
 * Parser wrapping the Markdown Extra parser.
 * @see http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/
 * @package docsviewer
class DocumentationParser
    const CODE_BLOCK_BACKTICK = 1;
    const CODE_BLOCK_COLON = 2;

     * @var array
    public static $heading_counts = array();

     * Parse a given path to the documentation for a file. Performs a case
     * insensitive lookup on the file system. Automatically appends the file
     * extension to one of the markdown extensions as well so /install/ in a
     * web browser will match /install.md or /INSTALL.md.
     * Filepath: /var/www/myproject/src/cms/en/folder/subfolder/page.md
     * URL: http://myhost/mywebroot/dev/docs/2.4/cms/en/folder/subfolder/page
     * Webroot: http://myhost/mywebroot/
     * Baselink: dev/docs/2.4/cms/en/
     * Pathparts: folder/subfolder/page
     * @param DocumentationPage $page
     * @param string            $baselink Link relative to webroot, up until the "root"  of the module.
     *                                    Necessary to rewrite relative links of the module. Necessary
     *                                    to rewrite relative links
     * @return string
    public static function parse(DocumentationPage $page, $baselink = null)
        if (!$page || (!$page instanceof DocumentationPage)) {
            return false;

        $md = $page->getMarkdown(true);

        // Pre-processing
        $md = self::rewrite_image_links($md, $page);
        $md = self::rewrite_relative_links($md, $page, $baselink);

        $md = self::rewrite_api_links($md, $page);
        $md = self::rewrite_heading_anchors($md, $page);

        $md = self::rewrite_code_blocks($md);

        $parser = new ParsedownExtra();

        $text = $parser->text($md);

        return $text;

    public static function rewrite_code_blocks($md)
        $started = false;
        $inner = false;
        $mode = false;
        $end = false;
        $debug = false;

        $lines = preg_split('/\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/', $md);
        $output = array();

        foreach ($lines as $i => $line) {
            if ($debug) {
                var_dump('Line '. ($i + 1) . ' '. $line);

            // if line just contains whitespace, continue down the page.
            // Prevents code blocks with leading tabs adding an extra line.
            if (preg_match('/^\s$/', $line) && !$started) {

            if (!$started && preg_match('/^[\t]*:::\s*(.*)/', $line, $matches)) {
                // first line with custom formatting
                if ($debug) {
                    var_dump('Starts a new block with :::');

                $started = true;
                $mode = self::CODE_BLOCK_COLON;

                $output[$i] = sprintf('```%s', (isset($matches[1])) ? trim($matches[1]) : "");
            } elseif (!$started && preg_match('/^\t*```\s*(.*)/', $line, $matches)) {
                if ($debug) {
                    var_dump('Starts a new block with ```');

                $started = true;
                $mode = self::CODE_BLOCK_BACKTICK;

                $output[$i] = sprintf('```%s', (isset($matches[1])) ? trim($matches[1]) : "");
            } elseif ($started && $mode == self::CODE_BLOCK_BACKTICK) {
                // inside a backtick fenced box
                if (preg_match('/^\t*```\s*/', $line, $matches)) {
                    if ($debug) {
                        var_dump('End a block with ```');

                    // end of the backtick fenced box. Unset the line that contains the backticks
                    $end = true;
                } else {
                    if ($debug) {
                        var_dump('Still in a block with ```');

                    // still inside the line.
                    if (!$started) {
                        $output[$i - 1] = '```';

                    $output[$i] = $line;
                    $inner = true;
            } elseif (preg_match('/^[\ ]{0,3}?[\t](.*)/', $line, $matches)) {

                // inner line of block, or first line of standard markdown code block
                // regex removes first tab (any following tabs are part of the code).
                if (!$started) {
                    if ($debug) {
                        var_dump('Start code block because of tab. No fence');

                    $output[$i - 1] = '```';
                } else {
                    if ($debug) {
                        var_dump('Content is still tabbed so still inner');

                $output[$i] = $matches[1];
                $inner = true;
                $started = true;
            } elseif ($started && $inner && trim($line) === "") {
                if ($debug) {
                    var_dump('Inner line of code block');

                // still inside a colon based block, if the line is only whitespace
                // then continue with  with it. We can continue with it for now as
                // it'll be tidied up later in the $end section.
                $inner = true;
                $output[$i] = $line;
            } elseif ($started && $inner) {
                // line contains something other than whitespace, or tabbed. E.g
                // 	> code
                //	> \n
                //	> some message
                // So actually want to reset $i to the line before this new line
                // and include this line. The edge case where this will fail is
                // new the following segment contains a code block as well as it
                // will not open.
                if ($debug) {
                    var_dump('Contains something that isnt code. So end the code.');

                $end = true;
                $output[$i] = $line;
                $i = $i - 1;
            } else {
                $output[$i] = $line;

            if ($end) {
                if ($debug) {
                    var_dump('End of code block');
                $output = self::finalize_code_output($i, $output);

