Ingo Schommer d207e8af34 MINOR Manually marking test run in DMSDocumentTest to avoid triggering solr reindex
Should really be handled by SapphireTest, tearDownOnce()
is technically still part of the test run, but this
is a quick enough fix
2012-11-01 12:42:21 +01:00

142 lines
4.4 KiB

class DMSTest extends FunctionalTest {
static $testFile = 'dms/tests/DMS-test-lorum-file.pdf';
static $testFile2 = 'dms/tests/DMS-test-document-2.pdf';
//store values to reset back to after this test runs
static $dmsFolderOld;
static $dmsFolderSizeOld;
function setUp() {
self::$dmsFolderOld = DMS::$dmsFolder;
self::$dmsFolderSizeOld = DMS::$dmsFolderSize;
//use a test DMS folder, so we don't overwrite the live one
DMS::$dmsFolder = 'dms-assets-test-1234';
//clear out the test folder (in case a broken test doesn't delete it)
$this->delete(BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'dms-assets-test-1234');
function tearDown() {
self::$is_running_test = true;
$d = DataObject::get("DMSDocument");
foreach($d as $d1) {
$t = DataObject::get("DMSTag");
foreach($t as $t1) {
//delete the test folder after the test runs
$this->delete(BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'dms-assets-test-1234');
//set the old DMS folder back again
DMS::$dmsFolder = self::$dmsFolderOld;
DMS::$dmsFolderSize = self::$dmsFolderSizeOld;
self::$is_running_test = $this->originalIsRunningTest;
public function delete($path) {
if (file_exists($path) || is_dir($path)) {
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path),
foreach ($it as $file) {
if (in_array($file->getBasename(), array('.', '..'))) {
} elseif ($file->isDir()) {
} elseif ($file->isFile() || $file->isLink()) {
function testDMSStorage() {
$dms = DMS::inst();
$file = self::$testFile;
$document = $dms->storeDocument($file);
$this->assertNotNull($document, "Document object created");
$this->assertTrue(file_exists(DMS::get_dms_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $document->Folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $document->Filename),"Document file copied into DMS folder");
//$title = $document->getTag('title');
function testDMSFolderSpanning() {
DMS::$dmsFolderSize = 5;
$dms = DMS::inst();
$file = self::$testFile;
$documents = array();
for($i = 0; $i <= 16; $i++) {
$document = $dms->storeDocument($file);
$this->assertNotNull($document, "Document object created on run number: $i");
$documents[] = $document;
//test document objects have their folders set
$folders = array();
for($i = 0; $i <= 16; $i++) {
$folderName = $documents[$i]->Folder;
$this->assertTrue(strpos($documents[$i]->getFullPath(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folderName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false, "Correct folder name for the documents. Document path contains reference to folder name '$folderName'");
$folders[] = $folderName;
//test we created 4 folder to contain the 17 files
foreach($folders as $f) {
$this->assertTrue(is_dir(DMS::get_dms_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f),"Document folder '$f' exists");
function testReplaceDocument() {
$dms = DMS::inst();
//store the first document
$document = $dms->storeDocument(self::$testFile);
$document->Title = "My custom title";
$document->Description = "My custom description";
//then overwrite with a second document
$document = $document->replaceDocument(self::$testFile2);
$this->assertNotNull($document, "Document object created");
$this->assertTrue(file_exists(DMS::get_dms_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $document->Folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $document->Filename),"Document file copied into DMS folder");
$this->assertContains("DMS-test-document-2",$document->Filename, "Original document filename is contain in the new filename");
$this->assertEquals("My custom title", $document->Title , "Custom title not modified");
$this->assertEquals("My custom description", $document->Description, "Custom description not modified");
function testDownloadDocument() {
// $dms = DMS::inst();
// //store the first document
// $document = $dms->storeDocument(self::$testFile);
// $link = $document->getLink();
// Debug::Show($link);
// $d=new DMSDocument_Controller();
// $response = $d->index(new SS_HTTPRequest('GET',$link,array("ID"=>$document->ID)));
// //$response = $this->get($link);
// Debug::show($response);