SilverStripe\CMS\Model\SiteTree: s1: Title: testPage1 has document sets URLSegment: s1 s2: Title: testPage2 a document set URLSegment: s2 s3: Title: testPage3 has document sets with embargoed docs URLSegment: s3 s4: Title: testPage4 has no sets URLSegment: s4 s5: Title: testPage5 has no sets URLSegment: s5 s6: Title: testPage6 has no sets URLSegment: s6 s7: Title: testPage7 has documents embargoed until publish URLSegment: s7 s8: Title: testPage8 URLSegment: s8 s9: Title: testPage9 URLSegment: s9 Group: content-author: Code: content-author Title: "Content Author" cable-guy: Code: cable-guy Title: "Cable Guy" SilverStripe\Security\Member: editor: Name: editor Groups: =>Group.content-author non-editor: Name: cable-guy Groups: =>Group.cable-guy DMSDocumentSet: ds1: Title: Document Set 1 Page: =>SiteTree.s1 ds2: Title: Document Set 2 Page: =>SiteTree.s1 ds3: Title: Document Set 3 Page: =>SiteTree.s2 ds4: Title: Set containing embargoed documents Page: =>SiteTree.s3 ds5: Title: Set containing embargoed until publish documents Page: =>SiteTree.s7 ds6: Title: Test Set 6 Page: =>SiteTree.s8 dsSaveLinkedDocuments: Title: Test Set 6 Page: =>SiteTree.s9 unlinked_set: Title: Document Set not linked DMSDocument: d1: Filename: test-file-file-doesnt-exist-1 Folder: 5 Sets: =>DMSDocumentSet.ds1, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds2, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds3, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds4 d2: Filename: test-file-file-doesnt-exist-2 Folder: 5 Title: File That Doesn't Exist (Title) Sets: =>DMSDocumentSet.ds1, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds2, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds3, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds4 document_with_relations: Filename: file-with-relations Folder: 5 RelatedDocuments: =>DMSDocument.d1, =>DMSDocument.d2 doc-logged-in-users: FileName: doc-logged-in-users CanViewType: LoggedInUsers CanEditType: LoggedInUsers Folder: 5 Sets: =>DMSDocumentSet.ds1, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds2, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds3, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds4 doc-anyone: FileName: doc-anyone CanViewType: Anyone Folder: 5 Sets: =>DMSDocumentSet.ds1, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds2, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds3, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds4 doc-only-these-users: FileName: doc-only-these-users CanViewType: OnlyTheseUsers CanEditType: OnlyTheseUsers Folder: 5 Sets: =>DMSDocumentSet.ds1, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds2, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds3, =>DMSDocumentSet.ds4 ViewerGroups: =>Group.content-author EditorGroups: =>Group.content-author embargoed_document1: Filename: foobar EmbargoedIndefinitely: true Folder: 5 Sets: =>DMSDocumentSet.ds4 embargo_until_publish1: Filename: embargo-until-publish1 EmbargoUntilPublish: true Folder: 5 Sets: =>DMSDocumentSet.ds5 embargo_until_publish2: Filename: embargo-until-publish2 EmbargoUntilPublish: true Folder: 5 Sets: =>DMSDocumentSet.ds5 extraDoc1: Filename: extradoc1 Folder: 5 Sets: =>DMSDocumentSet.ds6 ManuallyAdded: 1 CreatedByID: 2 extraDoc2: Filename: extradoc2 Folder: 5 CreatedByID: 2 ManuallyAdded: 0 extraDoc3: Filename: extradoc3 Folder: 5 ManuallyAdded: 0 CreatedByID: 2 docSaveLinkedDocuments1: Filename: saveLinkedDocument1 Folder: 5 Sets: =>DMSDocumentSet.dsSaveLinkedDocuments