# Writing Documentation Your documentation needs to go in the specific modules docs folder which it refers mostly too. For example if you want to document a feature of your custom module 'mymodule' you need to create markdown files in mymodule/docs/en/. The files have to end with the __.md__ extension. The documentation viewer will automatically replace hyphens (-) with spaces. my-documentation-file.md Translates to: My documentation file The module also support number prefixing for specifying the order of pages in the index pages and navigation trees. 03-foo.md 1-bar.md 4-baz.md Will be output as the following in the listing views. Bar Foo Baz ## Localization All documentation folder should be localized. Even if you do not plan on supporting multiple languages you need to write your documentation in a 'en' subfolder /module/docs/en/ ## Syntax Documentation should be written in markdown with an `.md` extension attached. To view the syntax for page formatting check out [Daring Fireball](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax). To see how to use the documentation from examples, I recommend opening up this file in your text editor and playing around. As these files are plain text, any text editor will be able to open and write markdown files. ## Creating Hierarchy The document viewer supports a hierarchical folder structure so you can categorize documentation and create topics. ## Directory Listing Each folder you create should also contain a __index.md__ file which contains an overview of the module and related links. If no index is available, the default behaviour is to display an ordered list of links. ## Table of Contents The table of contents on each module page is generated based on where and what headers you use. ## Images and Files If you want to attach images and other assets to a page you need to bundle those in a directory called _images at the same level as your documentation.