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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:56 +00:00
Instead of relying on JavaScript requirements blocking, configure a more specific template name to use in certain situations. We can't control JS files loaded by the browser already by previous requests, so Requirements blocking does not override the template in all cases, creating execution-path specific edge cases (like showing "save to refresh" messages in the background of a "add document" upload success)
195 lines
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195 lines
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* Field for uploading files into a DMSDocument. Replacing the existing file.
* Not ideally suited for the purpose, as the base implementation
* assumes to operate on a {@link File} record. We only use this as
* a temporary container, which gets deleted as soon as the actual
* {@link DMSDocument} is created.
* <b>NOTE: this Field will call write() on the supplied record</b>
* @author Julian Seidenberg
* @package dms
class DMSUploadField extends UploadField {
protected $folderName = 'DMSTemporaryUploads';
public function __construct($name, $title = null, SS_List $items = null) {
parent::__construct($name, $title, $items);
//set default DMS replace template to false
$this->setConfig('useDMSReplaceTemplate', 0);
* Override the default behaviour of the UploadField and take the uploaded file (uploaded to assets) and
* add it into the DMS storage, deleting the old/uploaded file.
* @param File
protected function attachFile($file) {
$dms = DMS::inst();
$record = $this->getRecord();
if($record instanceof DMSDocument) {
// If the edited record is a document,
// assume we're replacing an existing file
$doc = $record;
} else {
// Otherwise create it
$doc = $dms->storeDocument($file);
// Relate to the underlying page being edited.
// Not applicable when editing the document itself and replacing it.
return $doc;
public function validate($validator) {
return true;
* Action to handle upload of a single file
* @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
* @return string json
public function upload(SS_HTTPRequest $request) {
if($this->isDisabled() || $this->isReadonly()) return $this->httpError(403);
// Protect against CSRF on destructive action
$token = $this->getForm()->getSecurityToken();
if(!$token->checkRequest($request)) return $this->httpError(400);
$name = $this->getName();
$tmpfile = $request->postVar($name);
$record = $this->getRecord();
// Check if the file has been uploaded into the temporary storage.
if (!$tmpfile) {
$return = array('error' => _t('UploadField.FIELDNOTSET', 'File information not found'));
} else {
$return = array(
'name' => $tmpfile['name'],
'size' => $tmpfile['size'],
'type' => $tmpfile['type'],
'error' => $tmpfile['error']
// Check for constraints on the record to which the file will be attached.
if (!$return['error'] && $this->relationAutoSetting && $record && $record->exists()) {
$tooManyFiles = false;
// Some relationships allow many files to be attached.
if ($this->getConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber') && ($record->has_many($name) || $record->many_many($name))) {
if(!$record->isInDB()) $record->write();
$tooManyFiles = $record->{$name}()->count() >= $this->getConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber');
// has_one only allows one file at any given time.
} elseif($record->has_one($name)) {
$tooManyFiles = $record->{$name}() && $record->{$name}()->exists();
// Report the constraint violation.
if ($tooManyFiles) {
if(!$this->getConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber')) $this->setConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber', 1);
$return['error'] = _t(
'Max number of {count} file(s) exceeded.',
array('count' => $this->getConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber'))
// Process the uploaded file
if (!$return['error']) {
$fileObject = null;
if ($this->relationAutoSetting) {
// Search for relations that can hold the uploaded files.
if ($relationClass = $this->getRelationAutosetClass()) {
// Create new object explicitly. Otherwise rely on Upload::load to choose the class.
$fileObject = Object::create($relationClass);
// Get the uploaded file into a new file object.
try {
$this->upload->loadIntoFile($tmpfile, $fileObject, $this->folderName);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// we shouldn't get an error here, but just in case
$return['error'] = $e->getMessage();
if (!$return['error']) {
if ($this->upload->isError()) {
$return['error'] = implode(' '.PHP_EOL, $this->upload->getErrors());
} else {
$file = $this->upload->getFile();
// CUSTOM Attach the file to the related record.
$document = $this->attachFile($file);
// Collect all output data.
$return = array_merge($return, array(
'id' => $document->ID,
'name' => $document->getTitle(),
'thumbnail_url' => $document->Icon($document->getExtension()),
'edit_url' => $this->getItemHandler($document->ID)->EditLink(),
'size' => $document->getFileSizeFormatted(),
'buttons' => $document->renderWith($this->getTemplateFileButtons()),
'showeditform' => true
$response = new SS_HTTPResponse(Convert::raw2json(array($return)));
$response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
return $response;
* Never directly display items uploaded
* @return SS_List
public function getItems() {
return new ArrayList();
public function Field($properties = array()) {
$fields = parent::Field($properties);
// Replace the download template with a new one only when access the upload field through a GridField.
// Needs to be enabled through setConfig('downloadTemplateName', 'ss-dmsuploadfield-downloadtemplate');
// In the add dialog, add the addtemplate into the set of file that load.
return $fields;
* @param int $itemID
* @return UploadField_ItemHandler
public function getItemHandler($itemID) {
return DMSUploadField_ItemHandler::create($this, $itemID);
class DMSUploadField_ItemHandler extends UploadField_ItemHandler {
function getItem() {
return DataObject::get_by_id('DMSDocument', $this->itemID);