This creates a new
* {@link DocumentationPage} instance for the file.
* If the markdown does not specify the title in the meta data it falls back
* to using the file name.
* @param string $basename
* @param string $path
* @param int $depth
public function handleFile($basename, $path, $depth) {
$page = Injector::inst()->create(
$this->entity, $basename, $path
// populate any meta data
$link = ltrim(str_replace(
Config::inst()->get('DocumentationViewer', 'link_base'),
), '/');
$this->pages[$link] = array(
'title' => $page->getTitle(),
'filepath' => $path,
'entitypath' => $this->entity->getPath(),
'basename' => $basename,
'type' => 'DocumentationPage',
'summary' => $page->getSummary()
* Generate an {@link ArrayList} of the pages to the given page.
* @param DocumentationPage
* @param DocumentationEntityLanguage
* @return ArrayList
public function generateBreadcrumbs($record, $base) {
$output = new ArrayList();
$parts = explode('/', trim($record->getRelativeLink(), '/'));
// Add the base link.
$output->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Link' => $base->Link(),
'Title' => $base->Title
$progress = $base->Link();
foreach($parts as $part) {
if($part) {
$progress = Controller::join_links($progress, $part, '/');
$output->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Link' => $progress,
'Title' => DocumentationHelper::clean_page_name($part)
return $output;
* Determine the next page from the given page.
* Relies on the fact when the manifest was built, it was generated in
* order.
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $entityBase
* @return ArrayData
public function getNextPage($filepath, $entityBase) {
$grabNext = false;
$fallback = null;
foreach($this->getPages() as $url => $page) {
if($grabNext && strpos($page['filepath'], $entityBase) !== false) {
return new ArrayData(array(
'Link' => $url,
'Title' => $page['title']
if($filepath == $page['filepath']) {
$grabNext = true;
} else if(!$fallback && strpos($page['filepath'], $filepath) !== false) {
$fallback = new ArrayData(array(
'Link' => $url,
'Title' => $page['title'],
'Fallback' => true
if(!$grabNext) {
return $fallback;
return null;
* Determine the previous page from the given page.
* Relies on the fact when the manifest was built, it was generated in
* order.
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $entityBase
* @return ArrayData
public function getPreviousPage($filepath, $entityPath) {
$previousUrl = $previousPage = null;
foreach($this->getPages() as $url => $page) {
if($filepath == $page['filepath']) {
if($previousUrl) {
return new ArrayData(array(
'Link' => $previousUrl,
'Title' => $previousPage['title']
if(strpos($page['filepath'], $entityPath) !== false) {
$previousUrl = $url;
$previousPage = $page;
return null;
* @param string
* @return string
public function normalizeUrl($url) {
$url = trim($url, '/') .'/';
// if the page is the index page then hide it from the menu
if(strpos(strtolower($url), '/index.md/')) {
$url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, "index.md/"));
return $url;
* Return the children of the provided record path.
* Looks for any pages in the manifest which have one more slash attached.
* @param string $path
* @return ArrayList
public function getChildrenFor($entityPath, $recordPath = null) {
if(!$recordPath) {
$recordPath = $entityPath;
$output = new ArrayList();
$base = Config::inst()->get('DocumentationViewer', 'link_base');
$entityPath = $this->normalizeUrl($entityPath);
$recordPath = $this->normalizeUrl($recordPath);
$recordParts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, trim($recordPath,'/'));
$currentRecordPath = end($recordParts);
$depth = substr_count($entityPath, '/');
foreach($this->getPages() as $url => $page) {
$pagePath = $this->normalizeUrl($page['filepath']);
// check to see if this page is under the given path
if(strpos($pagePath, $entityPath) === false) {
// only pull it up if it's one more level depth
if(substr_count($pagePath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) == ($depth + 1)) {
$pagePathParts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, trim($pagePath,'/'));
$currentPagePath = end($pagePathParts);
if($currentPagePath == $currentRecordPath) {
$mode = 'current';
else if(strpos($recordPath, $pagePath) !== false) {
$mode = 'section';
else {
$mode = 'link';
$children = new ArrayList();
if($mode == 'section' || $mode == 'current') {
$children = $this->getChildrenFor($pagePath, $recordPath);
$output->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Link' => Controller::join_links($base, $url, '/'),
'Title' => $page['title'],
'LinkingMode' => $mode,
'Summary' => $page['summary'],
'Children' => $children
return $output;
* @param DocumentationEntity
* @return ArrayList
public function getAllVersionsOfEntity(DocumentationEntity $entity) {
$all = new ArrayList();
foreach($this->getEntities() as $check) {
if($check->getKey() == $entity->getKey()) {
if($check->getLanguage() == $entity->getLanguage()) {
return $all;
* @param DocumentationEntity
* @return DocumentationEntity
public function getStableVersion(DocumentationEntity $entity) {
foreach($this->getEntities() as $check) {
if($check->getKey() == $entity->getKey()) {
if($check->getLanguage() == $entity->getLanguage()) {
if($check->getIsStable()) {
return $check;
return $entity;
* @param DocumentationEntity
* @return ArrayList
public function getVersions($entity) {
if(!$entity) {
return null;
$output = new ArrayList();
foreach($this->getEntities() as $check) {
if($check->getKey() == $entity->getKey()) {
if($check->getLanguage() == $entity->getLanguage()) {
$same = ($check->getVersion() == $entity->getVersion());
$output->push(new ArrayList(array(
'Title' => $entity->getTitle(),
'Link' => $entity->getLink(),
'LinkingMode' => ($same) ? 'current' : 'link'
return $output;
* Returns a sorted array of all the unique versions registered
public function getAllVersions() {
$versions = array();
foreach($this->getEntities() as $entity) {
if($entity->getVersion()) {
$versions[$entity->getVersion()] = $entity->getVersion();
} else {
$versions['0.0'] = _t('DocumentationManifest.MASTER', 'Master');
return $versions;