* $action = new GridFieldDeleteAction(); // delete objects permanently * * * @package dms * @subpackage cms */ class DMSGridFieldDeleteAction extends GridFieldDeleteAction implements GridField_ColumnProvider, GridField_ActionProvider { /** * * @param GridField $gridField * @param DataObject $record * @param string $columnName * @return string - the HTML for the column */ public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName) { if($this->removeRelation) { $field = GridField_FormAction::create($gridField, 'UnlinkRelation'.$record->ID, false, "unlinkrelation", array('RecordID' => $record->ID)) ->addExtraClass('gridfield-button-unlink') ->setAttribute('title', _t('GridAction.UnlinkRelation', "Unlink")) ->setAttribute('data-icon', 'chain--minus'); } else { if(!$record->canDelete()) { return; } $field = GridField_FormAction::create($gridField, 'DeleteRecord'.$record->ID, false, "deleterecord", array('RecordID' => $record->ID)) ->addExtraClass('gridfield-button-delete') ->setAttribute('title', _t('GridAction.Delete', "Delete")) ->setAttribute('data-icon', 'cross-circle') ->setDescription(_t('GridAction.DELETE_DESCRIPTION','Delete')); } //add a class to the field to if it is the last gridfield in the list $numberOfRelations = $record->Pages()->Count(); $field->addExtraClass('dms-delete') //add a new class for custom JS to handle the delete action ->setAttribute('data-pages-count', $numberOfRelations) //add the number of pages attached to this field as a data-attribute ->removeExtraClass('gridfield-button-delete'); //remove the base gridfield behaviour //set a class telling JS what kind of warning to display when clicking the delete button if ($numberOfRelations > 1) $field->addExtraClass('dms-delete-link-only'); else $field->addExtraClasS('dms-delete-last-warning'); return $field->Field(); } /** * Handle the actions and apply any changes to the GridField * * @param GridField $gridField * @param string $actionName * @param mixed $arguments * @param array $data - form data * @return void */ public function handleAction(GridField $gridField, $actionName, $arguments, $data) { if($actionName == 'deleterecord' || $actionName == 'unlinkrelation') { $item = $gridField->getList()->byID($arguments['RecordID']); if(!$item) { return; } if($actionName == 'deleterecord' && !$item->canDelete()) { throw new ValidationException(_t('GridFieldAction_Delete.DeletePermissionsFailure',"No delete permissions"),0); } $delete = false; if ($item->Pages()->Count() <= 1) $delete = true; $gridField->getList()->remove($item); //remove the relation if ($delete) $item->delete(); //delete the DMSDocument } } }