                // reset state
                $started = $inner = $mode = $end = false;

        if ($started) {
            $output = self::finalize_code_output($i+1, $output);

        return implode("\n", $output);

     * Adds the closing code backticks. Removes trailing whitespace.
     * @param int
     * @param array
     * @return array
    private static function finalize_code_output($i, $output)
        if (isset($output[$i]) && trim($output[$i])) {
            $output[$i] .= "\n```\n";
        } else {
            $output[$i] = "```";

        return $output;

    public static function rewrite_image_links($md, $page)
        // Links with titles
        $re = '/
				(.*?) # image title (non greedy)
				(.*?) # image url (non greedy)
        preg_match_all($re, $md, $images);

        if ($images) {
            foreach ($images[0] as $i => $match) {
                $title = $images[1][$i];
                $url = $images[2][$i];

                // Don't process absolute links (based on protocol detection)
                $urlParts = parse_url($url);

                if ($urlParts && isset($urlParts['scheme'])) {

                // Rewrite URL (relative or absolute)
                $baselink = DocumentationHelper::relativePath(

                // if the image starts with a slash, it's absolute
                if (substr($url, 0, 1) == '/') {
                    $relativeUrl = DocumentationHelper::normalizePath(
                            BASE_PATH, '', Controller::join_links(
                } else {
                    $relativeUrl = rtrim($baselink, '/') . '/' . ltrim($url, '/');

                // Resolve relative paths
                while (strpos($relativeUrl, '/..') !== false) {
                    $relativeUrl = preg_replace('/\w+\/\.\.\//', '', $relativeUrl);

                // Make it absolute again
                $absoluteUrl = Controller::join_links(

                // Replace any double slashes (apart from protocol)
                //				$absoluteUrl = preg_replace('/([^:])\/{2,}/', '$1/', $absoluteUrl);

                // Replace in original content
                $md = str_replace(
                    sprintf('![%s](%s)', $title, $absoluteUrl),

        return $md;

     * Rewrite links with special "api:" prefix to html as in the following example:
     * (1) [api:DataObject] gets re-written to
     *     <a href="https://api.silverstripe.org/search/lookup/?q=DataObject&version=2.4&module=framework">DataObject</a>
     * (2) [api:DataObject::$defaults] gets re-written to
     *     <a href="https://api.silverstripe.org/search/lookup/?q=DataObject::$defaults&version=2.4&module=framework">DataObject::$defaults</a>
     * (3) [api:DataObject::populateDefaults()] gets re-written to
     *     <a href="https://api.silverstripe.org/search/lookup/?q=DataObject::populateDefaults()&version=2.4&module=framework">DataObject::$defaults</a>
     * (4) [Title](api:DataObject) gets re-written to
     *     <a href="https://api.silverstripe.org/search/lookup/?q=DataObject&version=2.4&module=framework">Title</a>
     * (5) [Title](api:DataObject::$defaults) gets re-written to
     *     <a href="https://api.silverstripe.org/search/lookup/?q=DataObject::$defaults&version=2.4&module=framework">Title</a>
     * (6) [Title](api:DataObject->populateDefaults()) gets re-written to
     *     <a href="https://api.silverstripe.org/search/lookup/?q=DataObject::populateDefaults()&version=2.4&module=framework">Title</a>
     * The above api links can be enclosed in backticks.
     * The markdown parser gets confused by the extra pair of parentheses in links of the form [DataObject](api:DataObject::populateDefaults()) so
     * all links are re-written as html markup instead of markdown [Title](url). This also prevents other markdown parsing problems.
     * @param  String            $markdown
     * @param  DocumentationPage $doc_page
     * @return String
    public static function rewrite_api_links($markdown, $doc_page)

        $version = $doc_page->getVersion();
        $module = $doc_page->getEntity()->getKey();

        // define regexs of the api links to be parsed (note: do not include backticks)
        $regexs = array(
            'title_and_method' => '# \[ ([^\]]*) \] \( api: ([^\)]*\(\)) \) #x',    // title_and_method  = (6) (must be first)
            'title_remaining'  => '# \[ ([^\]]*) \] \( api: ([^\)]*) \) #x',        // title_and_remaining = (4) and (5)
            'no_title'         => '# \[ api: ([^\]]*) \] #x'                        // no_title = (1),(2) and (3)

        // define output format for parsing api links without backticks into html
        $html_format = '<a href="http://api.silverstripe.org/search/lookup/?q=%s&version=%s&module=%s">%s</a>';

