getMockBuilder('MigrateToDocumentSetsTask') ->setMethods(array('isCli')) ->getMock(); $mock->expects($this->exactly(2)) ->method('isCli') ->will($this->returnValue($isCli)); ob_start(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $mock->output($line); } $result = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertSame($expected, $result); } /** * @return array[] */ public function outputProvider() { return array( array(true, 'Test' . PHP_EOL . 'Test line 2' . PHP_EOL), array(false, 'Test
Test line 2
') ); } /** * Ensure that providing an invalid action returns an error */ public function testShowErrorOnInvalidAction() { $result = $this->runTask(array('action' => 'coffeetime')); $this->assertContains('Error! Specified action is not valid.', $result); } /** * Test that default document sets can be created for those pages that don't have them already */ public function testCreateDefaultDocumentSets() { $this->fixtureOldRelations(); $result = $this->runTask(array('action' => 'create-default-document-set')); $this->assertContains('Finished', $result); // There are four pages in the fixture, but one of them already has a document set, so should be unchanged $this->assertContains('Default document set added: 3', $result); $this->assertContains('Skipped: already has a set: 1', $result); // Test that some of the relationship records were written correctly $this->assertCount(1, $firstPageSets = $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'one')->DocumentSets()); $this->assertSame('Default', $firstPageSets->first()->Title); $this->assertCount(1, $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'two')->DocumentSets()); // With dryrun enabled and being run the second time, nothing should be done $result = $this->runTask(array('action' => 'create-default-document-set', 'dryrun' => '1')); $this->assertContains('Skipped: already has a set: 4', $result); $this->assertContains('NOTE: Dryrun mode enabled', $result); } /** * Test that legacy ORM relationship maps are migrated to the new page -> document set -> document relationship */ public function testReassignDocumentsToFirstSet() { $this->fixtureOldRelations(); // Ensure default sets are created $this->runTask(array('action' => 'create-default-document-set')); // Dryrun check $result = $this->runTask(array('action' => 'reassign-documents', 'dryrun' => '1')); $this->assertContains('NOTE: Dryrun mode enabled', $result); $this->assertContains('Reassigned to document set: 3', $result); // Actual run $result = $this->runTask(array('action' => 'reassign-documents')); $this->assertNotContains('NOTE: Dryrun mode enabled', $result); $this->assertContains('Reassigned to document set: 3', $result); // Smoke ORM checks $this->assertCount(1, $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'one')->getAllDocuments()); $this->assertCount(1, $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'two')->getAllDocuments()); $this->assertCount(0, $this->objFromFixture('SiteTree', 'four')->getAllDocuments()); } /** * Centralises (slightly) logic for capturing direct output from the task * * @param array $getVars * @return string Task output */ protected function runTask(array $getVars) { $task = new MigrateToDocumentSetsTask; $request = new SS_HTTPRequest('GET', '/', $getVars); ob_start(); $task->run($request); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Set up the old many many relationship table from documents to pages */ protected function fixtureOldRelations() { if (!DB::get_schema()->hasTable('DMSDocument_Pages')) { DB::create_table('DMSDocument_Pages', array( 'DMSDocumentID' => 'int(11) null', 'SiteTreeID' => 'int(11) null' )); } $documentIds = $this->getFixtureFactory()->getIds('DMSDocument'); $pageIds = $this->getFixtureFactory()->getIds('SiteTree'); foreach (array('one', 'two', 'three') as $fixtureName) { $this->getFixtureFactory()->createRaw( 'DMSDocument_Pages', 'rln_' . $fixtureName, array('DMSDocumentID' => $documentIds[$fixtureName], 'SiteTreeID' => $pageIds[$fixtureName]) ); } } }