Ingo Schommer d207e8af34 MINOR Manually marking test run in DMSDocumentTest to avoid triggering solr reindex
Should really be handled by SapphireTest, tearDownOnce()
is technically still part of the test run, but this
is a quick enough fix
2012-11-01 12:42:21 +01:00

118 lines
3.6 KiB

class DMSTagTest extends SapphireTest {
function tearDownOnce() {
self::$is_running_test = true;
$d = DataObject::get("DMSDocument");
foreach($d as $d1) {
$t = DataObject::get("DMSTag");
foreach($t as $t1) {
self::$is_running_test = $this->originalIsRunningTest;
function testAddingTags() {
$doc = new DMSDocument();
$doc->Filename = "test file";
$doc->Folder = "0";
$fruits = $doc->getTagsList("fruit");
$this->assertNotNull($fruits,"Something returned for fruit tags");
$this->assertEquals(count($fruits),3,"3 fruit tags returned");
$this->assertTrue(in_array("banana",$fruits),"correct fruit tags returned");
//sneakily create another document and link one of the tags to that, too
$doc2 = new DMSDocument();
$doc2->Filename = "sneaky file";
$doc2->Folder = "0";
$fruits = $doc2->getTagsList("fruit");
$this->assertNotNull($fruits,"Something returned for fruit tags");
$this->assertEquals(count($fruits),1,"Only 1 fruit tags returned");
//tidy up by deleting all tags from doc 1 (But the banana fruit tag should remain)
//banana fruit remains
$fruits = $doc2->getTagsList("fruit");
$this->assertNotNull($fruits,"Something returned for fruit tags");
$this->assertEquals(count($fruits),1,"Only 1 fruit tags returned");
$tags = DataObject::get("DMSTag");
$this->assertEquals($tags->Count(),1,"A single DMS tag objects remain after deletion of all tags on doc1");
//delete all tags off doc2 to complete the tidy up
$tags = DataObject::get("DMSTag");
$this->assertEquals($tags->Count(),0,"No DMS tag objects remain after deletion");
function testRemovingTags() {
$doc = new DMSDocument();
$doc->Filename = "test file";
$doc->Folder = "0";
$companies = $doc->getTagsList("company");
$this->assertNotNull($companies,"Companies returned before deletion");
$this->assertEquals(count($companies),2,"Two companies returned before deletion");
//delete an entire category
$companies = $doc->getTagsList("company");
$this->assertNull($companies,"All companies deleted");
$fruit = $doc->getTagsList("fruit");
$this->assertEquals(count($fruit),3,"Three fruits returned before deletion");
//delete a single tag
$fruit = $doc->getTagsList("fruit");
$this->assertEquals(count($fruit),2,"Two fruits returned after deleting one");
//delete a single tag
$fruit = $doc->getTagsList("fruit");
$this->assertEquals(count($fruit),1,"One fruits returned after deleting two");
//nothing happens when deleting tag that doesn't exist
$fruit = $doc->getTagsList("fruit");
$this->assertEquals(count($fruit),1,"One fruits returned after attempting to delete non-existent fruit");
//delete the last fruit
$fruit = $doc->getTagsList("fruit");
$this->assertNull($fruit,"All fruits deleted");
$tags = DataObject::get("DMSTag");
$this->assertEquals($tags->Count(),0,"No DMS tag objects remain after deletion");