"Varchar(255)", // eg. 3469~2011-energysaving-report.pdf "Folder" => "Varchar(255)", // eg. 0 "Title" => 'Varchar(1024)', // eg. "Energy Saving Report for Year 2011, New Zealand LandCorp" "Description" => 'Text', "ViewCount" => 'Int', "LastChanged" => 'SS_DateTime', //when this document's file was created or last replaced (small changes like updating title don't count) "EmbargoedIndefinitely" => 'Boolean(false)', "EmbargoedUntilPublished" => 'Boolean(false)', "EmbargoedUntilDate" => 'SS_DateTime', "ExpireAtDate" => 'SS_DateTime' ); static $many_many = array( 'Pages' => 'SiteTree', 'Tags' => 'DMSTag' ); static $many_many_extraFields = array( 'Pages' => array( 'DocumentSort' => 'Int' ), ); static $display_fields = array( 'ID'=>'ID', 'Title'=>'Title', 'FilenameWithoutID'=>'Filename', 'LastChanged'=>'LastChanged' ); static $singular_name = 'Document'; static $plural_name = 'Documents'; public function canView($member = null) { if($member == null) $member = Member::currentUser(); if($member->ID){ return true; } } public function canEdit($member = null) { return $this->canView(); } public function canCreate($member = null) { return $this->canView(); } public function canDelete($member = null) { return $this->canView(); } /** * Associates this document with a Page. This method does nothing if the association already exists. * This could be a simple wrapper around $myDoc->Pages()->add($myPage) to add a many_many relation * @param $pageObject Page object to associate this Document with * @return null */ function addPage($pageObject) { $this->Pages()->add($pageObject); DB::query("UPDATE \"DMSDocument_Pages\" SET \"DocumentSort\"=\"DocumentSort\"+1 WHERE \"SiteTreeID\" = $pageObject->ID"); } /** * Associates this DMSDocument with a set of Pages. This method loops through a set of page ids, and then associates this * DMSDocument with the individual Page with the each page id in the set * @abstract * @param $pageIDs array of page ids used for the page objects associate this DMSDocument with * @return null */ function addPages($pageIDs){ foreach($pageIDs as $id){ $pageObject = DataObject::get_by_id("SiteTree", $id); if($pageObject && $pageObject->exists()) { $this->addPage($pageObject); } } } /** * Removes the association between this Document and a Page. This method does nothing if the association does not exist. * @param $pageObject Page object to remove the association to * @return mixed */ function removePage($pageObject) { $this->Pages()->remove($pageObject); } function Pages() { $pages = $this->getManyManyComponents('Pages'); $this->extend('updatePages', $pages); return $pages; } /** * Returns a list of the Page objects associated with this Document * @return DataList */ function getPages() { return $this->Pages(); } /** * Removes all associated Pages from the DMSDocument * @return null */ function removeAllPages() { $this->Pages()->removeAll(); } /** * increase ViewCount by 1, without update any other record fields such as LastEdited */ function trackView(){ if ($this->ID > 0) { $count = $this->ViewCount + 1; DB::query("UPDATE \"DMSDocument\" SET \"ViewCount\"='$count' WHERE \"ID\"={$this->ID}"); } } /** * Adds a metadata tag to the Document. The tag has a category and a value. * Each category can have multiple values by default. So: addTag("fruit","banana") addTag("fruit", "apple") will add two items. * However, if the third parameter $multiValue is set to 'false', then all updates to a category only ever update a single value. So: * addTag("fruit","banana") addTag("fruit", "apple") would result in a single metadata tag: fruit->apple. * Can could be implemented as a key/value store table (although it is more like category/value, because the * same category can occur multiple times) * @param $category String of a metadata category to add (required) * @param $value String of a metadata value to add (required) * @param bool $multiValue Boolean that determines if the category is multi-value or single-value (optional) * @return null */ function addTag($category, $value, $multiValue = true) { if ($multiValue) { //check for