        // parse api links without backticks into html
        foreach($regexs as $type => $regex) {
            preg_match_all($regex, $markdown, $links);
            if($links) {
                foreach($links[0] as $i => $match) {
                    if($type === 'no_title') {
                        $title = $links[1][$i];
                        $link = $links[1][$i];
                        // change backticked links to avoid being parsed in the same way as non-backticked links
                        $markdown = str_replace('`'.$match.'`', 'XYZ'.$link.'XYZ', $markdown);
                    } else {
                        $title = $links[1][$i];
                        $link = $links[2][$i];
                        // change backticked links to avoid being parsed in the same way as non-backticked links
                        $markdown = str_replace('`'.$match.'`', 'XX'.$title.'YY'.$link.'ZZ', $markdown);
                    $html = sprintf($html_format, $link, $version, $module, $title);
                    $markdown = str_replace($match, $html, $markdown);

        // recover backticked links with no titles
        preg_match_all('#XYZ(.*)?XYZ#', $markdown, $links);
        if($links) {
            foreach($links[0] as $i => $match) {
                $link = $links[1][$i];
                $markdown = str_replace($match, '`[api:'.$link.']`', $markdown);

        // recover backticked links with titles
        preg_match_all('#XX(.*)?YY(.*)?ZZ#', $markdown, $links);
        if($links) {
            foreach($links[0] as $i => $match) {
                $title = $links[1][$i];
                $link = $links[2][$i];
                $markdown = str_replace($match, '`['.$title.'](api:'.$link.')`', $markdown);

        return $markdown;


    public static function rewrite_heading_anchors($md, $page)
        $re = '/^\#+(.*)/m';
        $md = preg_replace_callback($re, array('DocumentationParser', '_rewrite_heading_anchors_callback'), $md);

        return $md;

    public static function _rewrite_heading_anchors_callback($matches)
        $heading = $matches[0];
        $headingText = $matches[1];

        if (preg_match('/\{\#.*\}/', $headingText)) {
            return $heading;

        if (!isset(self::$heading_counts[$headingText])) {
            self::$heading_counts[$headingText] = 1;
        } else {
            $headingText .= "-" . self::$heading_counts[$headingText];

        return sprintf("%s {#%s}", preg_replace('/\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/', '', $heading), self::generate_html_id($headingText));

     * Generate an html element id from a string
     * @return String
    public static function generate_html_id($title)
        $t = $title;
        $t = str_replace('&amp;', '-and-', $t);
        $t = str_replace('&', '-and-', $t);
        $t = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/', '-', $t);
        $t = preg_replace('/-+/', '-', $t);
        $t = trim($t, '-');
        $t = strtolower($t);

        return $t;

     * Resolves all relative links within markdown.
     * @param String            $md   Markdown content
     * @param DocumentationPage $page
     * @return String Markdown
    public static function rewrite_relative_links($md, $page)
        $baselink = $page->getEntity()->Link();

        $re = '/
			([^\!]?) # exclude image format
				(.*?) # link title (non greedy)
				(.*?) # link url (non greedy)
        preg_match_all($re, $md, $matches);

        // relative path (relative to module base folder), without the filename.
        // For "sapphire/en/current/topics/templates", this would be "templates"
        $relativePath = DocumentationHelper::normalizePath(dirname($page->getRelativePath()));

        if (strpos($page->getRelativePath(), 'index.md')) {
            $relativeLink = $page->getRelativeLink();
        } else {
            $relativeLink = DocumentationHelper::normalizePath(dirname($page->getRelativeLink()));

        if ($relativePath == '.') {
            $relativePath = '';

        if ($relativeLink == ".") {
            $relativeLink = '';

        // file base link
        $fileBaseLink = DocumentationHelper::relativePath(DocumentationHelper::normalizePath(dirname($page->getPath())));

        if ($matches) {
            foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $match) {
                $title = $matches[2][$i];
                $url = $matches[3][$i];

                // Don't process API links
                if (preg_match('/^api:/', $url)) {

                // Don't process absolute links (based on protocol detection)
                $urlParts = parse_url($url);
                if ($urlParts && isset($urlParts['scheme'])) {

                // for images we need to use the file base path
                if (preg_match('/_images/', $url)) {
                    $relativeUrl = Controller::join_links(
                } else if (preg_match('/^#/', $url)) {
                    // for relative links begining with a hash use the current page link
                    $relativeUrl = Controller::join_links($baselink, $page->getRelativeLink(), $url);
                } else {
                    // Rewrite public URL
                    if (preg_match('/^\//', $url)) {
                        // Absolute: Only path to module base
                        $relativeUrl = Controller::join_links($baselink, $url, '/');
                    } else {
                        // Relative: Include path to module base and any folders
                        $relativeUrl = Controller::join_links($baselink, $relativeLink, $url, '/');

                // Resolve relative paths
                while (strpos($relativeUrl, '..') !== false) {
                    $relativeUrl = preg_replace('/[-\w]+\/\.\.\//', '', $relativeUrl);

                // Replace any double slashes (apart from protocol)
                $relativeUrl = preg_replace('/([^:])\/{2,}/', '$1/', $relativeUrl);

                // Replace in original content
                $md = str_replace(
                    sprintf('%s[%s](%s)', $matches[1][$i], $title, $relativeUrl),

        return $md;
