(function ($) { "use strict"; $.entwine('ss', function ($) { $('form.htmleditorfield-linkform input[name=LinkType]').entwine({ onchange: function (e) { this._super(e); var form = $('form.htmleditorfield-linkform'); var show = false; if (this.attr('value') === 'document') { if (this.is(':checked')) { show = true; } } // Hide or show the additional document link addition tool if (show) { form.find('.ss-add').show(); } else { form.find('.ss-add').hide(); } }, onadd: function (e) { this.change(); } }); $('form.htmleditorfield-linkform').entwine({ getShortcodeKey: function () { return this.find(':input[name=DMSShortcodeHandlerKey]').val(); }, insertLink: function () { var href, target = null; var checkedValue = this.find(':input[name=LinkType]:checked').val(); if (checkedValue === 'document') { href = '[' + this.getShortcodeKey() + ',id=' + this.find('.selected-document').data('document-id') + ']'; // Determine target if (this.find(':input[name=TargetBlank]').is(':checked')) { target = '_blank'; } var attributes = { href: href, target: target, class: 'documentLink', // Title is the text of the selected document title: this.find('.selected-document').text() }; this.modifySelection(function (ed) { ed.insertLink(attributes); }); this.updateFromEditor(); return false; } else { this._super(); } }, getCurrentLink: function () { var selectedEl = this.getSelection(), href = "", target = "", title = "", action = "insert", style_class = ""; var linkDataSource = null; if (selectedEl.length) { if (selectedEl.is('a')) { linkDataSource = selectedEl; } else { linkDataSource = selectedEl = selectedEl.parents('a:first'); } } if (linkDataSource && linkDataSource.length) { this.modifySelection(function (ed) { ed.selectNode(linkDataSource[0]); }); } // Is anchor not a link if (!linkDataSource.attr('href')) { linkDataSource = null; } if (linkDataSource) { href = linkDataSource.attr('href'); target = linkDataSource.attr('target'); title = linkDataSource.attr('title'); style_class = linkDataSource.attr('class'); href = this.getEditor().cleanLink(href, linkDataSource); action = "update"; } // Match a document or call the regular link handling if (href.match(new RegExp("/^\[" + this.getShortcodeKey() + "(\s*|%20|,)?id=([0-9]+)\]?$/", "i"))) { var returnArray = { LinkType: 'document', DocumentID: RegExp.$2, Description: title }; // Show the selected document $('.document-add-existing').selectdocument(returnArray.DocumentID,returnArray.Description); // Select the correct radio button $('form.htmleditorfield-linkform input[name=LinkType][value=document]').click(); return returnArray; } else { // Clear the selected document $('.document-add-existing').selectdocument(); $('form.htmleditorfield-linkform .ss-add.ss-upload').hide(); return this._super(); } } }); }); }(jQuery));