a duplicate tag, don't add the duplicate $currentTag = $this->Tags()->filter(array('Category' => $category, 'Value' => $value)); if ($currentTag->Count() == 0) { //multi value tag $tag = new DMSTag(); $tag->Category = $category; $tag->Value = $value; $tag->MultiValue = true; $tag->write(); $tag->Documents()->add($this); } else { //add the relation between the tag and document foreach($currentTag as $tagObj) { $tagObj->Documents()->add($this); } } } else { //single value tag $currentTag = $this->Tags()->filter(array('Category' => $category)); $tag = null; if ($currentTag->Count() == 0) { //create the single-value tag $tag = new DMSTag(); $tag->Category = $category; $tag->Value = $value; $tag->MultiValue = false; $tag->write(); } else { //update the single value tag $tag = $currentTag->first(); $tag->Value = $value; $tag->MultiValue = false; $tag->write(); } //regardless of whether we created a new tag or are just updating an existing one, add the relation $tag->Documents()->add($this); } } protected function getTagsObjects($category, $value = null) { $valueFilter = array("Category" => $category); if (!empty($value)) $valueFilter['Value'] = $value; $tags = $this->Tags()->filter($valueFilter); return $tags; } /** * Fetches all tags associated with this DMSDocument within a given category. If a value is specified this method * tries to fetch that specific tag. * @abstract * @param $category String of the metadata category to get * @param null $value String of the value of the tag to get * @return array of Strings of all the tags or null if there is no match found */ function getTagsList($category, $value = null) { $tags = $this->getTagsObjects($category, $value); //convert DataList into array of Values $returnArray = null; if ($tags->Count() > 0) { $returnArray = array(); foreach($tags as $t) { $returnArray[] = $t->Value; } } return $returnArray; } /** * Removes a tag from the Document. If you only set a category, then all values in that category are deleted. * If you specify both a category and a value, then only that single category/value pair is deleted. * Nothing happens if the category or the value do not exist. * @param $category Category to remove (required) * @param null $value Value to remove (optional) * @return null */ function removeTag($category, $value = null) { $tags = $this->getTagsObjects($category, $value); if ($tags->Count() > 0) { foreach($tags as $t) { $documentList = $t->Documents(); //remove the relation between the tag and the document $documentList->remove($this); //delete the entire tag if it has no relations left if ($documentList->Count() == 0) $t->delete(); } } } /** * Deletes all tags associated with this Document. * @return null */ function removeAllTags() { $allTags = $this->Tags(); foreach($allTags as $tag) { $documentlist = $tag->Documents(); $documentlist->remove($this); if ($tag->Documents()->Count() == 0) $tag->delete(); } } /** * Returns a multi-dimensional array containing all Tags associated with this Document. The array has the * following structure: * $twoDimensionalArray = new array( * array('fruit','banana'), * array('fruit','apple') * ); * @return array Multi-dimensional array of tags */ function getAllTags() { // TODO: Implement getAllTags() method. } /** * Returns a link to download this document from the DMS store * @return String */ function getLink() { return Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL(),'dmsdocument/'.$this->ID); } /** * The dummy function for the {@see:getLink()} * RSSFeed need the data object to have a function called Link() */ function Link(){ return $this->getLink(); } /** * Hides the document, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called * (without specifying the $showEmbargoed = true parameter). This is similar to expire, except that this method * should be used to hide documents that have not yet gone live. * @return null */ function embargoIndefinitely($write = true) { $this->EmbargoedIndefinitely = true; if ($write) $this->write(); } /** * Hides the document until any page it is linked to is published * @return