"Text", "Folder" => "Text" ); /** * Associates this document with a Page. This method does nothing if the association already exists. * This could be a simple wrapper around $myDoc->Pages()->add($myPage) to add a has_many relation * @param $pageObject Page object to associate this Document with * @return null */ function addPage($pageObject) { // TODO: Implement addPage() method. } /** * Removes the association between this Document and a Page. This method does nothing if the association does not exist. * @param $pageObject Page object to remove the association to * @return mixed */ function removePage($pageObject) { // TODO: Implement removePage() method. } /** * Returns a list of the Page objects associated with this Document * @return DataList */ function getPages() { // TODO: Implement getPages() method. } /** * Adds a metadata tag to the Document. The tag has a category and a value. * Each category can have multiple values by default. So: addTag("fruit","banana") addTag("fruit", "apple") will add two items. * However, if the third parameter $multiValue is set to 'false', then all updates to a category only ever update a single value. So: * addTag("fruit","banana") addTag("fruit", "apple") would result in a single metadata tag: fruit->apple. * Can could be implemented as a key/value store table (although it is more like category/value, because the * same category can occur multiple times) * @param $category String of a metadata category to add (required) * @param $value String of a metadata value to add (required) * @param bool $multiValue Boolean that determines if the category is multi-value or single-value (optional) * @return null */ function addTag($category, $value, $multiValue = true) { // TODO: Implement addTag() method. } /** * Quick way to add multiple tags to a Document. This takes a multidimensional array of category/value pairs. * The array should look like this: * $twoDimensionalArray = new array( * array('fruit','banana'), * array('fruit','apple') * ); * @param $twoDimensionalArray array containing a list of arrays * @param bool $multiValue Boolean that determines if the category is multi-value or single-value (optional) * @return null */ function addTags($twoDimensionalArray, $multiValue = true) { // TODO: Implement addTags() method. } /** * Removes a tag from the Document. If you only set a category, then all values in that category are deleted. * If you specify both a category and a value, then only that single category/value pair is deleted. * Nothing happens if the category or the value do not exist. * @param $category Category to remove (required) * @param null $value Value to remove (optional) * @return null */ function removeTag($category, $value = null) { // TODO: Implement removeTag() method. } /** * Deletes all tags associated with this Document. * @return null */ function removeAllTags() { // TODO: Implement removeAllTags() method. } /** * Returns a multi-dimensional array containing all Tags associated with this Document. The array has the * following structure: * $twoDimensionalArray = new array( * array('fruit','banana'), * array('fruit','apple') * ); * @return array Multi-dimensional array of tags */ function getAllTags() { // TODO: Implement getAllTags() method. } /** * Returns a link to download this document from the DMS store * @return String */ function downloadLink() { // TODO: Implement downloadLink() method. } /** * Hides the document, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called * (without specifying the $showEmbargoed = true parameter). This is similar to expire, except that this method * should be used to hide documents that have not yet gone live. * @return null */ function embargo() { // TODO: Implement embargo() method. } /** * Returns if this is Document is embargoed. * @return bool True or False depending on whether this document is embargoed */ function isEmbargoed() { // TODO: Implement isEmbargoed() method. } /** * Hides the document, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called. Automatically un-hides the * Document at a specific date. * @param $datetime String date time value when this Document should expire * @return null */ function embargoUntilDate($datetime) { // TODO: Implement embargoUntilDate() method. } /** * Clears any previously set embargos, so the Document always shows up in all queries. * @return null */ function clearEmbargo() { // TODO: Implement clearEmbargo() method. } /** * Hides the document, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called. * (without specifying the $showEmbargoed = true parameter). This is similar to embargo, except that it should be * used to hide documents that are no longer useful. * @return null */ function expire() { // TODO: Implement expire() method. } /** * Returns if this is Document is expired. * @return bool True or False depending on whether this document is expired */ function isExpired() { // TODO: Implement isExpired() method. } /** * Hides the document at a specific date, so it does not show up when getByPage($myPage) is called. * @param $datetime String date time value when this Document should expire * @return null */ function expireAtDate($datetime) { // TODO: Implement expireAtDate() method. } /** * Clears any previously set expiry. * @return null */ function clearExpiry() { // TODO: Implement clearExpiry() method. } /** * Returns a DataList of all previous Versions of this document (check the LastEdited date of each * object to find the correct one) * @return DataList List of Document objects */ function getVersions() { // TODO: Implement getVersions() method. } /** * Returns the full filename of the document stored in this object * @return string */ function getFullPath() { return DMS::$dmsPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->Folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->Filename; } }