en: AssetAdmin: ALLOWEDEXTS: 'Allowed extensions' AssetTableField: CREATED: 'First uploaded' LASTCHANGED: 'Last replaced' LASTEDIT: 'Last changed' SIZE: 'File size' TYPE: 'File type' URL: URL DMSDocument: PLURALNAME: Documents RelatedPages: 'Related Pages' RelatedReferences: 'Related References' SINGULARNAME: Document Versions: Versions DOWNLOAD: "Download {title}" LASTCHANGED: "Last changed: {date}" DMSTag: PLURALNAME: 'D M S Tags' SINGULARNAME: 'D M S Tag' FileIFrameField: ATTACHONCESAVED2: 'Files can be attached once you have saved the record for the first time.' GridAction: DELETE_DESCRIPTION: Delete Delete: Delete UnlinkRelation: Unlink GridFieldAction_Delete: DeletePermissionsFailure: 'No delete permissions' UploadField: ATTACHFILE: 'Attach a file' DROPFILE: 'drop a file' FIELDNOTSET: 'File information not found' FROMCOMPUTER: 'From your computer' FROMCOMPUTERINFO: 'Upload from your computer' MAXNUMBEROFFILES: 'Max number of {count} file(s) exceeded.' DMSDocumentAddController: MENUTITLE: 'Edit Page' NODOCUMENTS: 'There are no documents attached to the selected page.' RELATEDDOCUMENTS: 'Related Documents' DMSDocument_versions: PLURALNAME: 'D M S Document_versionss' SINGULARNAME: 'D M S Document_versions'