null */ function embargoUntilPublished($write = true) { $this->EmbargoedUntilPublished = true; if ($write) $this->write(); } /** * Returns if this is Document is embargoed or expired. * Also, returns if the document should be displayed on the front-end. Respecting the current reading mode * of the site and the embargo status. * I.e. if a document is embargoed until published, then it should still show up in draft mode. * @return bool True or False depending on whether this document is embargoed */ function isHidden() { $hidden = $this->isEmbargoed() || $this->isExpired(); $readingMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode(); if ($readingMode == "Stage.Stage" && $this->EmbargoedUntilPublished == true) $hidden = false; return $hidden; } /** * Returns if this is Document is embargoed. * @return bool True or False depending on whether this document is embargoed */ function isEmbargoed() { if (is_object($this->EmbargoedUntilDate)) $this->EmbargoedUntilDate = $this->EmbargoedUntilDate->Value; $embargoed = false; if ($this->EmbargoedIndefinitely) $embargoed = true; elseif ($this->EmbargoedUntilPublished) $embargoed = true; elseif (!empty($this->EmbargoedUntilDate) && SS_Datetime::now()->Value < $this->EmbargoedUntilDate) $embargoed = true; return $embargoed; } /** * Hides the document, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called. Automatically un-hides the * Document at a specific date. * @param $datetime String date time value when this Document should expire * @return null */ function embargoUntilDate($datetime, $write = true) { $this->EmbargoedUntilDate = DBField::create_field('SS_Datetime', $datetime)->Format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($write) $this->write(); } /** * Clears any previously set embargos, so the Document always shows up in all queries. * @return null */ function clearEmbargo($write = true) { $this->EmbargoedIndefinitely = false; $this->EmbargoedUntilPublished = false; $this->EmbargoedUntilDate = null; if ($write) $this->write(); } /** * Returns if this is Document is expired. * @return bool True or False depending on whether this document is expired */ function isExpired() { if (is_object($this->ExpireAtDate)) $this->ExpireAtDate = $this->ExpireAtDate->Value; $expired = false; if (!empty($this->ExpireAtDate) && SS_Datetime::now()->Value >= $this->ExpireAtDate) $expired = true; return $expired; } /** * Hides the document at a specific date, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called. * @param $datetime String date time value when this Document should expire * @return null */ function expireAtDate($datetime, $write = true) { $this->ExpireAtDate = DBField::create_field('SS_Datetime', $datetime)->Format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($write) $this->write(); } /** * Clears any previously set expiry. * @return null */ function clearExpiry($write = true) { $this->ExpireAtDate = null; if ($write) $this->write(); } /** * Returns a DataList of all previous Versions of this document (check the LastEdited date of each * object to find the correct one) * @return DataList List of Document objects */ function getVersions() { if (!DMSDocument_versions::$enable_versions) user_error("DMSDocument versions are disabled",E_USER_WARNING); return DMSDocument_versions::get_versions($this); } /** * Returns the full filename of the document stored in this object * @return string */ function getFullPath() { if($this->Filename) { return DMS::get_dms_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->Folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->Filename; } else { return false; } } /** * Deletes the DMSDocument, its underlying file, as well as any tags related to this DMSDocument. Also calls the * parent DataObject's delete method. */ function delete() { //remove tags $this->removeAllTags(); //delete the file (and previous versions of files) $filesToDelete = array(); $storageFolder = DMS::get_dms_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DMS::get_storage_folder($this->ID); if (file_exists($storageFolder)) { if ($handle = opendir($storageFolder)) { //Open directory //List files in the directory while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { //only delete if filename starts the the relevant ID if(strpos($entry,$this->ID.'