
 * An extension to StaticPublisher to enable exporting the documentation pages
 * as HTML files to the server.
 * If you want to add exporting functionality then install the static publisher
 * module and set the following configuration in your applications config.yml:
 * <code>
 * StaticExporter:
 *   extensions:
 *	   - DocumentationStaticPublisherExtension
 * </code>
 * If you don't plan on using static publisher for anything else and you have 
 * the cms module installed, make sure you disable that from being published. 
 * Again, in your applications config.yml file
 * <code>
 * StaticExporter:
 *   disable_sitetree_export: true
 * </code>
 * @package docsviewer
class DocumentationStaticPublisherExtension extends Extension {
	public function alterExportUrls(&$urls) {
		$manifest = new DocumentationManifest(true);
		foreach($manifest->getPages() as $url => $page) {
			$urls[$url] = $url;