Ingo Schommer d95af01fbb Delete fixtures BEFORE test teardown, avoid problems with shutdown registrations
We've had some custom code register shutdown methods for reindexing.
This code is triggered on delete() amongst other actions.
It's conditional on SapphireTest::is_running_tests() which is
unset in SapphireTest->tearDown(), so we have to place any
delete operations before that.
2013-01-09 23:54:35 +01:00

95 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File

class DMSVersioningTest extends SapphireTest {
static $testFile = 'dms/tests/DMS-test-lorum-file.pdf';
static $testFile2 = 'dms/tests/DMS-test-document-2.pdf';
//store values to reset back to after this test runs
static $dmsFolderOld;
static $dmsFolderSizeOld;
static $dmsEnableVersionsOld;
function setUp() {
self::$dmsFolderOld = DMS::$dmsFolder;
self::$dmsFolderSizeOld = DMS::$dmsFolderSize;
self::$dmsEnableVersionsOld = DMSDocument_versions::$enable_versions;
DMSDocument_versions::$enable_versions = true;
//use a test DMS folder, so we don't overwrite the live one
DMS::$dmsFolder = 'dms-assets-test-versions';
//clear out the test folder (in case a broken test doesn't delete it)
$this->delete(BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'dms-assets-test-versions');
function tearDown() {
$d = DataObject::get("DMSDocument");
foreach($d as $d1) {
$t = DataObject::get("DMSTag");
foreach($t as $t1) {
//delete the test folder after the test runs
$this->delete(BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'dms-assets-test-versions');
//set the old DMS folder back again
DMS::$dmsFolder = self::$dmsFolderOld;
DMS::$dmsFolderSize = self::$dmsFolderSizeOld;
DMSDocument_versions::$enable_versions = self::$dmsEnableVersionsOld;
public function delete($path) {
if (file_exists($path) || is_dir($path)) {
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path),
foreach ($it as $file) {
if (in_array($file->getBasename(), array('.', '..'))) {
} elseif ($file->isDir()) {
} elseif ($file->isFile() || $file->isLink()) {
function testDMSVersionStorage() {
$dms = DMS::inst();
$document = $dms->storeDocument(self::$testFile);
$this->assertNotNull($document, "Document object created");
$this->assertTrue(file_exists(DMS::get_dms_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $document->Folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $document->Filename),"Document file copied into DMS folder");
$versionsList = $document->getVersions();
$this->assertEquals(4, $versionsList->Count(),"4 Versions created");
$versionsArray = $versionsList->toArray();
$this->assertEquals($versionsArray[0]->VersionCounter, 1,"Correct version count");
$this->assertEquals($versionsArray[1]->VersionCounter, 2,"Correct version count");
$this->assertEquals($versionsArray[2]->VersionCounter, 3,"Correct version count");
$this->assertEquals($versionsArray[3]->VersionCounter, 4,"Correct version count");