~') === 0) $filesToDelete[] = $entry; } closedir($handle); //delete all this files that have the id of this document foreach($filesToDelete as $file) { $filePath = $storageFolder .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; if (is_file($filePath)) unlink($filePath); } } } $this->removeAllPages(); //get rid of any versions have saved for this DMSDocument, too if (DMSDocument_versions::$enable_versions) { $versions = $this->getVersions(); if ($versions->Count() > 0) { foreach($versions as $v) { $v->delete(); } } } //delete the dataobject parent::delete(); } /** * Relate an existing file on the filesystem to the document. * Copies the file to the new destination, as defined in {@link get_DMS_path()}. * * @param String Path to file, relative to webroot. */ function storeDocument($filePath) { if (empty($this->ID)) user_error("Document must be written to database before it can store documents",E_USER_ERROR); //calculate all the path to copy the file to $fromFilename = basename($filePath); $toFilename = $this->ID. '~' . $fromFilename; //add the docID to the start of the Filename $toFolder = DMS::get_storage_folder($this->ID); $toPath = DMS::get_dms_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $toFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $toFilename; DMS::create_storage_folder(DMS::get_dms_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $toFolder); //copy the file into place $fromPath = BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filePath; //version the existing file (copy it to a new "very specific" filename if (DMSDocument_versions::$enable_versions) { DMSDocument_versions::create_version($this); } else { //otherwise delete the old document file $oldPath = $this->getFullPath(); if (file_exists($oldPath)) unlink($oldPath); } copy($fromPath, $toPath); //this will overwrite the existing file (if present) //write the filename of the stored document $this->Filename = $toFilename; $this->Folder = $toFolder; $extension = pathinfo($this->Filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (empty($this->Title)) $this->Title = basename($filePath,'.'.$extension); //don't overwrite existing document titles $this->LastChanged = SS_Datetime::now()->Rfc2822(); $this->write(); return $this; } /** * Takes a File object or a String (path to a file) and copies it into the DMS, replacing the original document file * but keeping the rest of the document unchanged. * @param $file File object, or String that is path to a file to store * @return DMSDocumentInstance Document object that we replaced the file in */ function replaceDocument($file) { $filePath = DMS::transform_file_to_file_path($file); $doc = $this->storeDocument($filePath); //replace the document return $doc; } /** * Return the type of file for the given extension * on the current file name. * * @return string */ static function get_file_type($ext) { $types = array( 'gif' => 'GIF image - good for diagrams', 'jpg' => 'JPEG image - good for photos', 'jpeg' => 'JPEG image - good for photos', 'png' => 'PNG image - good general-purpose format', 'ico' => 'Icon image', 'tiff' => 'Tagged image format', 'doc' => 'Word document', 'xls' => 'Excel spreadsheet', 'zip' => 'ZIP compressed file', 'gz' => 'GZIP compressed file', 'dmg' => 'Apple disk image', 'pdf' => 'Adobe Acrobat PDF file', 'mp3' => 'MP3 audio file', 'wav' => 'WAV audo file', 'avi' => 'AVI video file', 'mpg' => 'MPEG video file', 'mpeg' => 'MPEG video file', 'js' => 'Javascript file', 'css' => 'CSS file', 'html' => 'HTML file', 'htm' => 'HTML file' ); return isset($types[$ext]) ? $types[$ext] : $ext; } function getFilenameWithoutID() { $filenameParts = explode('~',$this->Filename); $filename = array_pop($filenameParts); return $filename; } /** * Returns the Description field with HTML
