<?php /** * A wrapper for a documentation entity which is created when registering the * path with {@link DocumentationService::register()}. This refers to a whole package * rather than a specific page but if we need page options we may need to introduce * a class for that. * * Each folder must have at least one language subfolder, which is automatically * determined through {@link addVersion()} and should not be included in the $path argument. * * Versions are assumed to be in numeric format (e.g. '2.4'), * mainly as an easy way to distinguish them from language codes in the routing logic. * They're also parsed through version_compare() in {@link getCurrentVersion()} which assumes a certain format. * * @package sapphiredocs */ class DocumentationEntity extends ViewableData { static $casting = array( 'Name' => 'Text' ); /** * @var String $module folder name */ private $moduleFolder; /** * @var String $title nice title */ private $title; /** * @var Array $version version numbers and the paths to each */ private $versions = array(); /** * @var Array */ private $currentVersion; /** * @var Array $langs a list of available langauges */ private $langs = array(); /** * Constructor. You do not need to pass the langs to this as * it will work out the languages from the filesystem * * @param String $module name of module * @param String $version version of this module * @param String $path Absolute path to this module (excluding language folders) */ function __construct($module, $version = '', $path, $title = false) { $this->addVersion($version, $path); $this->title = (!$title) ? $this->module : $title; $this->moduleFolder = $module; } /** * Return the languages which are available * * @return Array */ public function getLanguages() { return $this->langs; } /** * Return whether this entity has a given language * * @return bool */ public function hasLanguage($lang) { return (in_array($lang, $this->langs)); } /** * Add a langauge or languages to the entity * * @param Array|String languages */ public function addLanguage($language) { if(is_array($language)) { $this->langs = array_unique(array_merge($this->langs, $language)); } else { $this->langs[] = $language; } } /** * Get the folder name of this module * * @return String */ public function getModuleFolder() { return $this->moduleFolder; } /** * Get the title of this module * * @return String */ public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } /** * Return the versions which are available * * @return Array */ public function getVersions() { return array_keys($this->versions); } /** * @return String|Boolean */ public function getCurrentVersion() { if(!$this->hasVersions()) return false; if($this->currentVersion) { return $this->currentVersion; } else { $sortedVersions = $this->getVersions(); usort($sortedVersions, create_function('$a,$b', 'return version_compare($a,$b);')); return array_pop($sortedVersions); } } /** * @param String $version */ public function setCurrentVersion($version) { if(!$this->hasVersion($version)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Version "%s" does not exist', $version)); $this->currentVersion = $version; } /** * Return whether we have a given version of this entity * * @return bool */ public function hasVersion($version) { return (isset($this->versions[$version])); } /** * Return whether we have any versions at all0 * * @return bool */ public function hasVersions() { return (sizeof($this->versions) > 0); } /** * Add another version to this entity * * @param Float $version Version number * @param String $path path to folder * @param Boolean $current */ public function addVersion($version = '', $path, $current = false) { // determine the langs in this path $langs = scandir($path); $available = array(); if($langs) { foreach($langs as $key => $lang) { if(!is_dir($path . $lang) || strlen($lang) > 2 || in_array($lang, DocumentationService::get_ignored_files(), true)) $lang = 'en'; if(!in_array($lang, $available)) $available[] = $lang; } } $this->addLanguage($available); $this->versions[$version] = $path; if($current) $this->setCurrentVersion($version); } /** * Remove a version from this entity * * @param Float $version */ public function removeVersion($version = '') { if(isset($this->versions[$version])) { unset($this->versions[$version]); } } /** * Return the absolute path to this documentation entity. * * @return String */ public function getPath($version = false, $lang = false) { if(!$version) $version = ''; if(!$lang) $lang = 'en'; // Get version, or fall back to first available if($this->hasVersion($version)) { $path = $this->versions[$version]; } else { $versions = $this->getVersions(); $path = $this->versions[$versions[0]]; } return rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . rtrim($lang, '/') .'/'; } function __toString() { return sprintf('DocumentationEntity: %s)', $this->getPath()); } }