# Documentation Viewer Module [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/silverstripe/silverstripe-docsviewer.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/silverstripe/silverstripe-docsviewer) ## Maintainer Contact * Will Rossiter (Nickname: willr, wrossiter) ## Requirements * SilverStripe 3.1 ## Summary Reads text files from a given list of folders from your installation and provides a web interface for viewing. To read documentation go to yoursite.com/dev/docs/ For more documentation on how to use the module please read /docs/Writing-Documentation.md (or via this in /dev/docs/docsviewer/Writing-Documentation in your webbrowser) **Note** This module assumes you are using numeric values for your versions. ### HTML Publishing If you wish to generate a truly static version of your documentation after it has been rendered through the website, add the [Static Publisher](https://github.com/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-staticpublisher) module to your documentation project and set the following configuration in your applications config.yml: ``` StaticExporter: extensions: - DocumentationStaticPublisherExtension ``` If you don't plan on using static publisher for anything else and you have the cms module installed, make sure you disable the CMS from being published. Again, in your applications config.yml file ``` StaticExporter: disable_sitetree_export: true ```