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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:56 +00:00
- Remove unimplemented getAllTags() - Add .DS_Store as ignored file - Add gridfieldextensions as a declared dependancy.
257 lines
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257 lines
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* DataObject to store versions of uploaded Documents.
* Versions are only created when replacing a document, not on every save of the
* DMSDocument dataobject. So, versions store the various versions of the
* underlying Document, not the DataObject with information about that object.
* @package dms
class DMSDocument_versions extends DataObject {
* @var bool $enable_versions Flag that turns on or off versions of
* documents when replacing them
public static $enable_versions = true;
private static $db = array(
'VersionCounter' => 'Int',
'VersionViewCount' => 'Int'
private static $has_one = array(
'Document' => 'DMSDocument'
private static $defaults = array(
'VersionCounter' => 0
private static $display_fields = array(
'VersionCounter' => 'Version Counter',
'FilenameWithoutID' => 'Filename',
'LastChanged' => 'Last Changed'
private static $summary_fields = array(
private static $field_labels = array(
private static $default_sort = array(
'LastChanged' => 'DESC'
* Creates a new version of a document by moving the current file and
* renaming it to the versioned filename.
* This method assumes that the method calling this is just about to upload
* a new file to replace the old file.
* @static
* @param DMSDocument $doc
* @return bool Success or failure
public static function create_version(DMSDocument $doc) {
$success = false;
$existingPath = $doc->getFullPath();
if (is_file($existingPath)) {
$docData = $doc->toMap();
$version = new DMSDocument_versions($docData); //create a copy of the current DMSDocument as a version
$previousVersionCounter = 0;
$newestExistingVersion = self::get_versions($doc)->sort(array('Created'=>'DESC','ID'=>'DESC'))->limit(1);
if ($newestExistingVersion && $newestExistingVersion->Count() > 0) {
$previousVersionCounter = $newestExistingVersion->first()->VersionCounter;
//change the filename field to a field containing the new soon-to-be versioned file
$version->VersionCounter = $previousVersionCounter + 1; //start versions at 1
$newFilename = $version->generateVersionedFilename($doc, $version->VersionCounter);
$version->Filename = $newFilename;
//add a relation back to the origin ID;
$version->DocumentID = $doc->ID;
$id = $version->write();
if (!empty($id)) {
rename($existingPath, $version->getFullPath());
$success = true;
return $success;
public function delete() {
$path = $this->getFullPath();
if (file_exists($path)) unlink($path);
* Returns a DataList of all previous Versions of a document (check the
* LastEdited date of each object to find the correct one).
* @static
* @param DMSDocument $doc
* @return DataList List of Document objects
static function get_versions(DMSDocument $doc) {
if (!DMSDocument_versions::$enable_versions) user_error("DMSDocument versions are disabled",E_USER_WARNING);
return DMSDocument_versions::get()->filter(array('DocumentID' => $doc->ID));
public function __construct($record = null, $isSingleton = false, $model = null) {
//check what the constructor was passed
$dmsObject = null;
if ($record && is_subclass_of($record,'DMSDocumentInterface')) {
$dmsObject = $record;
$record = null; //cancel the record creation to just create an empty object
//create the object
parent::__construct($record, $isSingleton, $model);
//copy the DMSDocument object, if passed into the constructor
if ($dmsObject) {
foreach(array_keys(DataObject::custom_database_fields($dmsObject->ClassName)) as $key) {
$this->$key = $dmsObject->$key;
* Returns a link to download this document from the DMS store.
* @return string
public function getLink() {
return Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL(),'dmsdocument/version'.$this->ID);
* Document versions are always hidden from outside viewing. Only admins can
* download them.
* @return bool
public function isHidden() {
return true;
* Returns the full filename of the document stored in this object. Can
* optionally specify which filename to use at the end.
* @param string
* @return string
public function getFullPath($filename = null) {
if (!$filename) $filename = $this->Filename;
return DMS::get_dms_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->Folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
* @return string
public function getFilenameWithoutID() {
$filenameParts = explode('~',$this->Filename);
$filename = array_pop($filenameParts);
return $filename;
* Creates a new filename for the current Document's file when replacing the
* current file with a new file.
* @param DMSDocument $filename The original filename
* @return string The new filename
protected function generateVersionedFilename(DMSDocument $doc, $versionCounter) {
$filename = $doc->Filename;
do {
$versionPaddingString = str_pad($versionCounter, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); //add leading zeros to make sorting accurate up to 10,000 documents
$newVersionFilename = preg_replace('/([0-9]+~)(.*?)/','$1~'.$versionPaddingString.'~$2',$filename);
if ($newVersionFilename == $filename || empty($newVersionFilename)) { //sanity check for crazy document names
user_error('Cannot generate new document filename for file: '.$filename,E_USER_ERROR);
$versionCounter++; //increase the counter for the next loop run, if necessary
} while(file_exists($this->getFullPath($newVersionFilename)));
return $newVersionFilename;
* Return the extension of the file associated with the document.
* @return string
public function getExtension() {
return strtolower(pathinfo($this->Filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
* @return string
public function getSize() {
$size = $this->getAbsoluteSize();
return ($size) ? File::format_size($size) : false;
* Return the size of the file associated with the document.
* @return string
public function getAbsoluteSize() {
return filesize($this->getFullPath());
* An alias to DMSDocument::getSize()
* @return string
public function getFileSizeFormatted() {
return $this->getSize();
* @return DMSDocument_versions
public function trackView() {
if ($this->ID > 0) {
$count = $this->VersionViewCount;
DB::query("UPDATE \"DMSDocument_versions\" SET \"VersionViewCount\"='$count' WHERE \"ID\"={$this->ID}");
return $this;
} |