tags added when there is a line break * @return string Description */ function getDescriptionWithLineBreak() { return nl2br($this->getField('Description')); } function getCMSFields() { //include JS to handling showing and hiding of bottom "action" tabs Requirements::javascript(DMS_DIR.'/javascript/DMSDocumentCMSFields.js'); Requirements::css(DMS_DIR.'/css/DMSDocumentCMSFields.css'); $fields = new FieldList(); //don't use the automatic scaffolding, it is slow and unnecessary here $extraTasks = ''; //additional text to inject into the list of tasks at the bottom of a DMSDocument CMSfield $extraFields = FormField::create('Empty'); //get list of shortcode page relations $relationFinder = new ShortCodeRelationFinder(); $relationList = $relationFinder->getList($this->ID); $fieldsTop = $this->getFieldsForFile($relationList->count()); $fields->add($fieldsTop); $fields->add(new TextField('Title','Title')); $fields->add(new TextareaField('Description','Description')); //create upload field to replace document $uploadField = new DMSUploadField('ReplaceFile', 'Replace file'); $uploadField->setConfig('allowedMaxFileNumber', 1); $uploadField->setConfig('downloadTemplateName', 'ss-dmsuploadfield-downloadtemplate'); $uploadField->setRecord($this); $gridFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponents( new GridFieldToolbarHeader(), new GridFieldSortableHeader(), new GridFieldDataColumns(), new GridFieldPaginator(30), //new GridFieldEditButton(), new GridFieldDetailForm() ); $gridFieldConfig->getComponentByType('GridFieldDataColumns') ->setDisplayFields(array( 'Title'=>'Title', 'ClassName'=>'Page Type', 'ID'=>'Page ID' )) ->setFieldFormatting(array( 'Title'=>sprintf( '$Title', singleton('CMSPageEditController')->Link('show') ) )); $pagesGrid = GridField::create( 'Pages', _t('DMSDocument.RelatedPages', 'Related Pages'), $this->Pages(), $gridFieldConfig ); $referencesGrid = GridField::create( 'References', _t('DMSDocument.RelatedReferences', 'Related References'), $relationList, $gridFieldConfig ); if (DMSDocument_versions::$enable_versions) { $versionsGridFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponents( new GridFieldToolbarHeader(), new GridFieldSortableHeader(), new GridFieldDataColumns(), new GridFieldPaginator(30) ); $versionsGridFieldConfig->getComponentByType('GridFieldDataColumns')->setDisplayFields(Config::inst()->get('DMSDocument_versions', 'display_fields')) ->setFieldCasting(array('LastChanged'=>"Datetime->Ago")) ->setFieldFormatting(array('FilenameWithoutID'=>'$FilenameWithoutID')); $versionsGrid = GridField::create( 'Versions', _t('DMSDocument.Versions', 'Versions'), $this->getVersions(), $versionsGridFieldConfig ); $extraTasks .= '
  • Versions
  • '; $extraFields = $versionsGrid->addExtraClass('find-versions'); } $fields->add(new LiteralField('BottomTaskSelection', '
    ')); $embargoValue = 'None'; if ($this->EmbargoedIndefinitely) $embargoValue = 'Indefinitely'; elseif ($this->EmbargoedUntilPublished) $embargoValue = 'Published'; elseif (!empty($this->EmbargoedUntilDate)) $embargoValue = 'Date'; $embargo = new OptionsetField('Embargo','Embargo',array('None'=>'None','Published'=>'Hide document until page is published','Indefinitely'=>'Hide document indefinitely','Date'=>'Hide until set date'),$embargoValue); $embargoDatetime = DatetimeField::create('EmbargoedUntilDate',''); $embargoDatetime->getDateField()->setConfig('showcalendar', true)->setConfig('dateformat', 'dd-MM-yyyy')->setConfig('datavalueformat', 'dd-MM-yyyy'); $expiryValue = 'None'; if (!empty($this->ExpireAtDate)) $expiryValue = 'Date'; $expiry = new OptionsetField('Expiry','Expiry',array('None'=>'None','Date'=>'Set document to expire on'),$expiryValue); $expiryDatetime = DatetimeField::create('ExpireAtDate',''); $expiryDatetime->getDateField()->setConfig('showcalendar', true)->setConfig('dateformat', 'dd-MM-yyyy')->setConfig('datavalueformat', 'dd-MM-yyyy'); // This adds all the actions details into a group. // Embargo, History, etc to go in here // These are toggled on and off via the Actions Buttons above $fields->add(FieldGroup::create( FieldGroup::create( $embargo, $embargoDatetime )->addExtraClass('embargo'), FieldGroup::create( $expiry, $expiryDatetime )->addExtraClass('expiry'), $uploadField->addExtraClass('replace'), $pagesGrid->addExtraClass('find-usage'), $referencesGrid->addExtraClass('find-references'), $extraFields )->setName("ActionsPanel")->addExtraClass('dmsupload ss-uploadfield')); $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields); return $fields; } function onBeforeWrite() { parent::onBeforeWrite(); if (isset($this->Embargo)) { //set the embargo options from the OptionSetField created in the getCMSFields method //do not write after clearing the embargo (write happens automatically) $savedDate = $this->EmbargoedUntilDate; $this->clearEmbargo(false); //clear all previous settings and re-apply them on save if ($this->Embargo == 'Published') $this->embargoUntilPublished(false); if ($this->Embargo == 'Indefinitely') $this->embargoIndefinitely(false); if ($this->Embargo == 'Date') $this->embargoUntilDate($savedDate, false); } if (isset($this->Expiry)) { if ($this->Expiry == 'Date') $this->expireAtDate($this->ExpireAtDate, false); else $this->clearExpiry(false); //clear all previous settings } } /** * Return the relative URL of an icon for the file type, * based on the {@link appCategory()} value. * Images are searched for in "dms/images/app_icons/". * * @return String */ function Icon($ext) { if(!Director::fileExists(DMS_DIR."/images/app_icons/{$ext}_32.png")) { $ext = File::get_app_category($ext); } if(!Director::fileExists(DMS_DIR."/images/app_icons/{$ext}_32.png")) { $ext = "generic"; } return DMS_DIR."/images/app_icons/{$ext}_32.png"; } /** * Return the extension of the file associated with the document */ function getExtension() { return strtolower(pathinfo($this->Filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); } function getSize() { $size = $this->getAbsoluteSize(); return ($size) ? File::format_size($size) : false; } /** * Return the size of the file associated with the document */ function getAbsoluteSize() { return file_exists($this->getFullPath()) ? filesize($this->getFullPath()) : null; } /** * An alias to DMSDocument::getSize() */ function getFileSizeFormatted(){ return $this->getSize(); } /** * @return FieldList */ protected function getFieldsForFile($relationListCount) { $extension = $this->getExtension(); $previewField = new LiteralField("ImageFull", "{$this->Title}\n" ); //count the number of pages this document is published on $publishedOnCount = $this->Pages()->Count(); $publishedOnValue = "$publishedOnCount pages"; if ($publishedOnCount == 1) $publishedOnValue = "$publishedOnCount page"; $relationListCountValue = "$relationListCount pages"; if ($relationListCount == 1) $relationListCountValue = "$relationListCount page"; $fields = new FieldGroup( $filePreview = CompositeField::create( CompositeField::create( $previewField )->setName("FilePreviewImage")->addExtraClass('cms-file-info-preview'), CompositeField::create( CompositeField::create( new ReadonlyField("ID", "ID number". ':', $this->ID), new ReadonlyField("FileType", _t('AssetTableField.TYPE','File type') . ':', self::get_file_type($extension)), new ReadonlyField("Size", _t('AssetTableField.SIZE','File size') . ':', $this->getFileSizeFormatted()), $urlField = new ReadonlyField('ClickableURL', _t('AssetTableField.URL','URL'), sprintf('%s', $this->getLink(), $this->getLink()) ), new ReadonlyField("FilenameWithoutIDField", "Filename". ':', $this->getFilenameWithoutID()), new DateField_Disabled("Created", _t('AssetTableField.CREATED','First uploaded') . ':', $this->Created), new DateField_Disabled("LastEdited", _t('AssetTableField.LASTEDIT','Last changed') . ':', $this->LastEdited), new DateField_Disabled("LastChanged", _t('AssetTableField.LASTCHANGED','Last replaced') . ':', $this->LastChanged), new ReadonlyField("PublishedOn", "Published on". ':', $publishedOnValue), new ReadonlyField("ReferencedOn", "Referenced on". ':', $relationListCountValue), new ReadonlyField("ViewCount", "View count". ':', $this->ViewCount) ) )->setName("FilePreviewData")->addExtraClass('cms-file-info-data') )->setName("FilePreview")->addExtraClass('cms-file-info') ); $fields->setName('FileP'); $urlField->dontEscape = true; return $fields; } /** * Takes a file and adds it to the DMSDocument storage, replacing the current file. * @param $file File to ingest */ function ingestFile($file) { $this->replaceDocument($file); $file->delete(); } } class DMSDocument_Controller extends Controller { static $testMode = false; //mode to switch for testing. Does not return document download, just document URL static $allowed_actions = array( 'index' ); /** * Returns the document object from the request object's ID parameter. * Returns null, if no document found */ protected function getDocumentFromID($request) { $doc = null; $id = Convert::raw2sql($request->param('ID')); if (strpos($id, 'version') === 0) { //versioned document $id = str_replace('version','',$id); $doc = DataObject::get_by_id('DMSDocument_versions', $id); $this->extend('updateVersionFromID', $doc, $request); } else { //normal document $doc = DataObject::get_by_id('DMSDocument', $id); $this->extend('updateDocumentFromID', $doc, $request); } return $doc; } /** * Access the file download without redirecting user, so we can block direct access to documents. */ function index(SS_HTTPRequest $request) { $doc = $this->getDocumentFromID($request); if (!empty($doc)) { $canView = false; //Runs through all pages that this page links to and sets canView to true if the user can view ONE of these pages if (method_exists($doc, 'Pages')) { $pages = $doc->Pages(); if ($pages->Count() > 0) { foreach($pages as $page) { if ($page->CanView()) { $canView = true; //just one canView is enough to know that we can view the file break; } } } else { //if the document isn't on any page, then allow viewing of the document (because there is no canView() to consult) $canView = true; } } // check for embargo or expiry if ($doc->isHidden()) $canView = false; //admins can always download any document, even if otherwise hidden $member = Member::currentUser(); if ($member && Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN')) $canView = true; if ($canView) { $path = $doc->getFullPath(); if ( is_file($path) ) { $fileBin = trim(`whereis file`); if ( function_exists('finfo_file') ) { // discover the mime type properly $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $path); } else if ( is_executable($fileBin) ) { // try to use the system tool $mime = `$fileBin -i -b $path`; $mime = explode(';', $mime); $mime = trim($mime[0]); } else { // make do with what we have $ext = $doc->getExtension(); if ( $ext =='pdf') { $mime = 'application/pdf'; }elseif ($ext == 'html' || $ext =='htm') { $mime = 'text/html'; }else { $mime = 'application/octet-stream'; } } if (self::$testMode) return $path; //if a DMSDocument can be downloaded and all the permissions/privileges has passed, //its ViewCount should be increased by 1 just before the browser sending the file to front. $doc->trackView(); header('Content-Type: ' . $mime); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path), null); if (!empty($mime) && $mime != "text/html") header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$doc->getFilenameWithoutID().'"'); header('Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Pragma: cache'); header('Cache-Control: private'); flush(); readfile($path); exit; } } } if (self::$testMode) return 'This asset does not exist.'; $this->httpError(404, 'This asset does not exist.'); } /** * Handles dms_document_link shortcode * @return string */ public static function dms_link_shortcode_handler($arguments, $content = null, $parser = null) { $linkText = null; if (!empty($arguments['id'])) { $document = DMSDocument::get()->filter(array('ID' => $arguments['id']))->First(); if ($document && !$document->isHidden()) { if (!empty($content)) { $linkText = sprintf('%s', $document->Link(), $parser->parse($content)); } else { $linkText = $document->Link(); } } } if (empty($linkText)) { $errorPage = ErrorPage::get()->filter(array('ErrorCode' => '404'))->First(); if ($errorPage) { $linkText = $errorPage->Link(); } } return $linkText; } }